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Caldwell School Board Candidate Answers Questions on Campaign Platform

By • November 1, 2021

The following answers to several questions were sent to Idaho Dispatch by Brittany Gish, a candidate for Caldwell School Board Zone 1.

Why are you running to be on the Caldwell school board?

I am running for the Caldwell school board in zone 1 because I am increasingly concerned about the lack of parent choice and the egregious overreach of the government when it comes to our children. I seek to restore parent choice for ALL parents regardless of their political affiliation, beliefs, or opinions. We should have the power to parent and teach our children the way we see fit.

Do you believe the Caldwell School District is on the right track?

No, I do not. I believe the school district is currently more concerned with funding and power plays than they are with the children or working with parents. Parents are being silenced and called combative for defending their rights over their own children. This has to stop.

Do you believe schools should mandate masks and should schools close down because of Covid-19?

I do not support mask mandates. Parents are very capable of choosing for their children what they are comfortable with. When schools first shut down, there was no data to help us make decisions about masks, however, the data we have now does not show that mask mandates have helped. It has shown the opposite; wearing masks for prolonged periods increases CO2 inhalation, diminish the ability for the immune system to function properly, and actually increases the probability of getting sick. I believe that schools need to stay open. The science shows there is more cause for concern by closing schools down than keeping them open. Children have a deep need for in-person interaction with their teachers and peers. They also need to be able to access teachers and the programs and software taxpayers pay for in order to help our students learn, especially if they are falling behind.

Do you believe Critical Race Theory belongs in schools and if not, why not?

Critical race theory does not belong in schools. It is a dangerous curriculum that is racism geared toward white people. Again I believe it is the parent’s job to teach their children about such topics. Schools should only be teaching the basic fundamentals.

How do you believe Idaho can keep its teachers so they do not go to another state?

Instead of spending funding unwisely (covid protocols, large salaries for super intendants, etc) I would be in favor of increasing the pay for our teachers. Their jobs are hard and stressful and they deserve to be paid accordingly. I also believe that with the pressure of covid protocols being relieved the teachers will experience a better working environment.

7. How do you plan to improve the go-on rate for students graduating from high school?
A: I would speak out against lowering test standards. Unfortunately, there has been discussion about lowering the test standards by lowering standards we only make it harder for our children to succeed after high school. I would vote against lowering any testing standards and instead work with students and parents to ensure they are understanding the curriculum.

Why do you believe you are the best candidate for the position?

My opponent has a history of refusing to stand up for freedom. As a mother of two children in Caldwell schools, I am invested in protecting our children, our schools, and our rights.

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Tags: Brittany Gish, Caldwell, Caldwell School Board