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Press Release: Attorney General Labrador Leads 27 States Encouraging SCOTUS Overturn Gun and Magazine Ban in Illinois

By • March 15, 2024

The following press release was sent out by the Office of Attorney General Raúl Labrador. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

BOISE – Attorneys General Raúl Labrador of Idaho and Todd Rokita of Indiana led 26 other states in filing a brief with the United States Supreme Court challenging Illinois’ unconstitutional ban of AR-15 rifles and their standard 30-round magazines.

“This ruling from the Seventh Circuit flies in the face of the Bruen decision and the Second Amendment’s unqualified command,” said Attorney General Labrador. “To restrict an inanimate object based on nothing more than cosmetic appearance is absurd, and the Supreme Court needs to make this right with all expediency.”

The Seventh Circuit’s decision in Barnett v. Raoul found the Illinois gun ban constitutional, holding that the plain language of the Second Amendment and the term “Arms” does not apply to AR-15s because of their militaristic appearance. The Seventh Circuit’s decision lacks any textual or historical basis. In fact, the arms the Second Amendment originally protected were those used in military combat. The Seventh Circuit’s analysis bears no resemblance to the analysis prescribed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

The brief asks the Supreme Court to grant certiorari and correct the Seventh Circuit’s erroneous decision, arguing that,

“[e]ven apart from having no basis in the text of the Second Amendment, the Seventh Circuit’s artificial divide between “militaristic” firearms and firearms used for self-defense is indefensible.”

This brief was also joined by Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, and the State Legislatures of Arizona and Wisconsin.


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Tags: 30-round magazines, AR-15 Rifles, Attorney General, Barnett v. Raoul, Firearms, Guns, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, militaristic appearance, Raul Labrador, SCOTUS, Seventh Circuit Court, Todd Rokita, United States Supreme Court

8 thoughts on “Press Release: Attorney General Labrador Leads 27 States Encouraging SCOTUS Overturn Gun and Magazine Ban in Illinois

  1. God bless AG Labrador for standing up to those who are in open rebellion against God and the governing authority of this nation, the United States Constitution. If we do not stand against these draconian laws passed by political despots in other states, then they will eventually attack our God-given rights here in Idaho. We need to hold the line and take back the rights taken away in other states under Marxist oppression. Another man cannot take away a right God gave you upon your conception. Do not suffer the arrogance of liberal, godless politicians who are open rebellion against our Creator. An unjust law is no law at all.

    “When the state commands that which God forbids, or forbids that which god commands, we are to obey God rather than man.”
    -Matthew J Trewhella The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates A Proper resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government

    1. God bless a Sheriff who is not afraid to stand on the side of truth like AG Labrador. I’m personally so grateful got both of you. Thank you!

    2. Sheriff Kendrick nailed that one. All guns are legal u set the 2A. We need our rights restored.

    3. We’ll written Sheriff Kendrick. We need more Sheriffs like you in the counties across this country, who defend the rule of law and not the satanic globalists, who the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will crush when he returns to this earth to set up his millennial kingdom. God Bless you!

  2. Owyhee County is so blessed to have a Constitutional Sheriff like Larry Kendrick. We are cheering for you Idaho! Keep standing up for that most important 2nd Amendment, which is there to protect the other Amendments!
    A great Cloud of Witnesses is watching …
    Randy M – writing from a Red County in the Blue State of Commiefornia.

  3. We the People plus Constitutional Sheriffs like Larry Kendrick and AGs like Raúl Labrador are all we have to stand between us and tyranny! As you vote for Sheriffs in the primary election this year (May 21!), be sure to ask if they are and always will be Constitutional Sheriffs.

    A team is also using the Trewhella Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates ( to ask County Commissioners to advise against mandating Covid jabs (

  4. Perfect Sheriff Kendrick! Any chance that you and other likeminded Sheriffs could demonstrate to say Ada Counties Sheriff or so many other Sheriffs in Idaho what a “Constitutional Sheriff” is?

    Maybe a backyard barbecue with a little arm wrestling and head banging until they get some sense knocked into them of what “King of the County” protecting his People actually is intended to be?

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