Idaho Dispatch

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Former Caldwell Officer is the Leading Candidate to be New Police Chief

By • April 27, 2022

According to four separate sources, former Caldwell police officer Jared Hoeksema is the leading candidate for the Caldwell police chief position.

The position of police chief is open after former Chief Frank Wyant retired several weeks ago. Wyant’s retirement comes as the F.B.I is investigating several Caldwell police officers.

Hoeksema was an officer in the Caldwell police department several years ago before moving to the Nampa Police Department, where he is currently a school resource officer.

According to sources Idaho Dispatch spoke with, two of the other candidates are from out of state.

In the end, Mayor Jarom Wagoner has the ultimate decision on who is chosen. Sources say that Wagoner knows Hoeksema from his previous time as a Caldwell officer and that the two attended the same church together.

Idaho Dispatch reached out to the mayor’s office for comment, but we have not received one at this time.

3 thoughts on “Former Caldwell Officer is the Leading Candidate to be New Police Chief

  1. Hoeksema is an exceptional example of what every officer, deputy and LE should strive to resemble. The standards he sets for himself and he upholds are positively influential to those around him.
    Hoeksema is a constant in dignity, truth and faith making him undeniably be the best option for the city of Caldwell.
    However, I can’t imagine the loss that Nampa PD would feel, losing such an amazing asset.
    Good luck my friend in which ever path you choose I know it will be the best for you, your family and the community you will continue to serve.

  2. Rumors are Joseph Hoadley was fired from Caldwell PD. For deleting his laptop and work phone information. Look into it.

  3. Rumors are that Jared Hoeksema withdrew his name for consideration of Police Chief due to the Allgood, Register, Wright, Rice, and Davis drama faction within the Caldwell Police Department. Look into it.

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