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Idaho Dispatch Exclusive: Dinesh D’Souza Interview

By • November 12, 2023

Idaho Dispatch Exclusive Content

Idaho Dispatch was granted the exclusive opportunity to interview Dinesh D’Souza, the creator of the new documentary “Police State,” during his recent visit to Idaho Falls.

Hear D’Souza’s thoughts on the agencies of the federal government, US sovereignty, what “Police State” means, the purpose of the film, and what Americans can and should do now.

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Tags: Dinesh D'Souza, Documentary, Federal Government, Police State, Surveillance, US sovereignty

8 thoughts on “Idaho Dispatch Exclusive: Dinesh D’Souza Interview

  1. Thank you, ID for posting this interview. Thanks to Dinesh for stating so succinctly what we know but expounding on it in a straightforward manner as you did. We have to roll up our collective sleeves and, like eating an elephant, take the process of reestablishing “We the people” one bite at a time.

    It didn’t happen overnight, it will take time…

  2. Our politicians, government employed and the military are who is responsible . They are a crime gang that makes the Mexican drug cartels seem like the lesser of the evils. In all honesty we are a nation of dumbed down and ignorant Tv watchers.

  3. Thanks Idaho Dispatch for publishing the Stand Up For Idaho event with Dinesh D’Souza, truly an amazing documentarian. The event, a first from Stand Up For Idaho, was preceded by 2000 Mules two years ago, spreading the word about his new movie Police State, and the showing of his film Death of a Nation. These events are non partisan, open to the public Wednesday nights at 6:30 at the Shilo Inn Event Center.

  4. America is not a free country, Every single solitary thing you do is tracked and monitored, your food, your gas, your travel, your utilities, your money. Theres not a single thing you do that isnt monitored.

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