Idaho Dispatch

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Lewiston Rescinds Mask Mandate On a 4-3 Vote

By • March 25, 2021

As the COVID-19 vaccine has become more readily available, and many states and cities are seeing a decrease in reported cases, changes to government policies are taking place.

Some states like Texas and Florida are lifting restrictions on mask-wearing and gathering limitations.

Even here in Idaho, which has not had a statewide mask mandate, some local municipalities are making changes. For instance, Ada County has lifted its mask mandate.

Other cities such as Boise and Pocatello are still maintaining their mask mandates.

The city of Lewiston, however, is one of the first cities in Idaho, with a mask mandate, to now rescind the order.

The vote came after a lengthy debate between city council members and the mayor. Some council members argued that it was too soon and that more people needed to be vaccinated.

Other council members opposed to the mandate said it is an individual’s choice on whether or not they want to wear a mask and that businesses should also be able to decide their own policy.

The vote to end the mandate was close with a 4-3 vote in favor of ending the mandate. That is the same number that it took to begin the mandate back in November.

Do you think Lewiston should have ended its mask mandate?

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Tags: Covid-19, Lewiston, Mask Mandate

5 thoughts on “Lewiston Rescinds Mask Mandate On a 4-3 Vote

  1. The Arizona Governor lifted the last restrictions yesterday and specifically cities, towns and counties Must Immediately Lift their Mask Mandates. Private business is free to decide what’s best for them.

    Lewiston did the right thing.

    Idaho’s Governor needs to do his Constitutional Duty and follow Arizona’s and many other States lead to eliminate Mask Mandates now.

  2. I agree 100%! Any and all mask mandates should be lifted in all of Idaho. Not just some areas, stores etc. The Governor needs to do his job and end this!
    People are free to wear one, I should be free to NOT wear one!

    1. Yes… all counties need to lift the mask mandates and let businesses know they can’t enforce it. Should have always been an individual decision.

  3. Well, it’s ABOUT time – the whole stupid town looked like a bunch of scared rabbits. I have as much constitutional right to mandate we all wear flowers as these jokers have to mandate masks – are they in any way liable for the health damage inflicted by wearing them? The only way to continue pushing shots (authorized under “emergency use”) is to continue an emergency. No thanks – not drinking the cool-aid.

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