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Op-Ed: Why I Support Tyler Ricks for Meridian Library Trustee

By • May 14, 2021

If there is anybody who could testify to the enthusiasm Tyler Ricks has for libraries, it would be me. I have had the pleasure of being friends with Tyler Ricks since the first grade and the last 16 years to follow. Tyler Ricks is an extraordinary candidate who is well-informed and professional.

Tyler Ricks has an incredible thirst for knowledge and that is what libraries are truly about. I cannot begin to count the thousands of hours that Tyler Ricks has spent in libraries, which gives him a unique understanding and passion for the Meridian Library District. Outside of school and in continuing life, I know Tyler to be a frequent visitor of Meridian Libraries who has an advanced understanding of a Trustee’s purpose and capacity. He possesses the necessary budgetary, management, and leadership skills to serve this office well. He additionally has garnered the support of the Ada County GOP and many Republican elected officials.

Tyler Ricks will have my vote on May 18th for Meridian Library Trustee and I hope others will join me in supporting our strongest advocate for Meridian libraries.

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Tags: Ada County GOP, Election, Meridian Library, Republican, Tyler Ricks

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