Op-Ed: People of color ROAST city councilwoman Lisa Sanchez at town hall
By Anonymous • July 12, 2020City Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez, who has been under fire recently for several abrasive public comments, which some say are overtly racist, shocked viewers and attendees alike at the town hall hosted by “Inclusive Idaho” on Friday.
Inclusive Idaho is a new group of mostly BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color), allies and members of the Black Lives Matter movement. In attendance was Mayor Lauren McLean, Boise City Council members Holli Woodings, Elaine Clegg and Lisa Sanchez, as well as Boise Police Chief Ryan Lee and Deputy Chief Ron Winegar. Speakers discussed policing and community resources, such as access to mental health.
We already know that Lisa Sanchez routinely notes that she is the only person of color on the Boise City Council. She constantly reminds everyone how important she is and claims she is the only voice for people of color.
Sanchez’s comments on Friday evening show the truth: that she demeans and talks down to every group of people, no matter the color of their skin. As an answer to nearly every question, Sanchez centered everything around herself, how much a victim she is, and how hard it is to be her. Her social media pages show that she thrives on receiving pity and apologies from white people for their privilege.
While inserting several comments about her victimhood in several “spaces” throughout her life at the town hall, Councilwoman Sanchez:
- Told the crowd of BIPOC that their confusion with different governmental entities is due to their lack of education.
- Told the crowd of BIPOC that it is “boring” to “learn this stuff,” but it wouldn’t be so hard for them “if our education system was better.”
- Said, “The Idaho Legislature has a lot of power and they’re scary.”
- Claimed the Idaho State Legislature has created “hateful” legislation.
- Told the Police Chief and Deputy Chief that she is afraid and does not feel safe.
- Said the city council has not given her a “warm welcome” and she is “not included.”
- Said she has no training.
- She said she “does not know how that’s done,” regarding questions of how to provide funding for community needs like mental health resources.
Two speakers chided Sanchez for her comments. One BIPOC speaker said, “Sanchez, you said that you were committed to learning, and I think we are all committed to learning. But I don’t want you committed to learn. There are people who are not learning. There are people who get this. And I really welcome you to make space for them because this is not a time where we have the luxury of waiting to learn and waiting for the luxury of the capacity to learn.”
Even more disturbing was a Q&A exchange between Sanchez and a black student at BSU. The young man discussed the concept of “defunding police,” and suggested taking money from police and using them for categories which have low funding, such as education. Sanchez responded by condescendingly telling the young man that he is uneducated in civics. She patronized the crowd and said:
“It is boring, you guys. It’s boring to learn this stuff, but it’s how you get this change happening. Us coming together, this is wonderful, but the education we talked about, we are last in education. It means that our students don’t know civics. They don’t know how our community is run: the specifics about how legislation works, how budgets work. And that’s what we need.”
The man responded, appropriately, “Let me make sure I understood you, I need to make sure I wasn’t trippin’… The way it came off by saying we didn’t understand… that represented the lack of education we have, that was the counter to me asking for more money to help the education.”
Lisa Sanchez does not represent people of color. She doesn’t represent the citizens of Boise. She is consistently racist and self-serving. It’s time for a change in the Boise City Council.
Note: We received a message from Black Lives Matter – Boise who said that they do not have any affiliation with the group “Inclusive Idaho” which put on this particular event.
This op-ed was submitted by an individual who wished to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions with the work.
Tags: BIPOC, Boise, Lauren McLean, Lisa Sanchez, Racist
14 thoughts on “Op-Ed: People of color ROAST city councilwoman Lisa Sanchez at town hall”
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The mayor is a communist and supports the Marxist organization of Black Lifes Matter. It’s obvious that she releases police intelligence information to this organization. They have only the the destruction of America in mind and she supports it.
She shouldn’t be releasing any police intelligence to anyone that isn’t city or state government entities. If she does that’s a violation of her oath to office. She comes from Portland a city full of liberals. Its a shame that they are all about destroying our state and country.
The people of Boise need to grow some stones and get rid of all the commie libs in their local and state governments!!!
I couldn’t agree more. Too many liberals are filtering into our government up here and need to be out. The only way I would have them in there is if they can learn to work with others, and realize its not only about them. Its about everyone who lives here and in this country.
This is Idaho!!
We don’t need or want any outsiders in our government! Not do we want racists, communists or Marxists!!
All of you that are backing this agenda need to Get Out of OUR STATE!
Did you not read the sign when you came across the border??
This article is so true that it’s scary. You’ve pegged her completely!
If you truly don’t understand how government works, I mean truly works, then you shouldn’t be in office or any position in the government. Defunding the police would definitely hurt our lands this state, put more people in danger. Police are to help keep peace here. Not all law enforcement officers are bad. Some are but most aren’t. We need police help keep our neighborhoods safe. Without law enforcement, it allows criminals to act therefore making us “we the people” to act. I would rather not have to do that, but I will, if we get rid of police officers or sheriffs.
Who voted for her and why?
Let’s get both of these women out! Make sure to follow the recall efforts and remember to VOTE to get these horrible people out of positions of power in Boise!
recall and remove her..she belongs in Kalifornia
We see what people like this do to a city, state, and culture. It is happening big time in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and other places. This is one reason we resent the flood of people moving here, for whatever reason. Too many of them are dragging their garbage in with them.
But it will not happen in rural Idaho. We love our state and our ancestry, and we will resist any alien attempts to destroy them.
It wont happen in rural Idaho? Ok lol