Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: The Case for Recalling Lisa Sanchez

By • August 28, 2020

There can be many reasons for the voters to consider the removal from office using the recall process of a public official that at times can be hard to explain to the public. These reasons can be centered around complicated policy issues, or these reasons may be triggered by corruption, illegality, which can be challenging to litigate. In the case of Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez, the need to remove her from office is not complicated. It is a simple question before you whether or not you believe the city is being well served by having an overt racist within its ranks.

This is not based on a theory perpetuated by her official actions; nor is the proof obtained by her making vague comments left for interpretation. The evidence is her own words voluntarily shared on social media. No attempt was made to hide her sincere hatred towards people based solely on the color of their skin.

Here is a direct quote from Lisa Sanchez obtained from her official Facebook Boise city Council page,

To the parents (if they exist) of the white man, Michael D. Wallace,

I want to congratulate you on successfully having your son arrested, safely taken into custody by the Boise Police Department, and having him successfully bonded out of jail and home safe (not so sure about sound). You and your son won the race lottery!

Many Black and Brown families do not enjoy the same experience. First, there is no way that a group of Black or Brown young people would be allowed to do what we all saw white youth doing in downtown Boise during and after the peaceful, MOURNFUL vigil. Groups of Black and Brown youth are given a name whether it is true or not–gangs. They are called gangs.

Your white child and the gun wielding white youth are described as simply exercising their 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. Again, their whiteness allows this to go unchallenged, while Black and Brown people are subjected to harsh consequences and even killed for much less. Brown and Black parents would NEVER allow their children to do what your son did and thise other white youth did. We have too much reverence for the dead and the mourning to allow foolishness. In my Black, Mexican American Texas mother’s house, her rules for human decency superseded the rights of the land. She would have sat on me to keep me in the house before she allowed one of her children to visit hate and fear upon other people.

Michael didn’t accidentally bring a loaded gun that was easily discharged in a public place. He did that on purpose and he did it knowing that he could. He tested the boundaries of his white supremacy and privilege, and now he knows what his community will allow him to do–live through the night when he was the one who could have killed innocent people.


Lisa Sánchez

Brown woman who chose not to have children for fear of their abuse and murder by white people. (Lisa Sánchez, 2020, June 4th).

To add more clarity to the situation, the man who illegally discharged a weapon was charged in accordance with existing law the same as anyone else would have. There is zero evidence he was treated any differently than any other citizen would be in that circumstance.

Anyone in a public position in Idaho who made this same comment about any other race or gender should be removed from their job. Sanchez has made no apology for her comments and has attempted to justify them in recent interviews.

Here is another comment from her official Facebook page on the subject:

[…] in a state dominated by white people, white people open carrying seems like overkill. I don’t get it. (Lisa Sánchez, 2020, July 1st).

In Sánchez’s world, it seems that race is the only thing that defines people. Whatever her life experiences have been to cultivate such hatred in her heart for those who do not share her skin color, it does not give her a pass as a public official. This latest social media comment also paints a dark picture of how she sees the citizens of Idaho. This is not the Idaho we all know and love. This petition is being levied on the principle that Idaho is too great for hate and that overt racism is not acceptable. The Councilwoman has shown extreme prejudice against people by judging them solely on the color of their skin. The city of Boise needs to continue to strive to be a place where all people can feel welcome and accepted. We should not accept anyone in public office that seeks to divide by stoking the flames of racial division.

We are having an amazing response to the recall efforts and many people are signing, circulating. Business’ are allowing gatherers to set up tables! More and more each day- so no -the covid issue has not deterred us!

Footnote: She did not stand for the Pledge at Council Meeting- that is really something!

Lynn Bradescu is an organizer for the recall of Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and City Councilmember Lisa Sanchez

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Tags: Boise, Idaho, Lauren McLean, Lisa Sanchez, Lynn Bradescu, Recall

4 thoughts on “Op-Ed: The Case for Recalling Lisa Sanchez

  1. With an attitude as such, how was she elected to become a councilwomen. She says Brown and Black parents would not allow their children to do as the white kid did. I think not. It just happened to be a white kid, who had no business even showing up with a gun.
    And yes he should be arrested and charged. And gangs come in all colors. Yes I think she should be recalled.

  2. I was there the night of discharge on the weapon. I saw with clear eye what happened with said individual. I specially was watching him another.

  3. “Lynn Bradescu is an organizer for the recall of Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and City Councilmember Lisa Sanchez“ … maybe put this under the photo of Lynn Bradescu because I was confused. Or put a picture of Lisa Sanchez at the top.

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