Boise School Board Member Tackled at DeSantis Campaign Event in Iowa
By Sarah Clendenon • January 14, 2024Boise School District (BSD) Board Trustee Shiva Rajbhandari was tackled by security at a Ron DeSantis campaign event in Iowa late last week.
Rajbhandari was at the event on behalf of an organization called Sunrise Movement to protest what they describe as the oil and gas industry’s influence over DeSantis. He held a banner which read, ‘DeSantis: Climate Criminal.’
In this video, while being tackled by the event security, you can hear Rajbhandari yelling,
“He is a climate criminal!
Ron DeSantis is a climate criminal!
How much money are you taking from the oil companies?
AdvertisementHow much money are you taking from the oil companies?
How much money are you taking from the oil companies?
Ron DeSantis is a climate criminal!”
Rajbhandari received endorsements and high praise from prominent Idaho political figures during his campaign for Boise School Board in 2022.
Then-Boise City Councilwoman Lisa Sanchez had said,
“Shiva is the face of our young, politically engaged activists who are already making a powerful impact in Idaho. I urge you to vote for him.”
Former Idaho Attorney General and Supreme Court Chief Justice Jim Jones said at that time,
“I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with Shiva Rajbhandari earlier this year and was impressed by his knowledge and maturity. I have seen those qualities in abundance during his campaign for a position on the Boise school board. He will being a unique perspective to that position, and I hope voters will give him a chance to serve.”
According to his campaign website, Rajbhandari described himself as working for the Idaho Conservation League as the Youth Engagement Coordinator, and,
“…a community organizer since 9th grade, working for quality climate education, clean energy in schools, voting rights, and education funding.”
When Rajbhandari won the election in September 2022, just days after his 18th birthday, he became the first student trustee in Boise School District history and also the youngest elected official in Idaho history. He is still currently serving the term on the BSD Board of Trustees.
Rajbhandari’s Twitter account is filled with posts showing the Sunrise Movement climate change activism at recent Republican presidential campaign events, including this at a Trump rally:
Idaho Dispatch reached out to Lisa Sanchez, Representative Chris Mathias (D-Boise-LD19), and Boise City Council President Jimmy Hallyburton for comment and thoughts on the current activism activities of Rajbhandari. This article will be updated if responses are received.
Feature image is a screenshot of video posted on Shiva Rajbhandari’s Twitter account.
Tags: 2024 Presidential Caucus, 2024 Presidential Election, 2024 Presidential Primary, 2024 Primary Election, Boise School Board, Chris Mathias, Climate Activism, Climate Change, Donald Trump, Iowa, Jim Jones, Lisa Sanchez, Protesting, Ron DeSantis, Shiva Rajbhandari, Sunrise Movement
21 thoughts on “Boise School Board Member Tackled at DeSantis Campaign Event in Iowa”
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This student trustee should be removed from the board, banned from ever holding such a position, and businesses should take note of who it is and take that into consideration when hiring a troublemaker and someone who believes the climate lie.
If you are reading this and think that climate change is not real, not caused by humans, and not devastating to the future of the human race, just know that you are disagreeing with NASA. You know, the agency that landed on the moon. If you think that the moon landing was fake, you are too far gone in your insanity. If you have any shred of desire to at least learn facts before coming to a conclusion on the topic, go here:
Laughing at you from the loony bin
Go suck on it Billy!
The next time we have a Republican as President this twit will likely be leading either the BLM or Antifa mob, or both. Cool his jets now. Sounds like another left- wing insurrection in the making.
If you are reading this and think that climate change is not real, not caused by humans, and not devastating to the future of the human race, just know that you are disagreeing with NASA. You know, the agency that landed on the moon. If you think that the moon landing was fake, you are too far gone in your insanity. If you have any shred of desire to at least learn facts before coming to a conclusion on the topic, go here:
Another anti American Communist who should be deported to China.
Rajbhandari , Clown Show.
Just another example of how age & experience are still desired qualities in a good leader, and youth is not respected in oriental and older civilizations.
If you are reading this and think that climate change is not real, not caused by humans, and not devastating to the future of the human race, just know that you are disagreeing with NASA. You know, the agency that landed on the moon. If you think that the moon landing was fake, you are too far gone in your insanity. If you have any shred of desire to at least learn facts before coming to a conclusion on the topic, go here:
Let’s see… What other symbol of sunrise was prominent until about 1946? Right. That would be the flag of Imperial Japan. Their goal – and it seems to be shared by these “sunrise” morons – is to spread their “kingdom” across everything the light touches.
Too bad they don’t want actual sun_shine_ – ie transparency and honesty in government. But then, elitists like these snobs never do.
Climate Activism: returning you to the life of the 1800’s, so we can all learn to appreciate actual ‘progress’ again. See? It’s not ALL bad.
Chemtrails are causing climate control. I guess he believes that the Ice Age was caused by motor vehicles and jetliners! This guy is taken in by the mad mad scientist. He’s being lied to. He should get on the proven side. Bet he had all the shots too! 20000,000 people dead from the shots and I bet he got every Booster! Probably lined up for more. When Pharma was liable only 8 to 10 shots were given from zero to age 18. Now it’s 90 because they are no longer liable. This boy doesn’t get it. Yes his brain is probably warped. That poor boy. We can pray for him.
THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS! Chemtrails are weather modification! DEI caused the fires for LAND GRAB 15 min SMART CITIES!! Directed Energy Weapons!! DEI. Deborah Travares @ Stopthecrime.net. Look up! Government is spraying GRAPHINE OXIDE on us every day covering the SUN…nose bleeds…headaches..depression ect. New Hampshire and Texas have banned them! WAKE UP KIDS!
What the hell is wrong with this sissy idiot sitting on tax funded board ??? Rep, get him the hell off the board now! Including Debbie Critchfiled, get him off the board now !
Isn’t he the same board member that had to apologize for a social media post that he made that was very unprofessional, uncalled for and immature last year?
Another clueless kid hoping to turn Idaho into another California. Vote him out and let him sit in the dust bin of life.
I just cant seem to figure out why are education system is creating so many brainwashed zombies… Im sure its not people like this…
If you are reading this and think that climate change is not real, not caused by humans, and not devastating to the future of the human race, just know that you are disagreeing with NASA. You know, the agency that landed on the moon. If you think that the moon landing was fake, you are too far gone in your insanity. If you have any shred of desire to at least learn facts before coming to a conclusion on the topic, go here:
Former Idaho Attorney General and Supreme Court Chief Justice Jim Jones said at that time,
“I had the pleasure of getting acquainted with Shiva Rajbhandari earlier this year and was impressed by his knowledge and maturity.”
Maturity… got it. Wanna revisit that one Mr. Jones?
Bingo…and he and the Boise mayor, Ms. Sanchez and all others of their ilk can take the next boat to Cuba towing their little protege’.