Idaho Dispatch

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Idaho Dispatch Vehicle Wrap Scheduled for Installation

By • October 31, 2021

Several months ago, Idaho Dispatch did a fundraiser to get enough funds to purchase a company vehicle.

Generous donors from around the state helped Idaho Dispatch reach our goal. Part of the funds raised was also intended to cover a vehicle wrap for advertising.

Idaho Dispatch is happy to announce that the vehicle has been purchased, and the wrap is scheduled to be installed in mid-November.

It has been an honor for Idaho Dispatch to bring Idahoans political news that isn’t full of bias and agenda-driven news.

The Idaho Dispatch hopes that we can continue to move forward in bringing our effort to even more Idahoans. That can only happen with the continued support of more Idahoans.

For now, we want to thank Idaho Dispatch supporters who donated to this effort. Your support has made this possible.

When Idaho Dispatch gets the vehicle and has the wrap installed, we will post pictures of the car for everyone to see!

Thank you all again for your tremendous trust in Idaho Dispatch!

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Tags: Idaho Dispatch, News, Vehicle Wrap