Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: Idaho’s Potential Ballot Box Problem

By • April 20, 2022

The following Op-Ed was submitted by Brian Parsons. Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

he 2020 election is the reason that I decided to start writing.  Following the election, there was a great deal of distrust in our system and it wasn’t because Donald Trump levied complaints about losing.  Donald Trump levied complaints about losing because thousands of engaged citizens implored authorities to act on what they saw on the night of November 03, 2020.  We knew it was coming before it happened because we protested the universal mass mail balloting they implemented as a COVID response measure. What unfolded in the ensuing weeks to months were attempts to unpack the electoral grift.  It was time-sensitive and chaotic.

They say hindsight is 20/20, but I would propose that 2020 is hindsight.  People generally only protest when an election is an aberration. Since the outcomes of 2020 in Idaho fall within the realm of possibilities, the calls from the public have been much quieter than in several states where the results fell outside of norms.  It is because of this that many Idaho politicians have taken the position of “show me the malfeasance” before being willing to act.  This is the wrong end of the equation from which to operate.

A few weeks ago, a measure to ban ballot drop boxes in Idaho narrowly passed the Idaho House of Representatives.  It was shot down in committee in the Idaho Senate by retiring State Senator Pattie Anne Lodge of Caldwell.  This matters because the ballot drop boxes were a key means used to exploit the elections outside of Idaho.  National election integrity organization True The Vote has led a behind-the-scenes investigation of the 2020 election and their work will be featured in a documentary to be released next month.

True The Vote worked from a hypothesis that the ballot drop boxes were key in hijacking elections, and then they started using law enforcement methods like cellphone ping data to test their theory in contentious markets.  This led to the identification of several thousand users’ cellphones that pinged tens to hundreds of times at ballot drop boxes, and then back to NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) like Stacy Abram’s organization, Fair Fight Action.

As a part of the consent decree entered into by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Fair Fight Action, these ballot drop boxes were permitted to be placed around the state of Georgia, and they were funded with money from Mark Zuckerbergs CTCL (Center for Tech and Civic Life). They landed predominantly in Democrat markets where counties accepted private grants to administer elections along parameters outlined by CTCL.  True The Vote used the cellphone ping data to line up time stamps with surveillance footage and the rest is history.  We now have verifiable proof of thousands of ballot mules moving hundreds of thousands of ballots to these drop boxes in contested markets around the country, and the public will have a chance to see for themselves next month.  It should be noted that True The Vote has also identified a ballot trafficking whistleblower who is working with the Georgia Secretary of State’s office at this time.

As a response to Senator Patti Anne Lodge’s decision to reject the drop box ban in Idaho, I reached out to her.  I reminded Senator Lodge that though we didn’t have public protests demanding election investigations in Idaho, we did experience the same outside funding that brought with it all manner of malfeasance and distrust.  CTCL spent seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars in 21 Idaho counties.  In response, Senator Lodge requested to see the results of my investigation in Idaho showing any malfeasance and chalked my concerns up to disinformation.  She stated that my accusations of open loopholes were a direct affront to Idaho’s county clerks who work tirelessly to administer our elections. Senator Lodge is obfuscating. Loopholes in the process aren’t the fault of county clerks but of the legislature.

Idaho was handed a gift to see how loopholes were exploited around the country to drastically alter our way of life.  Is there any doubt that had Donald Trump been declared the winner of the 2020 election that there would never have been vaccine mandates and the resulting Great Resignation?  That our energy prices wouldn’t skyrocket because of the economic engineering of the climate priests? That Vladimir Putin wouldn’t have seen his window to mess around and find out in Ukraine?  That we’d have walked away and handed tens of billions in weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan?  That our border wouldn’t be as porous as swiss cheese?

There is a saying about not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and it would be prudent that we heed its warnings.  Despite objections from those who’d seek to undermine public trust and electoral integrity, there is broad public support for buttoning up our elections in whatever manner we can before they become a problem.  Polls consistently show that election integrity is a top concern of all voters.

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Tags: Ballot Box, Brian Parsons, Covid, Elections

9 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Idaho’s Potential Ballot Box Problem

  1. Lodge, Winder, Bedke, Little and Wasden’s: See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil philosophies continue to devastate Idaho as a whole.

    Lodge, thankfully, is now out to pasture.

    As for the rest: VOTE THEM OUT IN THE PRIMARIES!!!

  2. Thank you. No one seems to be talking about the most important issue we have, election integrity.
    We all watched live as hundreds of thousands of “mail in” ballots were counted, which were perfectly flat, had never been folded, and obviously never mailed.
    And more than any of that, we also need to ban voting machines.

  3. Double AMEN. Spot on.. not only counted illegal ballots but blocked watching the ballots being counted, covered window, kicked poll watchers out of the building! Corruption at its finest.

  4. I am surprised the Ms. Lodge was not apprised of county clerk McGrane who took a lot of money from Facebook Zuckerberg and now says he wouldn’t do it again. HMMM
    She also missed the mess on the race in Meridian due to the fact the candidates’ names did not rotate so the same person was always first on the voter list.
    Then the vote count in the ACHD was a debacle.
    Who knew we could have such a clerk?
    There are problems and I know that the people McGrane hired including 2nd in line are unable to do basic math. When I asked what % voted in the Clean Water Bond in Boise, the lovely young woman gave me the numbers and then said 30% voted. Actually if she knew basic elementary school math, she would have realized it was 26% of voters.

  5. Early vote need to go vs one day vote wont lead to mistrust, machines need to be replaced with only write in ballots and 2020 should be investigated…..I don’t trust the rhinos!

  6. The SCAM persists!

    I just received in the mail, a fresh application form from “Idaho Values First” organization, to receive an absentee ballot for the May 17th primary elections. The form is dressed up as much as possible to appear very official. It is even prepared with a typical government peel and tear off stub structure. Very clever.

    On one side of the outer cover, it says “VOTE THE SAFE WAY AND EASY WAY!” Doesn’t that sound like a Covid inspired enlistment to you?

    This is pure deception to convince voters that this mechanism has the blessings of the County election services…..of which it probably does. We are being primed once again for a dump of ballots that can be infiltrated by bogus ballots. Who will be the mules in this election cycle?

    We need ONE DAY, IN PERSON voting at local precincts. Voting days need to be Holidays where your primary focus of that day is to VOTE as a fully eligible and vetted voter. Each ballot should be serialized and hand counted with people witnessing the counts.

    Here is the public posting of who IVF is:

    Idaho Values First Foundation, Inc. nonprofit

    Company Number
    Active Good Standing
    Incorporation Date
    24 September 2021 (7 months ago)
    Company Type
    Non-Profit Corporation (D)
    Idaho (US)

    3 principals are listed in the foundation filing:
    Dr. Ron Hardy
    Merrill Beyeler (I assume the GOP house member from District 8)
    Tim Corder (I assume the former GOP legislator from Nampa)

    Why are these Republicans pushing absentee voting? Just because it’s not Dems overtly pushing this doesn’t mean we are safe. The SWAMP creatures inhabit BOTH parties to form a special PACT that works against our freedoms and lives.

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