Featured Advertiser: The Quantam Life Device
By Featured Advertiser • June 11, 2023Each Sunday the Idaho Dispatch will feature information and the bio of one of our advertisers. Please patronize these businesses that are supporting the unbiased news reporting of the Idaho Dispatch!
Meet Dr. John Conca. John Baptist Conca hails from his native Philadelphia, where he was born just blocks from Betsy Ross’ house. By 1979 he earned his BA in Philosophy with Honors and was offered a scholarship to Rutgers Law School. Dr. Conca also earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1982 and is licensed in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and California. He has practiced for over 30 years.
In 1985 Dr. Conca and two associates meet with John Crane in San Diego, California. John Crane worked with Dr. Royal R. Rife for 22 years, successfully treating cancer and other diseases using electronic frequencies, instead of drugs or surgery. Dr. Conca has preserved this humane treatment technology for use by future generations. President Trump’s 2017 Right to Try Act protects people’s right to seek and use alternative treatments for terminal illness.
In 1995 Dr. Conca was awarded a Doctor of Divinity degree and in 1999 founded Rainbow Covenant Church, a non-denominational Christian fellowship located near Kamiah, Idaho.
Dr. Conca earned his PhD in Religion in 2023. He has authored two books: Spinal Adjusting Made Easy (c) 2003 and Children of Light (c) 2023.
In 2009, Dr. Conca was Knighted into the Royal Order of Constantine the Great, a dynastic order established in 314 A.D. Dr. Conca was also Knighted into the Knights of Rizal, an order of Knighthood sanctioned by the Philippine Government. Dr. Conca enjoys Idaho country living with his wife Linda.
The Right to Try Act also protects manufacturers of this technology. Dr. Conca copyrighted the frequencies and waveform and the integrated circuit board layout and design of the Quantum Life Device.
The Quantum Life Device is for sale to individuals for self-use and for practitioners of the healing arts. Since 2018, Quantum Life Devices have been purchased by Doctors, Day Spays, Nursing Homes, Churches and individuals for personal use.
In 2002 California passed a law (SB577) that allows everyday people to become certified as Complimentary and Alternative Health Care Practitioners. Dr. Conca is an instructor at the Rife Educational Foundation, which has certified dozens of Certified Quantum Life Practitioners under SB577. The Quantum Life certification training is now offered as a distance learning platform, so individuals interested in a career as a Certified Alternative Health Care Practitioner can train at home at their own pace. The certification provides people with all the training and paperwork necessary to open up their very own successful storefront or office, helping their community heal naturally with this amazing technology. Many states have laws similar to SB577.
Helping people heal naturally is a very rewarding career. Certified Quantum Life Technologists in California, Washington and Hawaii have helped numerous patients overcome cancer and other diseases. A pastor of a Compton California church, who is also a Certified Quantum Life Technologist, provides frequency services for his ailing congregants in a room dedicated to this service two days a week. A stage four cancer patient now in remission texted Dr. Conca, “Quality of life increased with the machine. Thank you!” In Washington state nine documented cancer patients were healed using the Quantum Life Device. To their families and friends this is truly a miracle.
Would you like to be a Certified Quantum Life Technologist? The Quantum Life Device works!
Learn more here: The Quantum Life Device – Healing Science and Compassionate Care