Media Project Biden as Winner, Lt. Governor McGeachin, Senator Crapo Release Statement on Presidential Election
By Greg Pruett • November 7, 2020Recently. Congressman Russ Fulcher released a statement on the results of the U.S. presidential election.
Congressman Mike Simpson however has been silent on the matter as of this writing. Republican elected officials across the country are debating whether or not to speak out in favor of or against what President Donald Trump has said about the results.
Politico, Fox News, the AP, and most major media outlets are now projecting the election for Joe Biden.
These statements were released prior to the AP, Fox News, and Politico announcements.
In Idaho, Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin and Senator Mike Crapo have released statements about the presidential election.
Here is what McGeachin said in her statement:
Senator Mike Crapo released the following statement:
All votes should be counted in accordance with state laws and procedures. Counting every legal vote is vital to our nation’s core principles. The integrity of our election process is equally imperative, and the courts should resolve any alleged improprieties. I have faith in the democratic process and my fellow Americans to accept the final, certified results.
Again, these statements were released prior to Biden being announced as the winner. Rudy Giuliani, part of Trump’s legal team, has announced that lawsuits are being filed in several states.
What do you think of the presidential election results? Let us know in the comments below.
Please note that the media does not determine the next President of the United States. There is a legal and specific process for that determination through the Electoral College which will vote next month.
Update: We changed the headline from “announced” to “project” which we felt was a more accurate description of what the media announced.
Tags: Donald Trump, Janice McGeachin, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Crapo, Presidential Election
20 thoughts on “Media Project Biden as Winner, Lt. Governor McGeachin, Senator Crapo Release Statement on Presidential Election”
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Me, friends and family are trying to be patient. Anyone one with even a small amount of intelligence knew fraud was going to happen. Trump warned us about fraud for 4 years. There have been hints to the chance of it by the left. Mail in ballots ?? The warning have been there.
Just the corrupt media doing what they do – shoving falsehood down our throat. FIGHT ON!!
If the Senator and Governor and Official’s that I voted for in Idaho does not do any thing to help Our PRESIDENT and stand beside him in this fight to see that this fraudulent ballot counting in the Presidential Race is done right an brought forward, I an many many more people pledge that we will vote you out! Do the right thing, do what we voted for you for an stand by Our PRESIDENT TRUMP! If this is not done and you end up with an all out Civil War from letting our voices not be heard then be it on your heads! Please Don’t be Right Thing an Voice Our Say for Us! Thank you!
Congressman Mike Simpson, Speak up! If you are helping the President in his efforts to stop this potential election theft, let us know exactly what you are doing to represent the Idaho GOP, Idaho citizens and our President. No ‘winner’ announcement should be made until all the legal cases have been resolved and only valid votes counted. Your voice concerning this huge issue, may ease voter’s anger, confusion and fear. Be transparent with us.
No Republican will be elected President in the future. The Democrats know now how to game the system.
Absolutely They know how the game is played they invented. Hell I wouldn’t call them democrats. How about Communist
Instead of making a speech, how about getting up off your lazy butts and help stop this illegal banana republic activity. If you let the Dems get away with this, they will be cheating against you here in Idaho next.
The GOP and all Republicans should stand behind the President. Biden and the demoncrats should not be able to destroy our American process.
I agree with you Ed.
Stand up for this President or get out of our way. Help him in any way you can he has taken care of us now it is our turn.
Yep, agree Idaho reps should be bots on the ground in support of President Trump. RED STATE!! Get on it now, they’re coming for us next! Put laws in place so this never happens here. SUPPORT PRES TRUMP!!
I believe you’ve been told. Idaho is red. We stood with our votes. This means we support President Trump to the fullest. Also means we have supported you. And we full expect you to speak up in full view of everyone and stand with out President until this whole election is crystal clear. We want truth. Nothing more. But we stand until the whole truth is know. You should too. I guess you know if we just hear silence we know you don’t stand for us either.
Perhaps there needs to be a viable primary challenger to Mr. Simpson. When he is the only down ballot choice, you either vote for him or leave it blank. Leaving any spot blank, is the equivalent of casting a vote for the winner. Just my thoughts. Voter ID, trackable so that once a person votes, they can not vote again, anywhere else.
Patience is difficult in the face of so much oppression and overt threats to our security. I however will wait and see, as only time and legal steps are going to reveal the ultimate outcome.
Oh and remind democrats who really decides this election. Hahahaha trust me it will wipe their fucking retarded smirk and premature victory dance out and turn into an instant temper tantrum kicking feet and all .so much crying and anger lol hahahaha . Remember those fine Supreme Court justices the democrats just had to torture with false allegations and defamation of character and slander ? remember? TRUST ME THE SUPREME COURT REMEMBERS VERY WELL. and so does democrats you just have to remind them to snap out of it and smell the ☕ ( no pun intended ) and remind them how bad democrats treated the actual judges who will decide the victory. President Trump WINS and another 4 years lol and they will frown cry and start kicking their feet and go into the OMG fetal position cryathon. Lol and justice served using the truth .
(F)ING News are lying to you stop believing them Biden DID NOT WIN the asshole News can not call the ELECTION are you people stupid to believe it WOW !! how stupid people are so very stupid to think a bunch of fake news people can call a Election hahahaha !!
I love the Lieutenant Gov! She has spine, integrity and brains and I hope to see her in the governor’s chair next time around.
Agree 100%. Pray for her and her family now to consider the office. God always picks our leaders. His ways remember are not our ways. Ps 46:1.
Speaking out for fair and open elections should not be hard. Why would any elected Republican not do so?
We the people have voted. Make our voice be heard. That is what you were elected to do. Don’t make us regret our choice in you. President Trump has fought this battle for almost 4 years. It is time to put on our big boy/girl pants and stand with him. The election is not over until all these states that have shown to have issues with either the balloting machines, mail in votes, keeping the Tepublivans from observing the ballot count even after court orders. We knew the Democrats were going to try something. It’s time to earn our trust in you. Get to standing behind the President. We the people will be ready when and If called to assist. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. or CONTINUE WITH THE ONE MAN WHO HAS BROUGHT OUR ECONOMY AND OUR UNEMPLOYMENT LEVELS TO UNBELIEVABLE NUMBERS. Come on people!