Op-Ed: The 2022 Political Campaign Season the Worst Yet
By Christy Zito • May 17, 2022The following Op-Ed was submitted by Christy Zito. Note: Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Tonight is a little bittersweet for me. I loved being in the legislature for the past six years.
I could serve the people of this state forever. However, I do not believe that is how this beautiful republic of ours is supposed to work. I will continue to serve the people of Idaho on the “outside” and look forward to doing so for years to come.
Upon her retirement, Rep Maxine Bell, who served for many years in the Idaho capitol, told me the only mistake she made was she stayed too long. She retired just before he husband passed away.
I had promised three terms, and I kept that promise.
Tonight I want to express gratitude to those who are counting the minute, who will not sleep tonight, who will be waiting in earnest anticipation of the election results tomorrow.
My friends have worked so hard and run clean campaigns. They should be congratulated and held in the highest esteem for that.
This election cycle has been so dirty. The lies and deception have been heartbreaking. Those who cannot win on policy have lowered the bar so low they give Washington D.C. politics a run for their money. It’s sad that these candidates, some who may win their races, are asking for our trust based on lies and dirty politics.
To my friends who have campaigned hard and done so honorably, you are already winners. You have kept your integrity. When you face God, I am confident he will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
To those who engaged in the politics of filth, directly or not, using your own campaign or a Political Action Committee, your hands are not clean. As my aunt Marcetta would say, “Shame on you!”
Candidates who have taken the dirty political road, you have lost your soul.
Tags: Christy Zito, Dirty Politics
23 thoughts on “Op-Ed: The 2022 Political Campaign Season the Worst Yet”
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Thank you Christy! You are a true lover of this state and country, good job! We need more like you who put the people first! Love ya!
You are a true patriot for this great state and our country and I personally thank you for your unwavering commitment to promote election integrity and calling out the “Rino’s” that have tried to ruin Idaho. God bless you and your family and you will truly be missed.
Idaho is lucky to have you and Hammett definitely loves you . Have a wonderful retirement but I don’t see you slowing down ❤️
So many went dirty. The machine is a cornered dog.
Dirty politics (lies, smears and DisMis Information) only work when an uniformed electorate believe the BS. We had one of the finest slate of candidates for state higher office I have ever seen, and only Labrador was successful. WTH Idahoans!
Sad to see you go, you’ve done so many great things while in office, but I look forward to seeing you in your next endeavors!
Proud to have met uou and had you as my Idaho representative & Senator.
Rip Idaho. It was good while it lasted. This sucks.
Christy you can come visit now. Sad day for Idaho though.
I was disgusted to see the dirty politics and sore losers. Idaho is better than this! Anyone stooping to this level is not worthy of the position they seek.
And yet, across the board and across the country, the people are electing and re-electing the lying, cheating, power hungry, tools of the corporate world. Across party lines most politicians will take any graft and follow instructions given by those non-constituents.
I have to wonder if they really won fair and square though. Election fraud is too easy, as Stalin pointed out; it’s not who get’s the most votes, but who COUNTS the votes. If one side is dirty enough to do the things being done today – in our faces – they aren’t above making sure the votes are counted in their favor. They lie to our faces, and know they’re lying, without shame, are caught and deny it, again without shame, so I don’t see how they’re above tampering with votes. Conservatives are always way too optimistic and trusting.
Most people apparently don’t realize that election fraud goes way back into the 1800’s. It’s nothing new, just that honest people are careful not to accuse without absolute certainty.
Christy Zito , I am so glad to see you and many of the extremists in this state loose their seat in governance, Glad to see you go, BYE! Oh by the way, Shame on you Christy, you do not stand or represent the people of Idaho.
Vawn, you are absolutely wrong! I consider Christy to be a great American and a great Idaho Citizen. She did a great job as a legislator.
You have no idea what you are talking about and are very wrong about Christy. You are obviously on the left and pushing that agenda. Christy was an exceptional and conservative legislator, supporting Idaho and the values that have made it great.
HOOAH, Christy !
The swamp in Idaho runs deep, crooked, and squirmy.
They cannot ‘win’ on facts and honesty, so resort to mud and blood.
I just got permanently banned off of FB for voicing my opinion and sharing truth.
Idaho just gave it’s self to Big Pharma, Big Tech, the WHO, and the CCP.
Oh my dear friend it is sad news to hear that our guardian angel will no longer be there to protect us from the crooked government. As I traveled for my job across the country I enjoyed talking about my representative for my county. It filled me with joy, pride, and stability. I felt safe! You’re shoes are hard to fill.
I understand why and I thank you for being BEAUTIFUL you!! Love you Christy. Enjoy retirement, but know IDAHO is loosing a good one.
Thank you for your honorable service as a legislator for the State of Idaho. You will be missed.
So sad to see you go, but sometimes is better to leave when is necessary. Thank you for your amazing job! The person taking your seat has very big shoes to fill. I hope and pray that is for the good of Idaho citizens.
Thank you for the job well done.
A sad goodbye to a fantastic freedom fighter. Idaho R.I.P.
This was a particularly slimy primary year. The Dems have been encouraged to register as GOP voters in order to select the RINOs as proxies in service to Elitist Swamp policies that they share allegiances to. The Swamp in Idaho KNOWS that freedom candidates can SWEEP elections if they don’t employ dirty tricks to stop. They use the phony GOP voter ploy that I mentioned, but that also utilized the Fake Challenger candidate ploy to stop needed change. They ran Mary Souza AGAINST Dorothy Moon….NOT Phil McGrane! They ran Debbie Critchfield AGAINST Branden Durst….NOT Sherri Ybarra! They thought Art Macomber might bleed enough votes away from Labrador, but that didn’t work. I saw too many challengers in races where Freedom candidates could have won vs RINO incumbents, of the races were not so diluted. Sure, there were legit candidates in competition, but I suspect there were also recruited spoilers employed.
In addition, I also believe that vote splicing is being used to create buffered margins in favor of RINOs and select Dem districts where GOP candidates might be able to take back. Donald Trump SHOULD have shown even more votes than he got in 2020.
Sha-na-na-na, sha-na-na-na
(Hey, hey-ey, goodbye)
Christy, thank you for all you have done. It is a pleasure to know you. Best in your future endeavors.