Group Launches Billboards Against Boise Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez
By Greg Pruett • October 23, 2021City elections across Idaho are just a little over a week away.
One race that is garnering attention from conservative groups is the Boise is the District 3 race. City Council President Pro-Tem Lisa Sanchez is facing three challengers for the seat.
A group called the Conservative Citizens for Thoughtful Growth has launched a digital billboard targeting Sanchez’s stances on several fronts.
The digital billboard is located on State Street near Willow Lane. Here is what one of the images looks like (story continues below):
After the George Floyd shooting in May of 2020, a number of city councils across the country began discussions on potential changes to existing budgets for their police departments. Boise’s city council also had its own debate and vote on a police budget.
One of the billboards targets Sanchez’s vote on the Boise Police Department budget proposal.
Sanchez was one of two council members that voted against the budget, which included an increase of $34 million. Jimmy HallyBurton also voted against the budget, but the budget ultimately moved forward, with four other council members voting in favor of the proposed budget.
Idaho Dispatch reached out to Sanchez to see if she had a response to the billboard, but she has not done so at this time.
Additionally, Idaho Dispatch tried to reach out to the group Conservative Citizens for Thoughtful Growth about the billboard but could not locate any contact information. However, “Douglas Black” is listed as the Treasurer on the group’s website.
What do you think of the billboard targeting Sanchez?
Let us know in the comments below.
Tags: Billboard, Boise, Conservative Citizens for Thoughtful Growth, Lisa Sanchez
15 thoughts on “Group Launches Billboards Against Boise Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez”
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Brilliant! Expose the commies before they destroy our city!
How does Boise have a councilwoman who voted to defund the police? I guess people aren’t paying close attention to who they vote for.
Maybe the BLM bus can relocate her to Portland.
Running against Sanchez is Maria Santa Cruz-Cernik- a small business owner with common sense- she owns stag hair cut and I’ve been there many times. She came in from Philippines (via the legal process) and has good, pro-America policy from what I can see.
VOTE Greg MacMillian
Backed by police Union !
kudos! people deserve the ability to cast an informed vote
Finally finally boise is fighting back against all the liberal bulls-***. Next is mayor McLean and city councilman Jimmy Halliburton!!!
All liberals need to be sent packing back to the coast. They are like a cancer, spreads and destroys everything they come in contact with.
Today’s domestic terrorist attack at the Mall would have been worse without the immediate, efficient, professional response from the Boise Police Department. Why would anyone vote for a person who voted to defund the police?
Sanchez must go! We need city leaders that do not paint all Boiseans as “racists” and “dangerous” to her existence. The Hegelian divisiveness must END!
Last year she wrote a racist and horrible story about a white teenager whose gun went off accidentally.
All liberals need to go…
Including lying mayor of ada.
Boise City desperately needs to rid itself those who support Marxist principles.
Although I am not a fan of Ms. Sanchez’s record, I’m writing to point to an adjacent problem, CCFTG (Conservative Citizens for Thoughtful Growth) sent unsolicited and unwelcome text message to my cell phone immediately prior to this election. In short, they utilized my communication device to deliver a text message, costing me money and time. Does someone know where I can reach CCFTG to put a stop to this?