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Press Release: Gov. Little signs on to pro-life, states’ rights amicus brief seeking SCOTUS overrule of Roe v. Wade

By • July 29, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by Governor Brad Little’s office on July 29:

Governor Brad Little signed on to an amicus brief today related to a case before the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS), seeking to protect the lives of preborn babies and restore state sovereignty.

Protecting the lives of preborn babies has always been and will continue to be a priority of mine. I am also a defender of state sovereignty. My decision to join this lawsuit to protect lives and states’ rights reflects my conservative approach to constitutional interpretation. The ‘right’ to an abortion is a judicial creation. It is not a right expressed in the U.S. Constitution. I am asking the U.S. Supreme Court to clarify there is no constitutional right to an abortion and restore state sovereignty by allowing states to regulate all abortions consistent with the principles of democratic self-governance,” Governor Little said.

As of today, the governors of Idaho, Montana, Texas, Florida, Arizona, Iowa, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Missouri, and Oklahoma have joined a Governors’ amicus brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The case centers around a 2018 Mississippi law prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks except in medical emergencies or severe fetal abnormality. Lower courts held that Mississippi’s law violated the holdings in Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), in which non-elected justices recognized a right to abortion exists contrary to the text and original meaning of the Constitution.

The Governors’ amicus brief supports the State of Mississippi’s cert petition, which SCOTUS accepted, to determine whether “all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional.”

The Governors’ amicus brief requests SCOTUS overrule Roe and Casey because there is no constitutional right to an abortion and, according to the principle of federalism, rights not granted in the U.S. Constitution should be entrusted to states to control.

SCOTUS is expected to hear the case in the fall.

The Governors’ amicus brief can be found here.

Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden joined 17 other attorneys general in a similar amicus brief earlier this year.

Governor Little also signed the “Fetal Heartbeat Bill” into law in April to protect the lives of preborn babies.

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Tags: Amicus Brief, Brad Little, Fetal Heartbeat Bill, Idaho, Roe v Wade, Supreme Court

8 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little signs on to pro-life, states’ rights amicus brief seeking SCOTUS overrule of Roe v. Wade

  1. Too little…Little.

    I’m dead set against voting for you…that is all.

  2. We must stop slaughtering our young. Absolute barbarism. It is destroying our country.

  3. While your making an attempt to protect the innocent, consider something within your power that you can actually do to help such as.

    Enact an “Executive Order” to block the federal government from pushing “Critical Waste Theory” like South Dakota just did.

  4. I have a hard time believing that this is anything but a political stunt that will go nowhere. That said, if we were to succeed in stopping the slaughter of millions of innocent babies, maybe God would hear our prayers and heal our land.

    The animus against Brad Little is because he is a RINO wimp, bought and paid for by China and Big Pharma, who has allowed the rights of Idahoans, especially schoolchildren, to be trampled under the guise of a treatable virus with a 99% survival rate.

  5. Agreed that this is a “too late, too little” political maneuver to curry favor with conservative voters and persuade them that he is a man of the people rather than a man of the medical lobby and IACI, which is much nearer the truth. If he truly wanted to do something vitally needed by the people of Idaho he would strike a blow for decency, respect, common sense, and personal liberty by issuing an executive order preventing all Idaho businesses from mandating that employees, vendors, etc. unwillingly consent to being injected with a dangerous, experimental gene therapy (not vaccine!) as a condition of employment. Since he is a coward bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists, he will not do this for the people of Idaho, in particular all our courageous nurses and other medical workers. With any luck, Little will leave the state again soon, and our next governor, Janice McGeachin, will issue the order herself. Then when Little returns, rescinds the order, and engages in his predictable fit of arrogant criticism and lecturing, his true disregard for his constituents will be even more obvious, further sealing his electoral fate. Hey Brad, I hear there is a very important out-of-state conference you need to attend right away. Do it!

  6. I am shocked, stunned and actually speechless that Gov. Chicken Little actually took a stand for something. Wow. Yeah… you lost my vote in 2020, and it’s not coming back.


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