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Former Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger Trial Begins Next Week for Rape Allegation

By • April 22, 2022

The trial of former State Representative Aaron von Ehlinger will begin next week.

Von Ehlinger has been charged with felony rape and penetration with a foreign object. If convicted, Von Ehlinger could be sentenced to life in prison.

Von Ehlinger had been a legislator for less than one year when the accusation came forward by a volunteer staffer at the Idaho capitol building.

Boise Police said they had begun an investigation into the matter after the Attorney General’s office notified them of what the staffer was alleging. However, the case was closed down shortly after, presumably at the accuser’s request.

Neither Von Ehlinger nor the alleged victim has disputed that the two had dinner together and went back to Von Ehlinger’s apartment. Von Ehlinger says that the two had consensual contact, while the alleged victim says she did not consent and that Von Ehlinger forced her to perform oral sex.

After BPD closed down the investigation, Idaho’s House leadership began an ethics investigation into the matter.

In late April, Von Ehlinger resigned from office after the House Ethics Committee recommended him being removed from the capitol building for the remainder of the legislative session. The committee also recommended that Von Ehlinger not be allowed back this year either.

Von Ehlinger insisted he was innocent of any wrongdoing. During the ethics investigation, Von Ehlinger took three polygraphs with the polygraph examiner stating Von Ehlinger was being truthful. However, it should be noted that polygraphs are not admissible in court, and their accuracy is disputed.

Von Ehlinger has pleaded “not guilty” to both charges.

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Tags: Aaron von Ehlinger, Idaho Legislature, Polygraph, Rape, Trial

7 thoughts on “Former Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger Trial Begins Next Week for Rape Allegation

  1. Wouldn’t it be grand if Idaho had a fair, unprejudiced court system and also her judges in which true justice could once again prevail?

  2. I’m confused. He’s facing life in prison for receiving oral sex? After the Boise PD investigated and closed the investigation without charges?
    This article could use another paragraph or 2.

  3. Don’t worry. Everything is under control. If he’s a liberal he’ll skate. And if he’s a conservative in Boise they’ll string him up.. after all, he was turned loose be the PD wasn’t he.

  4. 1- So much factual evidence supressed & Not Allowed by Judge.
    2- No witnesses or physical damages
    3- Was there any evidence of her thwarting him off?
    4- Jasmine Vega the “accuser” only after some “mind changing” made criminal declarations
    5- If someone performed some “down there” activities and this “receiver” TRULY AND CONSISTENTLY did not want it then said “receiver” could and would offer up some significant fight back; unless it was “pleasantly received” until the “mind & mood change” or she was restrained…??? Strike to back of exposed head with hard object…? scratches on face / eyes… ? Who knows??? No witnesses and ???any physical signs of resistence?? Damn rough verdict for someone dismissed by Boise PD… with earlier charges dropped…

  5. Question? What Do Legislators do?
    Was he conservative? Former Military?
    Christian? All strikes against Him?

    Was he targeted? Was she paid? Follow the money!
    Is Judge liberal? Non Christian? Owned by $$$?

    This case needs in depth investigation, pieces are missing, and are not being reported.

    No on can force oral sex! Sharp teeth would be a huge weopon to someone being forced!

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