Idaho Dispatch

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Can You Help Provide Pictures for Idaho Dispatch?

By • November 11, 2021

Idaho Dispatch is seeking volunteer help from readers who have good cameras to take pictures for our use in stories.

In particular, Idaho Dispatch is seeking pictures of city halls, and aerial shots of towns and cities in Idaho. We are asking for help in getting high-quality images for articles if you have the capability.

Obtaining images for use in articles can be cumbersome sometimes because photos found online belong to other news organizations or individuals.

By having a library of images owned by Idaho Dispatch we can speed up the process of getting our articles out to our readers.

If you are able to help Idaho Dispatch by providing images for our use, please send an email to When you do send an image, please send them as compressed images if possible.

Idaho Dispatch will ask for the exclusive use of the images to avoid any conflict in the future.

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