Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: Growing Pains

By • October 1, 2020

The secret is out.  Idaho is a fabulous place to live, work, and raise a family. Those of us who grew up here have known that for years, and now everyone else seems to have figured it out.

For several years, we have experienced historic population growth, and the trend is accelerating – making Idaho one of the fastest growing states.  The population increase has created economic opportunities, higher property values, and of course – challenges to infrastructure needs. But the most significant long-term ramification could be the impact on Idaho’s culture.  Let’s consider why so many people are choosing the gem state for their new home:

While other cities in the country burn, our cities welcome new families and businesses. While some state governments engage in socialism, here the free market and individual liberty drives a booming economy. In Idaho, our children still safely walk to school and we know our neighbors. The rule of law is embraced, and we support our first responders.  While states like California, Washington, and New York make it difficult to exercise one’s second amendment rights, in Idaho we know how important it is for the people to maintain the right to bear arms. Not only do we honor the second amendment, we manufacture firearms, ammunition, and encourage Constitutional Carry.

Families, retirees and entrepreneurs are coming here for the things that make Idaho unique… things lacking in the states they are fleeing. No other state in the union can match our combination of overall quality of life, sense of community, and respect for the Divine principles that our nation was founded upon.

So now the big question. Will new citizens coming from liberally-controlled places embrace our Idaho way of life… or will they inadvertently shift the culture toward the direction they came from? That’s where you, I and other long-term Idahoans have a responsibility.  We must elevate into the collective consciousness that in Idaho, we respect the rule of law, support the second amendment, life, families, and the value system that made America great. We need to vote, engage in leadership, run for office and/or support someone we believe in that does.

Idaho’s best attribute has always been its’ people. Our citizens are kind, thoughtful, and welcoming. And I believe that most newcomers are coming for the right reasons.

The message to our new community members is simple. Welcome to Idaho. We want you here. You chose the Gem State because you didn’t like where you were and you want something better.  Idaho is special.  Our lifestyle is worth preserving. Don’t forget why you came.

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Tags: Constitutional Carry, Growth, Idaho, Infrastructure, Russ Fulcher, Socialism

5 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Growing Pains

  1. I agree. We need to be gracious as we welcome newcomers and invite them to ok share our values. And, we need to work together as we seek solutions to solve the challenges of rising population and not point fingers or rail at each other. That includes welcoming refugees seeking safety and a new llfe.

  2. Re-elect Idaho’s voice in Congress. Russ Fulcher has been on the forefront of key issues such as, agriculture, business, health, the economy, and so many more. Russ has proven his experience, leadership, and commitment to continue to keep Idaho’s conservative values in Congress is needed and more every day. Russ is relied upon by his peers and is looked upon for his leadership, dedication, and distinction as a true statesman. Russ has not wavered from his commitment to the people of Idaho and I encourage all Idahoan’s likewise to continue their support of him. I support Russ Fulcher and again encourage all Idahoans to vote for Russ this election.

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