Op-Ed: Ammon Bundy Trial and Its Message to the Public
By Rick Hydrick • August 17, 2023On July 25, 2023, the entire editorial board of the Idaho Statesman spoke up about the St. Luke Hospital’s successful defamation lawsuit against Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriquez. The jury awarded damages to the hospital and other plaintiffs in the amount of $52 million, and the Idaho Statesman wholeheartedly approved the award. But, in doing so it also approved of something much larger – violations of the United States Constitution.
The scathing editorial reads like a catalogue of domestic terrorist activism, all perpetrated by Bundy and his followers for personal gain, power, and authority borne of naked ego and greed – though absolutely no evidence is provided in the editorial for such claims.
Bundy and Rodriguez were a,
“massive ugly machine built to make money and radicalize people,”
a later Statesman article claimed, again without any evidence.
In their hubris, the editorial team assumes the reader will embrace its vision of St. Luke’s story and Baby Cyrus, along with their version of its moral and legal underpinnings. All while bringing up Bundy’s past involvements and trials with the government as trotted out by these newspapermen and women, which of course are all founded upon their unique but completely flawed version of our Constitution and our country’s sanctified “rule of law.”
The truth is, with regard to Bundy’s prior trials, Ammon Bundy was found not guilty by the jury in one and the judge called a mistrial with prejudice (meaning the case cannot be retried) in the other trial, upon which both trials tens of millions of taxpayer dollars were spent. The federal government was guilty of exactly what Bundy had claimed against it. It was operating outside of the law, and not just a little bit.
The Idaho Stateman openly admits this in the editorial:
“Federal prosecutors mishandled both cases, and Idaho was left to deal with the consequences.”
What did the Editorial Board of the Idaho Stateman just admit? Yes, the judges excoriated the federal agencies and their legal teams, not Bundy, for breaking federal law both before and during the trials.
And now the Idaho Statesman is putting itself in the position to decide what two federal courts, judges and juries, have already decided, by following the rule of law, in Bundy’s favor?! What’s more, the Statesman admits but does not enlighten the public how the “federal government mishandled both cases” and, especially, how those cases somehow apply to the St. Luke’s Baby Cyrus case? Where are its journalistic standards and principles in such an important matter?
But it doesn’t end there, Erik Stidham said the following in his closing statement in the trial:
“My hope is that you will look at this and you will deter (Bundy) in a way that he hasn’t been deterred yet.” He also said: “But more importantly, this judgment could do what federal law enforcement has failed to: Put an end to Bundy’s string of lawless acts, his repeated acts using force to get his way.”
How were these statements ever allowed to be made to the jury and not censured in the trial by the judge? Again, two courts didn’t find Bundy guilty, and now this St. Luke’s lawsuit should correct the prior two court’s mistakes? “Double jeopardy” is a violation of the United States Constitution. And Stidham is insisting that double jeopardy should be applied, not once, but twice?
Two prior trials got it wrong, only Stidham and St. Luke’s Hospital and the Idaho Statesman has it right. Double jeopardy is illegal in our country, yet not in the minds of representatives of our health, legal, and journalistic institutions in Idaho.
Who are the vigilantes here? Who is insisting on vigilante justice? Answer: the largest newspaper, largest hospital, and largest law firm in the state of Idaho.
How can anyone defend the hubris of the newspaper’s, St. Luke’s, and its attorney’s statement? This, in fact, is exactly the kind of thing that Bundy has always tried to uncover – corrupt, incompetent, and extra-legal control of our government institutions.
Additionally, the claims made by the Idaho Stateman and others are considered “hearsay” in a court of law, but this legal team routinely used hearsay anyway. This threesome provided no evidence whatsoever that Bundy is using his activism to enrich himself. And these are supposedly learned, principled, and objective individuals who should be exemplars of understanding and complying with the principles and the rule of law by which they make their living.
I ask only: Go to YouTube and watch Bundy’s two fourteen-minute videos defending his efforts to protect Baby Cyrus and his innocent parents. Bundy was clearly on the right side of this cause. The videos speak for themselves. Please watch them.
See what the government and hospital employees did and said in their own words. Then, if interested, read the actual details of his earlier trials in depth.
Additionally, the question must be asked: Was Bundy targeted by St. Luke’s? You can see the report and the actual words in the video and decide for yourself.
Bundy didn’t attend the trial because he couldn’t afford a defense, nor did he believe he could get an honest hearing, and obviously he couldn’t. He didn’t want to participate in the sham and a continuing distortion of the rule of law.
His only defense is the effective free speech effort he has placed on YouTube. Watch it and then, if so moved, call your legislators and Raul Labrador, Idaho’s Attorney General, and ask them to restore justice and condemn vigilantism by our very own institutions. We the citizens of freedom-loving Idaho need to speak up to save a fellow citizen who is standing for the real rule of law. Let us use peaceful and legal means of petition to save this man and his family as well as Diego Rodriquez and his family from gross injustice.
Do we, now, at this moment, not see what is taking place? The background has been and continues to be far more complicated than the Idaho Stateman and other news sources are willing to do their solemn and sacred duty to explain to the people. They simply want to warp the news and remain in control of the way we think.
The Idaho Statesman closed its editorial with the following statement: “The rule of law means you face the consequences of your actions, no matter who you are.” Yes, Idaho Statesman, and that applies to you as well, as you intentionally bend the St. Luke’s story and the law in every dimension as well as play fast and loose with our Constitution.
These three parties’ representations of Ammon Bundy are fraught with deception and arrogance, and, as you can see on YouTube, it is all available in their own words. Help them face their consequences as you question the veracity of every word they speak going forward in their news coverage.
Rick Hydrick was a public servant for forty-two years. He has spent thousands of hours working with attorneys and expert witnesses preparing for, testifying, and succeeding in trial. He lives in Preston, Idaho.
This Op-Ed was submitted by Rick Hydrick. Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Tags: Ammon Bundy, Baby Cyrus, Constitution, CPS, Diego Rodriguez, Erik Stidham, Holland and Hart, Idaho Statesman, IDHW, Natasha Erickson, Save Baby Cyrus, St. Luke's Hospital, Tracy Jungman
42 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Ammon Bundy Trial and Its Message to the Public”
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Nailed it, Rick! Thank you for doing your due diligence and finding the truth and especially, for sharing that truth with others. You are appreciated!
Many of us have written or called the Attorney General and legislators about this case, with no response. What else can we do?
So far our Idaho Attorney General appears to not want anything to do with this case because of backlash from his fellow attorneys and the bad press he would have to endure. We all know the attorneys stick together for protection from outside their trade.We can and must keep calling his office and keep calling our elected officials until this kind of persecution and oppression is addressed. These judges need to be screened before they are appointed or elected. The judge in this case is a disgrace to our state. Ask your legislator who these judges are accountable to and be prepared to hear the words “ nobody”.Then you will know what the problem is !!!
Having Mr. Hydrick counter the lies of the Statesman, Holland & Hart, and St. Luke’s is refreshing. The evil this dirty trio perpetrated against Ammon and Diego is difficult to describe. It appears that the larger the organization, the more corrupt it is. Idaho citizens should have nothing but contempt for these brazen liars who use their prominent status to destroy anyone who exposes their criminal acts.
Contact Attorney General’s Office: https://www.ag.idaho.gov/contact/
Also, listen to Attorney General’s terrific interview with David Whorley on Idaho Speaks (Feb 26, 2022, Episode 141) that convinced us to vote for him and to encourage others to do so.
Headline: Raul Labrador running for Idaho Attorney General talks about how the AG office can be used to defend the rights of Idaho citizens
Link: https://idahospeaks.com/podcast/raul-labrador-running-for-idaho-attorney-general-talks-about-how-the-ag-office-can-be-used-to-defend-the-rights-of-idaho-citizens/
Especially Relevant Highlights: Timestamps 5:30, 11:50, 20:10, 21:20, 25:21, 35:33, and 37:40.
I just listened to the podcast, Idaho Speaks. AG Labrador could not have implicated himself more than he does with his answers that he has a duty and has pledged himself fully to protect the everyday Idahoan in all of his or her rights as a citizen of the state and nation. How can he possibly look the other way whether this is a criminal or civil matter?
Everyone should listen to the sound bytes you provided.
Well put Rick! Thank you for your insight. Ammon is a great man. I pray God will preserve him and his family. May we all have the courage to stand up against the wickedness as Ammon has.
I wrote to the AG this morning. Here is a message that instantly was returned from the AG’s office to my email box (graphics omitted):
——- Original Message ——-
On Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 8:11 AM, Constituent Mailbox wrote:
Dear [name snipped]:
Thank you for contacting my office and sharing your concern regarding Mr. Ammon Bundy and Mr. Diego Rodriguez.
The primary role of the Attorney General is to provide legal services for the State of Idaho. Though this case has been heavily publicized, it is a civil suit between private parties and the State is not a party in this case. As always, your comments are very important, and I appreciate your perspective on how I may best represent Idahoans.
If you have any further questions or if my office can be of assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With my regards,
Raúl Labrador
Idaho Attorney General
NOTICE: This message, including any attachments, is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(ies) named above and may contain information that is confidential, privileged, attorney work product, or otherwise exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to the sender that you have received this transmission in error, and then please delete this email.
This letter is a direct and complete contradiction of what he campaigned on and what he said the laws of Idaho compel him to do – protect the individual rights of citizens of this state. This is the literal definition of hypocrisy. I am stunned, but guess I shouldn’t be. I thought AG Labrador was the man.
Thanks for this valuable information. I am trying to put it to good use.
Just received my letter from the Idaho Attorney General. It was a form letter worded exactly like yours. He is afraid to investigate The st Luke’s Ammon Bundy case for political reasons. He knows it would hurt him politically as he probably wants to run for Governor. We are not going to get any justice from Labrador. He appears to be another politician that talks big but does nothing when it is time to protect the common citizen.
Another cop out by another windbag politician. What a disappointment. He could certainly investigate St Luke’s but it appears he is afraid to do so. I believe we can only expect more B S from Mr Labrador.
Letter sent to AG’s office. Immediate reply indicated a form letter response.
Dear Idaho Attorney General Labrador,
During your campaign, you gave a terrific interview with David Whorley on Idaho Speaks (Feb 26, 2022, Episode 141) that convinced us to vote for you and to encourage others to do so:
Headline: Raul Labrador running for Idaho Attorney General talks about how the AG office can be used to defend the rights of Idaho citizens
Link: https://idahospeaks.com/podcast/raul-labrador-running-for-idaho-attorney-general-talks-about-how-the-ag-office-can-be-used-to-defend-the-rights-of-idaho-citizens/
Especially Relevant Highlights: Timestamps 5:30, 11:50, 20:10, 21:20, 25:21, 35:33, and 37:40.
The recent arrests and punitive lawsuits in the Baby Cyrus Case involving St. Luke’s Hospital, former candidate for Governor Ammon Bundy, his friend and media manager Diego Rodriguez, People’s Rights, and the baby’s parents Marissa and Levi Anderson indicate that justice has not been served for the citizens of Idaho (and now, Florida, in Rodriguez’s case).
Many conservative Idahoans have been following the case since it began, and we are concerned that Idaho’s justice, health & welfare, medical, and legal systems are not working for citizens as the Constitution or St. Luke’s ongoing non-profit status intends.
Certainly, mainstream media and social media also may be responsible for possible miscarriage of justice, and that’s pretty much to be expected. But Idaho’s law enforcement (police, health & welfare, sheriffs), judges and courts (especially Ada County), law firms (Holland & Hart), and medical institutions (St. Luke’s) should be beyond reproach and never punish citizens for exercising rights that are Constitutionally protected.
The case boils down to individuals and groups trying to prevent what they viewed as medical kidnap of a baby. Due to conflicting reports and opinions about this important civil and parental rights case, the attorney general and legislature should research carefully before forming opinions or taking actions.
Please investigate! Below is a compendium of information that can help you get started:
Ammon Bundy Trial and Its Message to the Public, by Rick Hydrick — Excellent Op-Ed in Idaho Dispatch, one of the few honest news organizations covering this case: https://idahodispatch.com/op-ed-ammon-bundy-trial-and-its-message-to-the-public/
Documentation about the case (from Ammon Bundy and/or Diego Rodriguez) presented in the letter, but possibly too long for this comment box. Most important is:
#1. 4th Amended Complaint from St. Luke’s suit: https://stlukesexposed.com/pdf/2023.03.03-Fourth-Amended-Complaint-Redacted.pdf
#2. Defendant Rodriguez’s response to #1 above: http://stlukesexposed.com/lawsuit/diego-answer-4th-amended-complaint/
#3. Judge Norton’s suppression of #2: https://stlukesexposed.com/pdf/2023.06.13-Order-Striking-Answers-Against-Diego-Rodriguez.pdf
To all who have responded above, please contact your state legislators, perhaps they will have some influence. I have done so and am waiting for their response. Someone should be able to deal with this travesty. The governor?
Have you considered your legislators are sick and tired of Ammon Bundy, weary of the continual grift born conflict? Tired of being bullied by Ammon’s inability to work well with others, his temper leading to people like Jeanette Finicum to denounce him? As sick of the personal cult as Munds and the JBS?
I have, but that is not what this is about.
On the issue of grift, that has not been substantiated.
It’s the use of hearsay, double jeopardy, jury tainting, perjury no matter who the individual is or our institutions are trying to get away with. It is about the rule of law. It’s about combining two completely separate issues – Baby Cyrus and ranching legal issues.
This applies no matter what people think of Ammon Bundy or Diego Rodriguez.
You’ve never met the man, have you?
Bundy offered 6 months ago, I considered and declined. Bundy would never answer the questions I have for him – as they largely deal with finances (PRN/Campaign/Smith Network) – and it would be a waste of my time.
But, I did meet Jeanette and LaVoy “good sacrifice” Finicum. Does that count?
“The Law is the Law, made by Legislatures, Executives and Bureaucratic Rule Making, adjudicated by Judges and then enforced by Bureaucracies. This system supposedly keeps society civil, and if enforcement is capricious, arbitrary or non-existent it all breaks down into brute chaos.”
In your own words, Chris.
We agree on the second sentence especially. How one “feels” (or the fact he declined anything) about Ammon Bundy has zero significance. My statements are based simply on facts.
You may want to read Richard Maxwell Brown’s “Strain of Violence: HIstorical Studies of American Violence and Vigilantism,” especially the chapter entitled “Lawless Lawfulness: Legal and Behavioral Perspectives on American Vigilantism.” Even “the law” can have a vigilante streak, and this appears the case with the St. Luke’s lawsuit. Let’s keep the law in its lane.
I have spent meaningful time with Ammon Bundy and his family. They are as good a people as are any everyday American.
But that is not the point, and missing that is exactly how we lose our rights through an erosion of principles and public apathy that is accelerating. Bundy is entitled to a fair trial and impartial jury whether he was in attendance or not and whether one “feels” he is guilty or not. Americans are losing our bearings.
I have spent meaningful time with Ammon Bundy and his family. They are as good a people as are any everyday American.
But that is not the point, and missing that is exactly how we lose our rights through an erosion of principles and public apathy that is accelerating. Bundy is entitled to a fair trial and impartial jury whether he was in attendance or not and whether one “feels” he is guilty or not. Americans are losing our bearings.
You are so right, Rick. Those of us who met and/or worked with Ammon Bundy and those close to him were lucky to be inspired by his selfless integrity. Such people are few and far between.
The governor may not be able to help. Below is his response to a query asking him to intervene with Health & Welfare on March 16, 2022, shortly after Baby Cyrus was taken from his parents. Note that Health and Welfare reports to the Governor:
* https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/about-dhw/our-mission (see section under LEADERSHIP)
* https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/about-dhw/leadership-bios-and-photos (leadership bios and photos)
March 16, 2022
Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate hearing from you.
It is extremely important to respect the privacy of children and parents involved in the child protective system. In enacting the Child Protective Act, the Idaho Legislature created a detailed and balanced process that honors the constitutional rights of parents while recognizing the health and safety of children is paramount. The Child Protective Act (Title 16, Chapter 16) defines specific roles for law enforcement, the Department of Health and Welfare, medical providers, and the judiciary. As Governor, I have no authority or power to interfere with this lawful process.
Thank you again for reaching out to my office.
Brad Little
This is the letter I sent my legislative representatives:
Dear Senator Guthrie,
Several recent editorials, columns, and articles in the Idaho Statesman concerning Ammon Bundy have revealed serious prosecutorial, judicial, and constitutional violations of the law that have resulted in an award of over $52 million dollars to St. Luke’s Hospital and other plaintiffs.
I have attached the column I sent to the Idaho Dispatch that clearly reveals the illegal and extra-legal maneuvers, in the prosecution’s own words, that were allowed in the trial to prejudice and taint the jury. Ammon Bundy’s two videos on YouTube also reveal major perjury by witnesses.
Please consider carefully the information that I am sharing and use whatever power or influence you possess to have this trial and judgment vacated for violating state and federal law and significant legal tenants of “trial by jury.” This issue is orders of magnitude larger than Bundy, no matter what anyone thinks of him. This judgment makes a mockery of justice in our state. The judge should be censured at the very least for her lack of supervision. In addition, the financial judgment is based largely on the argument that Bundy’s actions alone forced the hospital into a full blown, state of the art security system, protocols, equipment, and dress that is designed for use over decades.
If this request is beyond the power of your office, what government entity can investigate this violation of law?
Rick Hydrick
Preston, Idaho
Well said, RIck Hydrick! Please keep us posted on any response you receive. Idahoans need to know they will be protected by law and evidence, regardless of whether people “like them” or not.
I sent this followup email to the Attorney General’s office this morning. I hope I do not receive a form letter response.
Dear Attorney General Labrador,
I just learned that Attorney General Labrador was interviewed on “Idaho Speaks” in February 2022 and stated numerous times that he needs to “be the people’s lawyer,” to “standup for the individual rights of the people of Idaho,” as well as: “my job will be to be the peoples’ voice,” “to defend the individual rights of Idahoans,” and “stand up first for the people of Idaho,” “the attorney general is suppose to be aggressive in defending the rights of the people of their state,” “anything that violates the individual rights of Idahoans I think the Attorney General should join in that lawsuit” (this answer was with regard to the AG’s willingness to participate in lawsuits involving corporations, such as St. Luke’s), and finally, ”the government is there to protect rights that were already given to us by our creator…and if government stands in the way of that then it leads to tyranny.”
During the interview, Attorney General Labrador used the example of a couple in northern Idaho being oppressed by a government agency as a legal issue he should assist with. He said, “we need individuals to stand up for those rights.” This example in northern Idaho, that he chose to speak to, is a civil issue, not a criminal issue, just as was the St. Luke’s lawsuit. The extra-legal and illegal violations of law used by St. Luke’s and allowed by the judge fully conform to the statements by the attorney general, quoted above, that he has a duty to “stand up… for individual rights.”
The judicial arm of state government and a corporate law firm were not complying with the law and legal jurisprudence and an Idahoan’s individual rights were violated at a huge financial, as well as other, cost to that individual. Yet, when this very issue was brought to the attention of the AG’s office via email yesterday, the attorney general’s office instantly responded with a prepared form letter and completely contradicted his positions of February 2022 as it stated: “The primary role of the Attorney General is to provide legal services for the State of Idaho. Though this case has been heavily publicized, it is a civil suit between private parties and the State is not a party in this case.” It was a civil suit, but the management of the case by the judge appears to be a significant state legal issue, as does the illegal behavior and words of St. Luke’s attorney. The Attorney General is acting properly when he, acting for the State and its and the nation’s constitutions and laws, is required to become “a party to this case“ because as he stated a year a half ago, “anything that violates the individual rights of Idahoans I think the Attorney General should join in that lawsuit.” He is protecting and preserving all Idahoans’ rights as he does so. In other words, the State is always “the individual rights of Idahoan’s,” as Attorney General Labrador definitively stated as he ran for state office last year.
Attorney General Labrador, please do not walk away from this duty. Ammon Bundy is an Idahoan and his rights, whether he was at the trial or not, were violated. The rule of law must prevail in order to protect the sacred individual rights of all for all time.
Rick Hydrick
Preston, Idaho
Another issue many citizens questioned was the bias demonstrated by Judge Norton. These were brought before the Idaho Judicial Council and Mr Brudie responded in a very strange way. His seemingly flippant dismissal of any wrongdoing made me wonder if this network of our elite justice system representatives routinely cover for one another. His statements below:
the Idaho Judicial Council is not a court and has no authority to enter into any pending court case to determine the basis for or correctness of judicial decisions. That is exclusively the province of appellate courts. The Council’s only authority is to investigate any alleged ethical violations and, if found, impose discipline, which can take various forms.
I have had the opportunity to review the case file you referenced. The case has not turned criminal and is still a civil matter. The warrant issued was a civil warrant of attachment to have Mr. Bundy attend court to answer to allegations that he violated a previous court order entered last year, which he has evidently refused to voluntarily do.
After reviewing the case file, I found nothing to indicate any ethical violations on the part of the highly-experienced presiding judge. The Judicial Council therefore intends no investigation in this matter.
Jeff M. Brudie
Executive Director
My follow up after Judge Norton steps down.
Mr Brudie,
Hello again. Can you advise on IJC’s current involvement in investigating why a “highly qualified presiding judge” would step down?
Mr Brudie response:
I cannot.
Regards, Jeff Brudie
Is this the level of professionalism in our courts? Mr Brudie came across as arrogant and unwilling to investigate the judge. Then she steps down and he will not comment. AG should be looking into several aspects of this case. Public confidence in all departments is at an all time low.
Our politicians, government employed and the military have damaged this nation beyond easy repair. When will the dumbed down tv watchers wake up?
The ‘dumbed down tv watchers’ are not the only ones holding this up.
It is the American People who really don’t have a clue as to who really wields the power. Yes, I understand it wasn’t taught in schools in our lifetime…but there is absolutely no reason why people aren’t educating themselves about this now.
STOP talking government like they control it all. Learn who really does!
Breakdown of the Constitution explained to you in layman’s terms.
Do yourself and the future generations a favor and educate yourself, Now!
What a dynamic fact filled article, with spirited debate following. As people hear the facts, see the harassment and total contempt for these two men, more awake to the conspiracy against them.
Face it folks ALL the politicians have been compromised one way or another. Even our own A.G. office. Look over there not over here………
Great article. Many Idahoans stood with the Anderson family because they knew the hospital had missed a proper diagnosis and used that medical error to weaponize CPS against the family. People watched those videos of the officers forcibly removing a healthy baby from his mother, arresting her, and locking her out of the hospital. Protestors saw pictures of the baby just 24hrs after entering St Luke’s care and eventually needing a feeding tube due to the mother being prevented from entering the hospital to nurse. Peaceful protestors stood and prayed on a public sidewalk and kindly spread the word to each passerby which ended up being St Luke’s demise. The PR fallout over this is astonishing, but more astonishingly is the coverup. Not one restraining order was filed against the peaceful protestors (including Bundy or Rodriguez) during the week they held the baby in their institution. Now, months later, St Luke’s crisis actors (for lack of a better word) come forward and defame the men and protestors in a court and perform before a jury without accountability. Money cannot buy you a new reputation, St Luke’s. But looking back at the timeline of the past year, I wonder, is St Luke’s really mad about the exposure of their poor care in this case and countless other parents who have spoken out or are they upset that the men revealed their child mutilation (ie gender affirming surgery) department. Subsequently, our lawmakers passed a bill to stop these surgeries in Idaho. I believe that St Luke’s is a sinking ship and even their doctors are bailing out. One announced in court that she’s moving to New Zealand. Of course, she never got a restraining order against anyone during the protests outside the hospital, but went into great detail in court of her self-inflicted fear to appear victimized.
Can anyone explain to me why St Luke’s didn’t just get a default judgment?
And, does the AG have NO control over the ethics of attorneys in Idaho or the misuse of the judicial system in Idaho? Unfortunately, lawfare (win at all costs) is alive and well in Idaho 🙁 Truth and justice are just a hiss and a by-word. And those that win are those with the most money (i.e. OJ Simpson) – like the non-profits that are not paying taxes like the average Joe or the big entities getting taxpayer funded subsidies, grants, etc. so monies that normally pay bills and expenses can be spent on other things, like maintaining their positions of authority and crushing anyone who dares to challenge them.
BTW judges are accountable to their political donors. You should be able to look those up on the secretary of state website.
Little will NEVER go against St. Luke’s (or Blue Cross) he is as beholden to them as Biden is to China.
Thank you IACI for fundamentally transforming our state. 🙁
The state bar has control over attorney’s malfeasance so if you have the goods on the lawyers then go for it. But the State Bar gives Brad Little the name of the judge they want appointed.
Lawfare is to get enough people to make claims so the lawyer can’t practice in the state.
Those who email letters to legislators, AG, etc. may wish to follow up with a snail mail copy of your email.
Opening an envelope and reading a piece of paper may make the office staffers take notice and realize the words on the page are more than just some electronic bits that can be ignored (as might happen with email) or even (potentially) be filtered by some artificial intelligence program. Just sayin’…
A portion of my letter to the AG: Cyrus was in foster care deeply pained being separated from his mother and father with no evidence of harm regarding the parents who own no criminal records. This is a kidnapping case performed by the state of Idaho. Kidnapping charges can receive the death penalty.
The family was treated wickedly by the police and lied to. This baby had lost 1.3 ounces. Mind you, not pounds.
Could you please watch the second video of the ambulance arrest in this link: https://www.peoplesrights.org/news_view?/baby-wrongfully-torn-from-arms-of-mother-in-meridian-idaho&id=f854bfa9-8c78-4aef-b768-0c5e55791fe3 You will note, no emergency care is offered to the baby in the ambulance as shown in video recording. The baby is not crying out in pain. He is perfectly calm and happy. Our local hospital, St Luke’s stated, he was not in the medical system after this baby was kidnapped by the state. Hospital staff stated that baby Cyrus was not “being held in the hospital system, that the baby is not there,” “There’s no baby by that last name here.”
State protective authorities actually placed in their records that they were going to place him in a foster care family the same night they kidnapped him; not in the hospital! This is documented on the medical records and is posted. And the physician who attended Cyrus stated, Cyrus should be with his parents and passed all benchmarks of health.
A baby can be removed from his/her parents if they miss a medical weight-in, not an appointment with a physician, that they cancelled by phone due to the mother being ill.
Child Protective Services accumulates upwards to a million dollars per child it kidnaps. Anyone involved in kidnapping can receive the death penalty.
Please watch the facts regarding money earned by snatching children from parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QK-Qh91g5Pg&t=90s Sorry for some of the language.
Sad medical custody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER91ouZ2ZZA
Illinois Department of Health Plans Medical Kidnapping for Vitamin K Shot
Cyrus’ weight loss was around an ounce of weight, this due to the fact he had recently vomited. Because his mother, Marissa, was unwell, she did not arrive to his weigh-in appointment. This was not an appointment with a physician. He was simply to be weighed. This was why she was arrested, even though she phoned and stated she was not well. She has no criminal record nor any other family member.
The family was concerned for Cyrus and he was receiving medical care. Yet, the mother is still not allowed any contact with Cyrus to this day.
Despite the facts, at “5:03 pm Thursday, March 17th – The judge ordered Baby Cyrus to be handed over to the hands of the state.”
Doctor from St. Luke’s to Levi Anderson (the father of Cyrus) on March 15th, 2022: “I have great news regarding Cyrus. His weight has continued to increase…which is really good news. He’s actually been tolerating taking breastmilk from a bottle. He has had no further vomiting.
“In talking things over with the team, we haven’t identified any really serious medical condition that is causing him to have trouble gaining weight. The thinking is he got behind on his nutrition [from the vomiting], and then his breastfeeding was just burning so many calories that he just couldn’t keep up, so he kind of got behind, and by getting his nutrition up again and by getting some of that strength up, there’s good reason for optimism that he will be able to keep his nutrition up by taking a bottle or by breastfeeding.
Our team is thinking right now that taking breastmilk through a bottle right now is working really well, and that’s a great place to help keep his nutrition up, gradually increasing the amount of actual breastfeeding he is doing.”
I will add, I knew a young mother and father who attended a church we attended years ago. She told me a woman from social services arrived at their home and told her the child did not belong to her but to the government. This woman placed great fear in this new, young mother.
It is a fantastic thing baby Cyrus is back and I saw photos of how happy he is! Unfortunately, while in the care of CPS he lost his abilities to craw and sit up which he had been doing for three months. He was removed from his parents because he lost 1.3 ounces, NOT pounds, mind you. This horrendous kidnapping harmed this child to this degree. He certainly does not appear as healthy as just before the kidnapping. No wonder Cyrus’ physician wanted him returned immediately to his parents, and social workers wanted him returned. It was a wicked state of affairs!
CPS had a foster family ready to take him the night he was removed from his family as he did not require hospitalization though he was removed in an ambulance. And St. Lukes spokesperson stated he was not admitted to the hospital. They held no records of this baby.
Marissa, the innocent mother of Cyrus, had Cyrus “forcefully ripped out of her hands, she was put in handcuffs and marched out of the ambulance in the cold where another perverted officer patted her down, groped her, and put his hands up her blouse and down her pants—again, all of this was captured on film. Your officers had already patted her down and checked her for weapons, so what reason could you possibly have to do a second and more intrusive and humiliating pat down, other than the fact that your officers had in their custody, a beautiful young lady who was vulnerable and in handcuffs, and your officer took advantage of the moment to molest her? If you truly felt you were in danger, why wasn’t a woman officer called in to check her? This again is all on film and the whole world has watched it and judged your department accordingly.
The Idaho police department obviously supports “physical molestation, groping, and all-around inappropriate touching of innocent female citizens by male officers . . .”
You told we the voters you would be for he rights of the people. Please tell me what you are performing to secure this regarding Baby Cyrus and St Luke’s vengeance for exposing the truth?
I pray for justice on St Luke’s and also for mutilating children in the name of indoctrinating them into the lifestyles of feces, diseases, death, and mutilation.
In gracious gratitude for your time, Val Lee (John 3:16)
We are lossing our freedom, first the use the legal system to punish we the people for public protest, with no violence at all! First it’s Ammon, and his associates and now it’s Trump and his associates, and next it’s you and I. Unless we find a way to stop this abuse of power and the weaponization of the legal system in our country.
Well said !
Write your legislators. I’ve already hear from our state senator. He is looking into it. I believe he is sincere, given the content and spirit of his email back to me.
Idaho Statesman
Ammon Bundy ‘in hiding’ after losing Idaho home, websites in legal battle with St. Luke’s
By Sally Krutzig
Fri, December 1, 2023 at 5:10 p.m. PST
See https://ca.news.yahoo.com/ammon-bundy-hiding-losing-idaho-011015899.html and attached PDF.
This article gets some facts wrong, but these things are true:
1. St. Luke’s took Bundy’s property, including the home he sold to someone else.
2. St. Luke’s had websites for Bundy, People’s Rights Network, and Rodriguez shut down.
3. Bundy and his family are missing, whereabouts unknown.
Oops, worry. There is no attached PDF (I copy / pasted from another email.)
12/21/23 Here’s the latest terrible thing that’s happened to Ammon Bundy and his family (video 11 min): https://youtube.com/live/UtYyeN7QIhw?feature=shared
According to the video (which includes a transcript), St. Luke’s CEO CHRIS ROTH, NATASHA ERICKSON, MD, and TRACY W. JUNGMAN, NP along with St Luke’s Health System took all the money out of Ammon Bundy’s wife Lisa’s Clarity Credit Union Bank account as well as his son’s. Not sure whether this is even legal, but it’s immoral.