Idaho Dispatch

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Major Announcement for The Idaho Dispatch!

By • October 1, 2022

New and exciting things are happening at The Idaho Dispatch!

Greg Pruett, who started and established The Idaho Dispatch, has now sold the company to Miste Karlfeldt.

Miste is a native Idahoan and an entrepreneur. She is married to Dr. Michael Karlfeldt and the mother of four exceptional children. She founded a statewide non-profit organization and has successfully run it for six years with a passionate team of volunteers. Miste’s commitment to the First Amendment and her love for Idaho drives her desire to purchase the Idaho Dispatch.

As the company’s transfer of ownership takes shape, Miste had this to say,

“Greg Pruett has built an incredible news source for Idaho with the Idaho Dispatch and I’m excited about the opportunity to expand it even further.

Greg and I have been working together for over a month now in this transition process. His trust, experience, and guidance is greatly appreciated as my team and I continue to keep the Idaho Dispatch true to Greg’s vision of bringing unbiased news to Idahoans.

I hope that the community will see value and help fund this resource so that Idahoans will have access to unbiased news for generations to come. We hope to bring you more investigative journalism, live feeds during legislative session and events, along with balanced news for you to be a well-informed Idahoan.”

Greg shared his thoughts as well,

“When I started the Idaho Dispatch, my goal was to create something that Idahoans wanted in a news agency. But ultimately, my family life and the Dispatch, in addition to the heavy workload I already had, was too much for me to do by myself. I’m excited some new folks are coming on for the Dispatch to continue to grow, and I’m proud to continue to help it as well, on the side as an advisor and editor assistant. I’m confident in Miste’s ability to ensure Idahoans will continue to have unbiased news that just tells the story, as we have been doing for the last 2+ years.”

Please see the video below to hear directly from Miste and Greg!


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Tags: Greg Pruett, Idaho Dispatch, Miste Gardner, Miste Karlfeldt

17 thoughts on “Major Announcement for The Idaho Dispatch!

  1. Best to Miste and Idaho Dispatch’s success. May it grow into a Constitutional powerhouse for all of Idaho.

  2. Hooray! Good things happen when Miste is involved. -Dedicated, solid principles, work ethic, and character!

  3. This is really great, I’m pulling for the expansion of Idaho Dispatch! I was concerned that it would not be sustainable. Glad Miste has come to the rescue. Thanks for stepping up.

  4. Yes a written Sunday paper would be awesome
    I have supported since Greg started the Idaho Dispatch!
    Keep it going, it’s a definite asset and need here in Idaho

  5. im wondering if idaho dispatch would be interested that i saw a group of illegal immigrants sitting in front of ross store sat. and they were picked up by a county van and drove north on highway 95. why are kootenai county taxpayers providing transportation and who knows what else to illegal immigrants. They all had on new clothes, new duffle bags and bags of Ross merchandise. I got a pic. of the van and license plate.

  6. Congratulations, Greg and Best Wishes, Miste! Hope you can focus on independent news, independent candidates, and the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom, happiness and constitutional liberty for all independent-minded Idahoans.

  7. I’m so glad the Dispatch will continue. I’m so sick of all the Liberal, left media. Idaho needs a solid yet neutral conservative voice. One that doesn’t censor or conveniently leave out facts.

  8. Greg has done a yeoman’s job of keeping the Dispatch afloat. A lot less stress for Greg and more good folks to take up the responsibilities. Such good news.

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