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DC Drama: Idahoan Asks Hunter Biden About Drug Use Today on Capitol Hill

By • January 10, 2024

Hunter Biden made a surprise appearance today on Capitol Hill, causing quite a stir, and drawing questions from an Idahoan who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

As part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden has been subpoenaed to sit for depositions in Congress. Thus far he has refused to comply, his attorneys explaining that he will testify publicly, but will not agree to closed depositions.

Biden attended the House Oversight Committee hearing this morning. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC) called for the immediate arrest of Biden for his refusal to respond to a congressional subpoena.

In the same hearing, just as Representative Marjorie Taylor-Green (R-GA) was recognized to speak by the chairman, Biden and his entourage abruptly stood and left the room. Green commented,

“Excuse me Hunter, apparently you are afraid of my words….”

[Biden exits the room]

“I think it’s clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that Hunter Biden is terrified of strong, conservative, Republican women because he can’t even face my words as I was about to speak to him.”

Later in the day, both the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee voted in favor of a resolution to recommend to the full House of Representatives that Biden be held in contempt of Congress for his refusal to answer the subpoena.

As Biden and his attorneys were walking down the hallway away from the committee hearing, Idahoan Eric Parker encountered the commotion.

In this first-person video, Parker asks Mr. Biden about his drug use while a crowd of reporters follows.

The encounter was also recorded by some of the reporters. Here you can see the same exchange from the perspective of the Fox News reporter: (2) Eric Parker on X: “I thought it was a fair question.” / X (

Parker is known for his involvement in the Nevada Bundy Ranch incident in 2014 involving the family of Ammon Bundy. He is the president of the Real 3% of Idaho and has been a candidate for the Idaho State Senate. Parker was in Washington DC on business not related to Biden, but happened to be in the hallway when Biden was leaving the Oversight Committee.

Representative Green sent an email out to subscribers this evening that says,

“Hunter Biden just stormed out after I began questioning him about the Biden Crimes.

The only women Hunter likes to deal with are apparently those he hires for sex.

He is clearly terrified of strong conservative women and would rather blatantly thumb his nose at Congress than face my questions at a congressional hearing.

And this stunt comes after he already skipped town when he was issued a lawful subpoena.

My message to Hunter is simple: You can run, but you can’t hide!

Hunter must be prosecuted and be held to the fullest extent of the law.”


Feature photo shows Eric Parker posing at the US Capitol today with Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor-Green.

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Tags: Congress, Eric Parker, House Judiciary Committee, House Oversight Committee, Hunter Biden, Impeachment Inquiry, Joe Biden, Marjorie Taylor-Green, MTG, Representative Nancy Mace, U.S. House of Representatives, US Capitol, US Congress

6 thoughts on “DC Drama: Idahoan Asks Hunter Biden About Drug Use Today on Capitol Hill

  1. Awesome job Parker !! Great to see an Idaho strong arm tell the president how it is! You made Idaho proud and asked what 97% of the country wanted to, but you were one of the only 3% that had the balls to do such.. i was happy when I seen it was a patriot from Idaho!

  2. Good chance nothing will happen and even if it did it would amount to nothing. It’s the same thing for the last 100 + years. Make a problem to run on and use it for all its worth. Best part is look how many fools on both sides fall for it.
    When I actually see something done I will actually believe it.

  3. Why not ask… why have you avoided paying taxes on all that money you received being the bagman for “the Big Guy”?
    Asking him about his drug use is irrelevant, Lib Dem’s could care less about his drug problems.

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