CRITFC’s Plan to Bring U.N. Agenda 2030 Policies to the PNW Dams Debate
By Sarah Clendenon • May 19, 2024The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) has a plan for improving conditions for the fish of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) by implementing United Nations Agenda 2030 climate change renewable energy policies.
Idaho Dispatch reported on the Northwest Intertribal Food Sovereignty Summit held earlier this year in Worley, Idaho. We explained that some of the literature shared at the summit included topics such as Columbia River fishing history and traditions, “climate smart gardening,” recipes based on the “First Foods” (the staple foods in the diets of the Tribes indigenous to the northwest), climate change adaptation projects, the Lapwai Food Trail, and conservation.
During the food sovereignty conference, truncated printed materials were distributed explaining the CRITFC’s vision for our region, and the plans to use the UN Agenda 2030 climate change and renewable resources guidelines as a roadmap to change the PNW. This included a 13-page booklet entitled Energy Vision for the Columbia River Basin. The full version of this document available on the CRITFC’s website is 208 pages in length. You can find it, read it, and download it here.
In a section labeled Executive Summary, CRITFC says the PNW is facing four critical issues:
- Many Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead populations are near extinction.
- The climate crisis is already underway; without strong action, it will further reduce the survival of salmon and steelhead and damage every part of the region’s economy and environment.
- Renewable resources will play a larger role in meeting future electricity needs in the region. Under the right conditions they can reduce greenhouse gases and benefit salmon.
- . Without proper integration and siting, renewable resources can make things worse for Columbia River salmon and other tribal resources.
You can read Idaho Dispatch’s reporting of the debate surrounding PNW dams, salmon health, and energy here, here, here, and here.
CRITFC summarizes their goals and mission by saying,
“A major theme of this Energy Vision is to ensure that renewable resources in combination with increased storage, reductions in peak demand, and increased energy efficiency can provide clean, adequate, reliable, and affordable electricity, support the restoration of healthy, harvestable salmon populations, and prevent future damage to salmon and steelhead and other tribal resources caused by the electrical system.”
In a section highlighting the most important steps which they say need to be taken in order to address the four “critical issues” described above, CRITFC says,
“Improve River Configuration and Operations: The region needs to plan for changes to reduce the damage to migrating salmon and steelhead caused by the Columbia Basin dams, including breaching the four lower Snake River dams.”
Throughout the printed materials and website, the CRITFC describes itself this way,
“The CRITFC was created by the Nez Perce, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Yakama tribes in 1977. CRITFC provides technical, policy coordination, and enforcement services to the four tribes.”
But when searched on two different online search engines, CRITFC is described as a government entity.
Many of the 43 specific recommendations of the 2022 Energy Vision Full Recommendations directly align with the goals and plans described in United Nations Agenda 2030.
Under “Reduce Peak (Energy) Loads,”
Recommendation 5: Northwest public utility commissions should implement time-of-use rates to send an appropriate price signal that captures the dramatically different costs of using electricity during different times of the day.
Recommendation 7: Automobile manufactures should include systems that allow electric vehicles to schedule charging during off-peak periods.
In the “Maximize Energy Efficiency” subsection,
“Recommendation 19: All tribal homes and businesses should be fully weatherized by 2025 and all tribal homes and businesses should receive solar panels and battery systems that provide zero net energy by 2030.”
In the section labeled “Harness Renewable Resources and Integrate/Synergize with Electricity Storage,”
Recommendation 24: Utilities and BPA should continue to pursue wind development, and the associated efforts to integrate wind power, consistent with the tribal concerns and protections for fish, wildlife, and cultural resources.
Recommendation 25: The region should expand its efforts to promote utility-scale solar energy.
“Address the Climate Crisis” has three recommendations,
Recommendation 39: Federal, state, and local policy makers should develop programs to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
Recommendation 40: Federal and state governments should end all subsidies for fossil fuels.
Recommendation 41: Utilities, tribes, farming, and non-governmental organizations should implement pilot projects to sequester carbon dioxide.
The final divided section entitled Additional Considerations includes,
Recommendation 43: Utilities and Public Utility Commissions should adopt policy to deny service for cryptocurrency mining in the Northwest.
The printed booklet concludes with CRITFC’s Call for Action. Online it is found here. It says,
“The Northwest is at a critical crossroads, facing challenges to the health of the planet and the future of iconic fish and wildlife. These challenges are especially important to tribal resources that have sustained tribal people since time immemorial.
One path leads to affordable, carbon-free energy that harmonizes with the ecosystem. This future would prioritize energy efficiency, renewable resources, new storage technologies, reductions in peak loads, and other strategies that are compatible with the needs of fish and wildlife. These efforts would reduce the impacts of renewable resource projects and transmission lines on tribal resources and save consumers money.
The other path creates conflicts between renewable resources and tribal resources and results in higher costs for consumers.
Choosing the first path will require the courage to act, common-ground solutions, and a commitment of resources to accomplish the hard work ahead. It will also require the humility to periodically evaluate and adjust course based on new information and understanding.
CRITFC and its member tribes are committed to working with other regional interests to lead the region to a brighter and healthier future. Affordable and reliable power is important to regional families and businesses, tribal and non-tribal. The true wealth of our region begins with the health of our rivers, fish, and the ecosystem they support, which is our culture, history, and future.”
United Nations Agenda 2030 can be found and studied here. The Water Action Agenda can be found here. It includes goals such as,
“By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology.”
In this article from February 2024, the Forest Service within the U.S. Department of Agriculture describes the Biden Administration’s involvement:
“…the Biden-Harris Administration is investing $20 million to support federally recognized Tribes and Alaska Native corporations and villages as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. The funding, made possible by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act and distributed through competitive grants administered by the USDA Forest Service, will help recipients access emerging private markets for forest resilience, climate mitigation, water quality, carbon sequestration and more.”
It goes on to explain,
“In fiscal year 2023, the USDA Forest Service and Tribes executed more than 120 co-stewardship agreements, representing a total investment of $68 million, more than triple the investments from fiscal year 2022. Agreements include $37 million in 12 self-determination agreements — up by nearly 90% compared to fiscal year 2022.”
Found here and labeled 2030 Agenda And Indigenous Peoples,
“As a result of Indigenous Peoples’ strong engagement in the process towards the 2030 Agenda, the final resolution “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (A/RES/70/1) refers to Indigenous Peoples 6 times, three times in the political declaration; two in the targets under Goal 2 on Zero Hunger (target 2.3) and Goal 4 on education (target 4.5) – and one in the section on follow up and review that calls for Indigenous Peoples’ participation. See this overview of references to Indigenous Peoples: Indigenous Peoples and the 2030 Agenda Infographics
Apart from the direct references, many of the Sustainable Development Goals and associated targets are relevant for Indigenous Peoples. Moreover, the overarching framework of the 2030 Agenda contains numerous elements that can go towards articulating the development concerns of Indigenous Peoples. Of significance is the fact that human rights principles and standards are strongly reflected in the 2030 Agenda (A/RES/70/1 paragraph 10). Moreover, the 2030 Agenda overall focus on reducing inequalities is of particular relevance to Indigenous Peoples, who are almost universally in situations of disadvantage vis-à-vis other segments of the population.
The global indicator framework that will measure progress of implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) includes two indicators that refers directly to Indigenous Peoples (Indicator 2.3.2 and 4.5.1) and several other indicators that are relevant for Indigenous Peoples, particularly indicator 1.4.2 and 5.a.1 on land rights. Moreover, there has been much focus on the need of disaggregation of data which the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues among others have been advocating for.”
Article photos courtesy of the United Nations
Tags: Agenda 2030, Columbia River, Congressman Mike Simpson, Dam Breaching, Dams, Energy, Fossil Fuels, Indigenous People., Native Americans, Pacific Northwest, PNW, Renewable Energy, Snake River, Solar Power, United Nations, Wind Farm
24 thoughts on “CRITFC’s Plan to Bring U.N. Agenda 2030 Policies to the PNW Dams Debate”
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This looks to me to be another attempt to segue half-truths with bold-faced lies in an effort to indoctrinate.
Just one more fake narrative whereby we’re being asked to believe that it is possible to pick up a turd by the clean end by the liberals pushing their false “climate crisis” agenda. Not buying it…
This makes my heart cry. You are more than right in your opinion. Bold faced lies in an effort to indoctrinate our Native Americans! I pray they wake up before it is too late. Wind energy and Electric vehicles has nothing to do with the Columbia River. Climate Crisis, nope! Government Control and more destruction!
Horale Habanero! I would be very careful what you think about this topic because what you think may not (and isn’t) accurate. I would love meeitng with you to show you the evidences we have on this agenda. I have almost 20GB if info on this, so lets discuss this. Afterall, it will affect those that believe or not so it is important.
20 gb of information only means you have 20 gb of false information. I also have done my homework and have not found any evidence to support the climate agenda. The term climate has no meaning. When I was younger we were told that a global freeze was coming. Didn’t happen. Next they tried global warming. Didn’t happen. Now the term is an ambiguous climate change. By the way, science shows that climate is always changing and always has. Genesis 8:22 sums up the climate pretty well from the creator of the universe: “While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”
I’m not buying it either.
Let’s address the second paragraph for starters. How do the native Americans really depend on fishing salmon and “first foods” recipes? I say BS. I see them at the grocery stores buying food. I see them working in jobs all over town.
This nonsense has to come to an end.
Like the old Idaho Green Party propaganda, the Agenda 2030 crowd wants everyone to live like druids, while the Elite keep living like Kings and Queens, lording over us. There IS NO CLIMATE emergency! There is NO PEAK OIL! We can always be good stewards of the land and water and air, without committing Democide to serve the interests of sicko sociopaths.
“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience” A. Camus
Some of what’s being proposed by this may actually lead to a more efficient, long term sustainable, cleaner running power grid but the cobbled together nature of it seems almost like a tossed green salad designed with all the “feel good” elements that attract the gullible, rather than a concrete solution based plan of action. Personally think atomic energy properly designed, constructed, maintained, and run is the option all these resources available ought to be working towards. It’s virtually pollution free and cheaply abundant. Theres a knee jerk response to the idea at high levels due to early tech disasters, and Japan, Russia, and the USA have all seen the result of that. Just thinking stuff through here
Political powers from Portland have teamed up with the United Nations to destroy the stability of our region. This is a breach of American sovereignty and another way to further divide us as a people. The United Nations is not our friend.
I wonder what effect all the chemicals that leach into the water have on the fish. We know what effect they have on humans. Has ANYONE looked into that?
Its global pollution caused by governments mistakes and big business factory’s. EPA, and DEQ has added to the problem by allowing the pollution to go into our waters and air. When all those problem can be addresses maybe we can talk about how us little people add to the problem. As for the dams leave them along and add more fish ladders. Stop fishing until all the ladder are installed. This craziness taking out flood control, and transport is not using common sense. Its a political agenda and we all know how those turn out. Maybe stop the chem trails too. ( another government program )
That concern is more valid for species of fish that live several years or more in the system. Heavy metals, etc get in the systems and levels grow the longer the fish live. Salmon and steelhead live a small portion of their lives in these waters, hatching thru a few inches, head downstream for a few years and come back to spawn, die, or wind up in my freezer.
Tomorrow is Primary Election Day. Too bad ‘Dispatch couldn’t provide some related coverage about Legislative, Senate, and other State-level races. With regard to the headlined article…no proposed solutions for salmon migration issue. All the recommendations aligned-to far-left environmental goals and clearly for the purpose of pandering to Democratic-led, federal government for more free money$$$$$.
True to form the lefties/elites are using the Native American’s for their own purposes, just like they use the blks, Mex populations. I would like to see them wake up and see how they are being played, disrespected and used.
“Divide and Conquer” continues. All Americans must “ United We Stand” before it’s too late.
The UN is a criminal organization dedicated to the destruction of this nation. Whenever the UN is a part of ANYTHING, things will only get much worse!
Sarah, I am so pleased to see you even mention this when so few others will. This is so important even to those that don’t yet believe it. It is for this reason I am asking you or anyone else to allow me to do presentations on this topic, one on one or in a group. I can do a general overview or one that just coveres this topic and how it affects us locally. Please help me as I hope to help you get the work out. If you know peoplle like Habanero that posted, I would love to extend a challnge to those that don’t yet believe it to discuss this issue because it will affect them like it does us. If anyone wants to connect with me, I hope you don’t mind me leaving my phone and email adddress to communicate about this. tm****@jb*.org and 208-861-6405
How much are you pocketing off of this ?
Please submit op-eds on this (or any) topic! We accept one-time overviews, or if you are wanting to go in-depth, you could do a series. Please send to In**@Id***********.com. Thanks Tom! -SC
All of your responses are very pleasing to hear. I hope the wave turns into a flood. I hope Idaho Dispatch can shed some light on who the people of our government who are on this green energy scam to take out the dams.
Once again the tribes signing onto false proclamations in an effort to hold the tax payers hostage. In the end they will pocket millions to quietly go away.
This is bad news for all of us, if this happens. So sad.
2 Timothy 3:13
“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
Brainwashing young impressionable people with hatred and lies is wrong. I’m sure they offer these young people all kinds of goodies to promote their communist anti Christ agenda (free flights, free hotels, free food, etc).
They’re confused and deceived but at least their women are dressed modestly, for the most part. Sad to say, the average woman today dresses very immodestly. Even conservative women. Dressing immodestly is a liberal feminist trait. This applies to men as well. Our society is very impure. I hate to have to bring attention to such things but these things need to be said. And someone has to say it. 99.9% of the pastors skip these verses because they don’t want to lose people (money).
1 Timothy 2:9-10
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”
Dear Lord, I pray for these young people who are in this photo. Who are being exploited by wealthy people to endorse a lying organization, a wicked organization. May they be saved by your grace through faith and do your will. In Jesus name Amen.
Hmm, seems that there are some excess male sea-lions at the mouth of the Columbia that no one ever wants to deal with. Then those unattended nets that get forgotten about are a big issue also. Who was it that leaves the nets across the rivers again? Don’t believe the political science. There are long term examples of how well dam removal works, or rather doesn’t for these issues. You can read the actual reports, including those on climate change, or believe the lies told by those who haven’t.