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Donald Trump Jr. to Visit Idaho for Fundraiser

By • September 14, 2020

Idaho usually does not see much in the way of presidential campaign stops for the general election.

The last Democrat presidential candidate to win in Idaho was Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 with a Republican winning the state every presidential election cycle since then. As a result, many presidential candidates do not spend a lot of time visiting the Gem State during the campaign season.

Additionally, Idaho only accounts for four electoral votes which is significantly lower than swing states such as Ohio (18), Pennsylvania (20), and Florida (29).

Tomorrow though, Donald Trump Jr. will stop in Idaho on behalf of his father’s presidential campaign for a fundraiser in Stanley, Idaho.

A number of citizens are organizing a “Welcome Party” for Trump Jr. at the Smiley Creek airport in Kethum. You can find the event link on Facebook for that event here.

For those wishing to attend the fundraiser, you will need at least $2,800 per person for the dinner. Other options for the event range from $5,600 all the way up to $250,000 for various sponsorships.

We have not seen any indication that Trump Jr. will be speaking to the general public on his visit. UPDATE: The Facebook event link says that Donald Trump Jr. will speak to the crowd but we have no official word from the Donald Trump Jr. staff that has indicated as much.

Generally speaking, when presidential candidates or high profile members of their campaign team fly in for fundraisers, they are only there to do a fundraiser and not to give public speeches.

If a public speech is announced we will update the article accordingly.

While President Trump is not coming to Idaho himself, did give Idaho a “shout out” recently on Twitter by posting this image:

Will you be going to welcome Donald Trump Jr. at the airport or attending the fundraiser in Stanley? Would you like to see presidential candidates visit Idaho in-person?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Tags: Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Fundraiser, Stanley

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