Dr. Ryan Cole Responds to Critics Accusing him of Being ‘Anti-Vaccine’ and More
By Greg Pruett • August 20, 2021The Ada County Commissioners have nominated Dr. Ryan Cole to serve as the next doctor for the Central District Health Board.
Ada County Commissioner Kendra Kenyon (D) said at the last board meeting that Cole made money off of the COVID-19 issue and that his criticism of the COVID-19 vaccine “flies in the face of ethics.” Additionally, some reporters have stated that Cole was “anti-vaccine,” and Idaho Dispatch sought to get clarification from Cole as well as one reporter on the “anti-vaccine” label.
Cole spoke with Idaho Dispatch and disputed claims made by Kenyon and others and said he wanted to set the record straight.
One of the comments that Cole wanted to clarify was an accusation by Kenyon that Cole criticizes the COVID-19 vaccine but makes money off of the testing.
Cole does own Cole Diagnostics in Garden City. Cole’s company does COVID-19 testing and charges either $99 for a nasal swab test or $50 for an anti-body test.
However, Cole said that to help the community when the COVID-19 pandemic was in the beginning stages, his company went over $2 million in debt, risking personal bankruptcy just to get set up for the testing process. Cole said they did testing for many large hospitals and surgical centers. In addition, Cole said that he received no grants as universities and hospitals did, but they did receive some State “Cares Act” funds to offset some of the costs.
Cole told Idaho Dispatch that his net income last year was “zero” because he focused on making sure his employees and team were paid, and he is almost back to breaking even so he can begin drawing a salary again.
Idaho Dispatch asked Cole if he believed COVID-19 was real or if he believed it was a hoax. Cole responded that he believed COVID-19 is real, that it is deadly to many at-risk groups, and has several variants.
At the Ada County Commissioner’s meeting, Kenyon also mentioned that Cole’s family was vaccinated but did not specify what vaccines she was talking about that Cole or his family had received.
Idaho Dispatch asked Cole what Kenyon was referring to. Cole told us that during his interviews with the commissioners, Cole mentioned that he and his children had all received their childhood vaccinations.
Cole also clarified that he has not received the COVID-19 vaccine and that only his adult older daughter, who does not live at home, had made her own decision to get the COVID-19 shots.
In addition to Kenyon, Heath Druzin, a reporter in Idaho who does freelance work for Boise State Public Radio, said in a tweet that Cole was “anti-vaccine.” Here is a copy of Druzin’s tweet:
Idaho Dispatch reached out to Druzin to ask if his “anti-vaccine advocate” label was meant to only be about COVID-19 or if it was meant to include all vaccines. Druzin told Idaho Dispatch that he was only referring to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Additionally, Idaho Dispatch asked Cole what his primary concern was with the COVID-19 vaccine and if he was “anti-vaccines” as he has been by some have described him. Here is what Cole told us,
I am not anti-vaccine. I have had countless vaccines over my lifetime (childhood and military), as have my family, not not a coronavirus vaccine, and never will, based on the poor medical history of bad outcomes vaccinating against this family of viruses. Many in my family are Covid recovered. The Covid recovered have an essentially zero percent chance of reinfection, according to countless world studies, and it is anti-science to push vaccination in this group, which is already a large part of our population. A one size fits all approach is illogical and anti-scientific in the Covid era. Participation in an investigational vaccination should be a well-informed personal choice based on one’s personal risk assessment.
The elderly are at a 240 times Covid risk compared to the young. The current shots may be okay for some high-risk individuals. However, they have statistically been shown to be a highly dangerous medical intervention, with chronic long-term complications for countless other individuals. Vaccinating children who survive Covid at a statistical 100% is medically illogical, as we are seeing more damage (myocarditis, neuroinflammation, death, etc.) in children and youth age 0-24, from the shots in this age group, than benefit. We cannot accelerate time, and hence, we cannot know the longer-term outcomes to immune health, cancer, and fertility risk, in these younger patients or anyone for that matter. Those who have underlying comorbidities may see a benefit. Participation in any medical procedure (especially an experiment) should always be a personal choice.
We are seeing that the Delta spike variant has quickly escaped the investigational Wuhan spike Covid vaccines. The vaccinated around the world are outnumbering the unvaccinated in cases, hospitalization and deaths (see Israel, UK, Gibraltar, Iceland, Seychelles, Australia, etc.). Due to incomplete and asymmetrical reporting in the U.S., these outcomes are more difficult to track but are already being seen here. The CDC has indicated that the vaccinated can carry equal or higher viral loads than the unvaccinated. Doubling down on a failing vaccination experiment and ignoring early treatment (monoclonal antibodies, the FLCCC.net protocols, or Peter McCullough, MD protocols at TruthforHealth.org, for example) may put us into an interesting community health conundrum. Again, a one size fits all solution ignores data and science. I personally ascribe to General Patton’s view that “If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
Finally, Idaho Dispatch asked cole about comments he made calling the COVID-19 vaccine “clot shots” and “needle rape.” Kenyon brought up these comments during her opposition to nominating Cole for the CDH board position. Cole said the comments were made “tongue in cheek” and that he was repeating the nicknames the audience and others had been using.
Cole’s comments and beliefs have been brought up by a number of individuals on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere in the media. Some citizens believe he is the right man to be on the CDH board while others believe he shouldn’t be on it.
Do you think Cole is the right choice for the CDH Board? Do you think someone else should have been nominated?
Let us know in the comments below.
Tags: Ada County Commissioners, Boise State Public Radio, Dr. Ryan Cole, Heath Druzin, Kendra Kenyon
107 thoughts on “Dr. Ryan Cole Responds to Critics Accusing him of Being ‘Anti-Vaccine’ and More”
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Absolutely yes. The apparent tactic if the establishment media is to use branding (a marketing tactic) to sell this doctor as something he clearly isn’t. All I’d need to determine he’s right for the job is to see how his opposition attempts to brand him.
Absolutely the right candidate for this job! Dr Ryan Cole 100%!
Thank God for someone who does not have herd mentality. MANY doctors believe that these vaccines are dangerous, AND they also believe that there is no pandemic. Less than 1 percent of the population dying does not make for a pandemic. I have seen the media censor these brave people who risk their jobs to bring us into the truth.
I believe Dr. Cole is the right choice for the position on the CDH Board! I am a Retired RN. And I believe that it is my body, my right to choose what medical treatment I want! We need more professionals like Dr. Cole who will stand up for our freedom of choice!! Thank you!!
Definitely yes, he is the right candidate
Cole is needed on the board to bring some common sense and true science into view.
Yes he is a good candidate
Of course. We need more physicians that really know the science behind the disease telling us the truth. So many physicians think they know but are absolutely clueless and are guiding their practices on media and government!
Get rid of the brain dead democrat, in fact send her to Afghanistan where her hero Biden, screwed that up too, or let her go protect the border, she seems to be an expert on everything but truth.
Using the phrase “establishment media” is also branding.
I think he’s the perfect man for the job.
Dr. Cole will bring science back into the decision making process. Absolutely yes!
Cole is the best choice. He is well educated and has our health interest in mind.
✔% YES❣
CDH should be thrilled to have Dr Cole. It’s hard to dispute the facts that he lays out unless you are looking for a predetermined opinion to fit your own narrative.I think it’s great that they have chosen a scientist rather than the new norm which is a just a political hack.
It’s hard for those with little to no medical training to dispute him. The 97% of doctors who have been vaccinated say otherwise.
I seriously doubt that 97% of the doctors have been vaccinated. One of the largest groups not to accept the vaccine is the medical community unless they are of a particular political persuasion that happened to drink the Fauci Kool-Aid. Thank God for people like Dr. Cole that stand up for truth, science and ethics!
Dr. Ryan Cole is the right choice at the right time to be on the Central District Health Board.
We need open dialogue and thought, Dr Cole will be a welcomed help, a welcomed addition in the upcoming CDH discussions.
Absolutely Dr. Cole belongs on the board. It is healthy to have differing view points represented on this board. Half the country believes the same as Dr. Cole. It’s time to have a healthy conversation instead of shaming or silencing those who see things differently.
I agree, a healthy dialogue is missing in many if not most health-related meeting rooms today. I appreciate Dr. Cole’s intelligent and scientific approach. He’s on target and I appreciate him bringing Dr. Peter McCullough to light in Idaho. He’s a world-renowned Dr.in TX, who has experience and focus on treating people when they’re diagnosed with Covid, to help prevent them from getting so sick they end up in the hospital. Watch on you tube as he testifies to the Senate in TX. And, ask around– how many people in Idaho who tested positive for Covid were given any instructions or medicines to take to help prevent them from getting seriously I’ll? I doubt you’ll find many, if any. Dr. Cole is right for the board.
Dr. Ryan Cole is a refreshing voice in a dark time. He is perfect for this position!
Yes, Dr. Cole was the right choice. It’s good to have well rounded candidates with different views in order to keep us all safe and understand opposition or hesitation to a new shot. Kenyon should be fired, fined or have some repercussions for false statements as well as trying to expose Dr. Cole and his families personal health records. Grateful to have a bold candidate on the CDH board!
Oh yeah he is the best choice! A free thinker not scared of bullies! Love it!!!
I absolutely think he is the right man for the job! It becomes apparent he is when Boise’s media starts the vitriolic attack!
He should absolutely be on the board to provide balance to what was currently a one sided rhetoric. Balance is always key and a person who understands the science past the headline is so important for our community.
I would feel very comfortable going to Dr. Cole for any medical reason. He understands patient rights, and a doctor’s role explaining his medical insight, but leaving the final decision up to the patient. Many of us are not happy with the current state of having things forced on us by government, large corporations i.e. Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and ngo’s such as those funded by George Soros.
Look at who pushed the Vaxx today…the same man dealing with the worst military debacle in history. Not all that reliable of a source.
He definitely belongs on the board! He’s a perfect fit for Idaho values and uses rational science. He gets my vote!
I think Dr Cole sounds perfect for the job. I just want doctors to follow the science. The CDC put out a report out Aug 11th, 2021 that says we (previously covid infected people) are 2 times more likely to get reinfected with covid than those who’ve been vaccinated. BUT the report doesn’t show mortality rates or severity of symptoms for this group, a HUGE omission. The report was based on a study of 2,200 people and by the time you read the disclaimers that disputed the study’s own data, it was a joke. How can anyone possibly make an informed decision when key information is withheld? I had covid 9 months ago and this week had the antibody test, I still have them. I’d put my immunity at least on par with those that are vaccinated, and I’m guessing it’s probably better given how ineffective the vaccines are turning out to be. I appreciate someone who is willing to buck the status quo and tell the truth.
Absolutely the right choice!
Dr. Cole is a gift to the Treasure Valley!
Dr.Cole is the perfect doctor to be on the board. He is a rational thinking doctor and that’s what we need.
100% agree!
I think Dr. Cole is exactly the right person for the job. Dr. Cole presents a logical and methodical explanation to backup his thoughts and reasons to being concerned about this one size fits all approach to a health question.
I find interesting that as usual the liberal left comments and attacks resort to name calling and unsubstantiated accusations. If anything they are predictable.
He is absolutely the right choice!! He is a breath of fresh air and obviously has tons of expertise!
Yes!!! Definitely Dr. Cole!!
Perfect choice. Educated, professional,open minded. Your body, your choice
Dr Cole is a perfect choice.
I vote for him!!!!
Love this man! Thank you for your courage!
Dr. Cole is one of the Drs I trust giving information that I and my family make thoughtful decisions
Dr Ryan Cole is a gift to the Treasure Valley. He is the perfect choice for Central District Health.
Ah… finally, a doc who is not a left-wing puppet. Welcome to CDH Dr. Cole.
He’s the exact right person for the job! Someone who actually reads data and draws logical conclusions based on the facts rather than regurgitating what the mainstream media is spewing.
Dr. Cole is the right doctor for this job. We need some sanity in this area and he brings that to the table and more!
Wow… 100% support for Dr. Cole in the comments so far. Kudos to those who have already commented. It’s reassuring to know that there are still some courageous and clear thinking people living in the four counties that are controlled by the Central District Health agency.
For me, Dr. Cole is clearly the right man at the right time. In addition to his outstanding professional qualifications, he epitomizes what psychologist and philosopher Rollo May said long ago, which is “The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it’s conformity.”
We don’t need any more people who merely conform to what the power-elite tells them to believe, how to act, and what to do. We need courageous trailblazers in the fight against this Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus; people like Dr. Ryan Cole.
After everything I have listened to and read from Dr Cole, I am confident he is the right person for the job and am pleased to see others who feel the same. It’s really sad though cuz the Idaho statesman has a different agenda or someone pushing false claims of Dr Cole and the coronavirus and it is just hurting and dividing our state. I think it is important to be informed on both sides of the issue and make a choice for yourself rather than be bombarded with billboards and pressure to make 1 choice or face group shaming for not following the media. I think Dr Cole gives us that other side of the issue to make an informed decision
Yes! We DON’T need another “yes” man. He will be a level headed and much needed balance to the crazy that is going on.
Dr. Cole is the best choice in order for us to be told REAL info instead of propaganda.
Dr. Ryan Cole is the right person for the job. It’s so refreshing to have a well educated professional with a tremendous amount of experience chosen to be on the board. I love the fact that he thinks for himself and isn’t waiting to be told how to do his job.
Dr. Cole is absolutely the right person for the job! It is so refreshing to hear someone who actually knows and understands the science applicable to coronaviruses in general, covid in particular, how the investigational vaccine actually acts in the body, the pathology he and others are seeing in those who are dying from the vaccine, and who is willing to assimilate the science from other countries on efficacious treatments that are far safer! It is about time we quit pretending that journalists, politicians and charlatan bureaucrats are experts or that they have our best interests at heart–and started listening to ACTUAL doctors who deal with both the disease and the fallout from the vaccine on a daily basis.
FWIW, my own primary care physician is no longer pushing the mRNA vaccines either.
I think ADA is incredibly lucky to have Dr. Cole. Wish all counties had a Dr. Cole.
Oh boy, one does indeed have to watch that video until the very last second or all is lost.
Yes, he is absolutely the best person for the position.
Yes America desperately needs people like Dr. Cole who are willing to fight against this unprecedented movement towards socialism and ultimately communism.
Yes…. The Man for the Job!
Absolutely. We need unbiased medical professionals to lead. Doctors that use real science over political science.
100%! He is the right person for the position!
Everything I have heard Dr. Cole say, tells me he is absolutely needed on the board. Even after reading the negative reviews of his qualifications, I am more determined than ever we need this balance on the board.
Dr. Cole is the absolute best choice!! He cares about people and not politics. We need more medical personnel on the board so it isn’t a couple of medical people making decisions for all of us.
Yes I feel Cole was the correct choice. Kenyons melt down over him confirmed that
Yes, yes, yes!!!! Excellent choice!
Dr Cole is certainly right for this position. He has experience, he is reasoned in his thinking, he believes in personal choice and true informed consent. I can also tell he is a good fit because his opposition quickly started in with the shameful tactic of labels (anti-vax, etc) as a way to discredit him. I hope he will be a solid obstruction to the establishment’s agenda and current bullying/ coercion. We need leaders and doctors who believe against a one size fit all approach.
No, Dr. Cole isn’t the right choice. Regardless his intent, he makes money from continued testing. He may have spent $ on machine and is now breaking even, which could indicate he really needs the testing to continue to finally make the risky purchase worth it. Confirmation bias makes you feel good, appreciated, right. But be willing to ask yourselves why you read what you read. Look for alternative avenues of information and be open to other points of view. It’s why I’m here. I want to be exposed to alternate ways at looking at this. And still my gut tells me Dr. Cole takes us farther apart, and therefore, less healthy as a community.
We need Dr. Ryan Cole to be appointed to the Central District Health Board.
Just send an email this weekend…. here is the contact information to send emails to request that Dr. Ryan Cole be appointed to Central District Health:
Boise County Commissioners:
r.*****@co.us, s.********@co.us, r.******@co.us
Elmore County Commissioners:
bc*****@el**********.org, cr******@el**********.org, ah****@el**********.org
Valley County Commissioners:
Chairman Hasbrouck, Commissioner Maupin and Commissioner Bingaman are at the same email in Valley County.
Let’s get this done!
Thank you!
YES he will be perfect for this! Definitely has my vote!!
He is absolutely the right choice. His alternative treatments took my husband from a horrible case of COVID to completely well in a week. Our whole family had it and recovered completely with no long term effects. He is speaking the truth.
Dr Cole has spoken from years of experience in the scientific discipline that applies most and best. We should be listening to this man. He’s got my vote!!!
I’m an RN and I support Dr Cole 100% and have let my commissioners know.
Yes 100%! There never is a “one size fits all” when it comes to medical issues & decisions. Thankfully he recognizes and understands that.
Yes Yes YES!!!! Dr. Cole is absolutely correct in my opinion. Thank you for all your doing!!
Nope. He’s a nut and anti vax…worse person for this job but he fits your narrative and supports your (misguided) views about the vaccines. They’re absolutely safe and effective. Myocarditis is roughly 1 in 100,000. That’s statistically insignificant. Way more people will die from covid and this clown will have blood on his hands for it. Wake up, take your tin foil hats off and recognize real science.
We’ve taken nothing but gut punches for the last 18 months from our government, both locally and nationally. Even “Conservatives” like Little have failed to protect Idahoans in what is quickly becoming the greatest Civil Rights issue of our lifetime: vaccine mandates. Dr. Cole is a breath of fresh air to these captured bureaucrats masquerading as health experts..while doing nothing but push a pharmaceutical product that has zero chance of curbing the spread of covid-19 and a still unknown risk profile. Glad to see our local commissioners do the right thing, very proud of them and I hope the legislature steps up to the plate and protects the liberty and livelihoods of our doctors and nurses from these coercive mandates!
He looks like a great fit for the job! We need people in these positions that can think for themselves. Following science and not the narrative is the correct approach! Never cave into unjust biases.
Dr Cole is absolutely the right person for the position. He has professional and personal experience that this board needs to have open informed discussions.
Absolutely!!! Wish we had a Ryan Cole for SWDH.
1000% the right person for the job. He is using ACTUAL science and not caving to the mass media bullshit. This is still an experimental vaccine, and as such, should never be forced on an unwilling public. There are still those parents out there who refuse to allow their children to receive their childhood vaccinations. So along those lines, if those are not “mandated” and “required” to participate in society, then there is no way this should be either. I do not feel any group should be stigmatized for how they feel about this vaccine. if you want it, you should get it, if you dont? then nobody, ESPECIALLY government, should not have the right to force you to inject something into your body that you are not 100% comfortable with. As a healthcare front line worker, I test for covid, I give covid vaccinations, and help treat the virus in people who test positive, both vaccinated and unvaccinated. and if someone has questions, I do my damnst to answer them, but nobody, not even my job, will force me to push this on ANYONE. its a decision that can only be made by the individual, in conjuction with your doctor, who understands your disease processes and the under lying health conditions you may or may not have. We have had enough of the one size fits all policies. He’s got my support if he supports the individuals rights to choose.
Absolutely unequivocally 100% the right person for the job!
I am 100% for Dr Cole. God bless and protect you and your family. You are a true Patriot and Hero!
Yes, Yes, and Yes!!!! Finally a doctor who will support the people of his community!!! He stands for what’s right without listening to anyone’s twisted narrative!!!! It is so good to see that Dr. Ryan Cole will be on the health board!!!! He’s definitely the right man for the job!!!!
Yes, we need more free thinking people representing us! Dr. Cole has my vote!
Dr Cole is the best the candidate for this position. I appreciate that he understands medicine is not a one size fits all solution to health.
We keep putting doctors into pro or anti vaccine and this is wrong. I am sure there are medications some doctors are very against prescribing (VIOXX, opioids, etc) and that doesn’t make them anti-medicine. Using anti-vax labels is absurd.
Yes!! He obviously uses the knowledge he learned in school, he is not a sheep!!! As a medical doctor you goal to to educate your patient and advise to the best of your knowledge, give all facts, and allow your patient to make the best informed decision!!! This is exactly what we need!!! Way to go Dr. Cole! Thank you for stepping up and doing what’s right! Educate and recommend not push and demand!
100% agree,Cole is the right person for the job.
Absolutely. 100% the right person for the job. Do your research!
Dr. Cole is the right man for the job! Thank you Ada County Commissioners for nominating Dr. Ryan Cole to serve as the next doctor for the Central District Health Board!!!!!
The CDH and our community will be incredibly fortunate to have Dr. Cole on the board!!! He brings the right balance of frontline data-driven experience and medical ethics the community needs right now. It’s time we have a doctor serving the people’s interests, not big pharma’s. And I say that as someone who is NOT an anti-vaxxer.
His comments show his interest is in science and is sharing his views of what science is telling him statistically . No politics just the facts. Yes to Coles
Best choice! We are lucky to have a critical thinking Dr on the board. Someone who considers REAL science instead of forced, coerced, anti -science, mob mentality.
Absolutely Dr. Cole deserves a position on the board. He is a critical thinker of science based on true factual data and statistics. We don’t and won’t know the long term effects of this experiment for years to come. I 100% believe he’s the candidate for this position.
Dr. Cole is definitely the right choice! Thanks to the Ada Co. Cmsrs for the appointment. (Not you, Kenyon. You are a disgrace.)
Yes, the right person. There is so much information that is being hidden from Americans. What has happened to science? Science is always to be questioned. THAT is what science is all about. It is NEVER settled.
Yes, our community deserves to hear alternative narratives and debate.
Dr. Cole has been viciously, and wrongly, attacked in the media for calling out the potential dangers of the experiemental COVID vaccines, stating that Ivermectin is an effective treatment for Covid and mocked for suggesting individuals improve their immune systems.
These are concerns of thousands of doctors and scientists around the globe.
I left Boise for Seattle in the late 70s. I wish there were more doctors like him over here. Bravo!
Amen !!
Best logic I have heard finally I don’t feel alone in this . I will make my own choice on any vaccine I take especially a trial one.
YES, intelligent, independent, that is what is needed!
The honesty that exudes from this man is palpable. He is the man for the job.
He is what is needed on this board for sure…..balance. Glad to see Idaho stepped up.
The news of this man is spreading to our state, Oklahoma. He is absolutely the right choice. Political science is not science. Science is unbiased and follows the data that Mr. Cole has unique access to running a testing lab. Nurses are quitting in droves refusing to take the vaccines. Why? They not only treat covid patients but also treat those damaged by the vaccines. They know what is going on! They are the canaries in the coal mine!!
Absolutely. More and more doctors are speaking up an raise their concerns regarding covid vaccine, especially in young people (myocarditis etc.)
I call for an open debatte on all doctors, scientists for or against covid vaccine. Do not censor or call them conspiracy scientists. If you do not have anything to hide, let’s have a discussion about these vaccines.
I am so in hopes Dr. Cole will be placed in this position. I am of the opinion that this man understands both sides of the spectrum and stands behind the research available for all of us to read. His determination to maintain his ethical standards shows through with his commentary and his dedication to his staff and community. Thank You Dr. Cole.
100% this man makes sense. We are told to “believe the science” without ever being shown the science. Dr Cole shows us. I love following and sharing his videos with those who do no research on their own. I’m a retired RN with 41 years of experience, have seen the lack of common sense and those sadly and blindly following like sheep; I have natural immunity as of 11/20, and even without that, I knew there was no way I’d ever take that jab.
With all these unlawful mandates that are robing us of our rights to make our own healthcare decisions in the state of Washington we are planning to move to Idaho. My wife & I are both Nurses wanting to find work in Idaho that would support a freedom of choice, encouraging healthier lifestyles that boost your immune system, how to counter act if you did get the shot( it’s not a vaccine). Where are all the health care workers going after leaving the past employer that caved into the mandates? Our Western Medicin is failing us with restrictions on how to treat COVID. Giving Remdesivir is a death sentence when you go into our hospitals. MD’s are threatened to loose their licenses if they deviate from government protocols. Why are we getting false data & the media that bombardes us to get the shot? We have to take our lives & rights back! Now!