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Governor Little to Give State of the State Address. Some Lawmakers to Give Press Briefing Tomorrow

By • January 9, 2022

Governor Brad Little will give the State of the State address tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. MST.

This year, Little will give the State of the State in the House Chambers. Last year, Little gave the address online last year rather than in person.

Little is expected to cover a wide range of topics in his address, including the state budget, which is seeing a record surplus, education, and more.

Little, Senate Pro-Tem Chuck Winder, and Speaker Scott Bedke recently held a press briefing recently to discuss their goals for the upcoming legislative session. The Idaho legislative session begins tomorrow and is expected to run somewhere between the middle and end of March.

Once the session is over, legislators will have approximately one and a half to two months to campaign before the May 17 primary election.

In addition to Little’s State of the State tomorrow, some legislators will hold a press briefing tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Floor rotunda to discuss a “conservative agenda” for 2021. The briefing will be conducted by State Senator Christy Zito (R-Hammett) and Rep. Ron Nate (R-Rexburg). Other legislators are expected to be in attendance.

11 thoughts on “Governor Little to Give State of the State Address. Some Lawmakers to Give Press Briefing Tomorrow

  1. Lower state income tax to eventually do away with it entirely and get rid of sales tax on groceries.

  2. Repeal the Grocery sales tax in Idaho, if not statewide, start with four Idaho Counties. Owyhee, Payette, Washington and Adams.
    It’s time for Fruitland Idaho to have its own grocery store.
    Build the Stawide repeal with this group. Move our Sales from Oregon and keep it in Idaho.

  3. Fully expecting another in an ever-growing list of poorly disguised campaign speeches by “Accomplished” Little…

    He needs to leave along with the above mentioned income and sales taxes we suffer under.

  4. 1.) Election Integrity.
    2.) School Vouchers for Student/Parents to decide where to educate their children.
    3.) Eliminate non-profit status of all hospitals/medical establishments and insurance companies doing business in Idaho.
    4.) Defund the Universities and Central District Health, as much as Idaho can do, until they begin again to simply teach and educate.
    5.) Be sure the Governor, ISP and the National Guard can never ever be allowed to suppress The People of Idaho.
    6.) Fix the potholes and bridges.
    7.) Return any and all the rest of the surplus monies to the rightful owner: The Individual Taxpayer.

  5. Property tax limits or remove property tax altogether. At the rate they are raising our property tax we will all be homeless soon.

  6. Make any and all mask and vaccine mandates within the entire state ILLEGAL.
    Give us back our freedoms!!!!

  7. End the state of emergency, no vaccine mandates, no mask mandates. Pass legislation limiting the governors emergency powers and reduce the allowed length.

  8. End the emergency, give back our “surplus”
    of federal covid dollars and end all mandates for private business at the expense of individual Liberty.

  9. Voter integrity. We are listed 38 out of 50 states. Needs to be changed.
    Eliminate property tax
    Eliminate sales tax on groceries
    Eliminate/drastically reduce state income tax
    Eliminate non-essential, government agencies/employees that are not congruent with the constitution
    Money follows the child, for school choice
    Make it illegal for politicians to accept money/donations from any entity, Federal government or foreign and domestic.
    Our state government officials should not be answerable to anyone other than the citizens of Idaho, who they represent.

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