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OP-ED: No One Alive Today Owned Slaves

By • June 18, 2020

Slavery in America was over 200 years ago. It was a short time in our nation’s history and one that should have never happened.

Factually, most of us can trace our ancestors back to a point in time where many of them were slaves.

My grandmother was from Albania. She told stories of hiding in a cellar listening to the sound of the camel’s hooves on the streets above her head. Why was she hiding? The Turkish raiders were always on the search for young girls and boys to take as slaves.

There is a good chance that one of my paternal grandfathers was a slave to the Emperor of Constantinople.

Do the Turkish people alive today owe me anything?  No. The past is the past. I refuse, as did my ancestors, to be a victim of past transgressions.

None of the people protesting today were born when slavery existed in this country. We are fighting over an offense that no one alive today did and against those who were not alive to be offended.

The issue of oppression has been addressed by current laws and stands firm.

My family came to America to escape oppression and forced servitude. We cam here to participate in the opportunities for liberty that exist nowhere in the world other than this country.

This culture of hate and of systemic racism is fueled by self-serving opportunists.  The vast majority of all creeds and colors which have come to this great country, follow the law and live in peace in this great nation.

They raise their families, have jobs, ask for no handouts from the government, and live peacefully together.

There is simply no justification to fuel hate, division, and violence as an excuse to behave badly, loot, riot, and destroy private property. A lot of which is being done for political gain!

We should as a country always speak out against racism when it rears its ugly head. Judging anyone based on their race is unacceptable and peacefully assembling to speak out against it is something we can all support.

America is the biggest “melting pot” in the world with people of all nationalities, religions, and races living together in peace. The opportunity is there for everyone to make a great life for themselves.

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Tags: Albania, Christy Zito, Racism, Slavery

12 thoughts on “OP-ED: No One Alive Today Owned Slaves

  1. I like that your family assimilated so completely that you know side with the oppressor!

    1. Tracy, why don’t you address the specific issues which Christy Zito addresses? So far, your failure to do so makes your post content-less and petty.

    2. *that would be “now” side with the oppressor Tracy, which Christy does not. If you knew anything about Slavery and oppressors, you would know that the truth is Black’s owned the most slaves. Black chiefs sold their own people and blacks rounded up others to sell to the whites to bring to America. The Irish were far more oppressed than any blacks historically as well. You have been brainwashed by the left Tracy. Congratulations, you are now no longer a free thinker and therefore have oppressed yourself.

  2. I’ve done my genealogy back on my dads side to 1420… no one owned slaves… I’ve done my ancestry on my moms side to the early 1700s (they were Irish, and no one seems to remember irish slaves) and my moms family never owned slaves…

  3. You are foolish, If you feel history should be forgotten. And yes I had slavery in my family, I am black and have Irish ancestry also. And both sides were enslaved in this country, I am not saying I want anything for it. But it should not be forgotten, and taught so the youth know what did happen in this countries earlier years and beyond. So then I guess the Jewish community, should stop crying over Hitler and the third Reich. No they shouldn’t its history, if we don’t know it were doomed to repeat it.

    1. Yes. It is important to know and preserve history. It helps us remember that freedom is a precious gift. It has been bought and paid for with the blood of many good men and women. History is not meant to perpetuate a chronic sense of victimhood, however. When that happens, people lose their ability to be accountable for creating success in their lives. It’s called having an “internal locus of control” and is one of the most important factors in whether or not a person is happy and mentally well.

    2. Yes. It is important to know and preserve history. It helps us remember that freedom is a precious gift. It has been bought and paid for with the blood of many good men and women. History is not meant to perpetuate a chronic sense of victimhood, however. When that happens, people lose their ability to be accountable for creating success in their lives. It’s called having an “internal locus of control” and is one of the most important factors in whether or not a person is happy and mentally well.

  4. Wait a minute your the lady in office. We can get rid of you with the stroke of a pen, ballot box finalization.

  5. *that would be “now” side with the oppressor Tracy, which Christy does not. If you knew anything about Slavery and oppressors, you would know that the truth is Black’s owned the most slaves. Black chiefs sold their own people and blacks rounded up others to sell to the whites to bring to America. The Irish were far more oppressed than any blacks historically as well. You have been brainwashed by the left Tracy. Congratulations, you are now no longer a free thinker and therefore have oppressed yourself. I am only third Generation in America on all sides of my family. My Irish ancestors were oppressed.

  6. This is the height of foolishness. THE PROTESTS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SLAVERY! The issue being discussed is police brutality. Stop changing the topic and address that issue. I won’t even waste time addressing the false statements you’re making. Address the issue being discussed.

  7. I once saw Christy Zito read her entire campaign speech off of her I-phone. I’m pretty sure it was a plagiarized performance. I have failed ninth grade speech students for doing the same.

    Zito is unqualified to speak on race. Christy Zito is not a historian, nor is she a social scientist. Christy Zito does not have a college degree. I don’t take history lessons from high school students and neither should you.

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