Biden Admin Trying to Force Lava Ridge Wind Project on Idaho Despite Massive Opposition
By Greg Pruett • December 11, 2024Joe Biden’s Bureau of Land Management has approved Magic Valley Energy’s Lava Ridge Wind Project plan despite massive opposition from Idahoans.
BLM announced that up to 231 massive wind turbines could be placed on approximately 60,000 acres in Jerome County, Minidoka County, and Lincoln County. The height of the turbines would not be allowed to exceed 660 feet, which is still more than double the height of the Statue of Liberty.
Proponents say it will power 500,000 homes, much of which will likely go to homes in California. They also claim it will create 700 temporary jobs, followed by 20 permanent jobs once the project is complete. Once the project is complete, it will generate an estimated $7.5 million in “economic output.”
Opposition to the project has been ongoing for years, with all of Idaho’s top elected officials opposing it.
Governor Brad Little, Lt. Governor Scott Bedke, Attorney General Raul Labrador, U.S. Senator Jim Risch, U.S. Senator Mike Crapo, Congressman Russ Fulcher, and Congressman Mike Simpson have all opposed Lava Ridge and expressed frustration with the Biden administration over the project.
Opposition to the project comes not only from elected officials but also from farmers, the Friends of Minidoka, and other local citizens.
According to a Substack post by State Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld (R-Twin Falls), farmers are being told that the project will curtail their water supply. As if water issues have not been bad enough here in Idaho due to weather-related reasons such as droughts, but now farmers have to fight with money-sucking projects like Lava Ridge, which will curtail their water?
The Friends of Minidoka say the project is a slap in the face to the Japanese-Americans who were interned at the Minidoka Internment Camp during World War II. The altered Lava Ridge plan has the turbines nine miles from the site but will still be a major eye sore to the ground that has been left alone for decades.
The Minidoka site says about the project, in part,
“The proposed Lava Ridge wind project will forever alter Minidoka’s somber landscape and fails to honor the significance of the events that occurred at Minidoka as a place of reflection, healing, and education for the survivors, descendants, and public.”
Biden and the left’s “green energy” projects are not only useless, they are going to bankrupt our country. Their windmill and solar farms are a massive eyesore on our landscapes.
Do you oppose the Lava Ridge Wind Project? Let us know in the comments.
Tags: BLM, Brad Little, Friends of Minidoka, Glenneda Zuiderveld, Jim Risch, Lava Ridge Wind Project, Magic Valley Energy, Mike Crapo, Mike Simpson, Raul Labrador, Russ Fulcher, Scott Bedke
13 thoughts on “Biden Admin Trying to Force Lava Ridge Wind Project on Idaho Despite Massive Opposition”
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Yes, dead set against. If it goes much further I only hope that Idahoans will remember the example of Cece Andrus and his threat to physically block (stand in the road) to keep that nuclear waste out of Idaho. I hope not, but physical action may be required to keep these bums out of Idaho.
I oppose the windmill project, and hope that Sen Risch is correct that it can be scrubbed very quickly.
I vehemently oppose the wind farms in IdahoThey are a waste of tax payers money, a threat to our wildlife and an eyesore that will remain for the rest of time. Please stop this lunacy.
This project is just plain wrong. Federal Government over reach at it’s finest.
There has to be a way to stop it. Does anyone know if it has been funded?
I’ve made numerous cross country trips in recent times and I’m reminded of the feelings of disgust with seeing the (literally) thousands of these abominations sticking up in the air many of which are sitting perfectly still and the rest doing next to nothing. In addition to the aesthetics issue, they are not even beginning to touch the root of the power needs they’ve been wrongly described to have solved. I’m opposed, as all clear-thinking Americans (and obviously fellow Idahoans!)) to these being forced upon us by an administration that is blatantly doing everything in their power to hurt, not help America as they continue to fail us in their remaining days in office. I haven’t even touched the dead wildlife factor from these awful projects, or the fact that once they’ve outlived their supposed “lifetime,” that they never, ever decompose, thus forcing us to simply bury them. Tainted water, ruined landscapes, lying politicians seeking ill-gotten gains utterly ignoring the wishes of the people…they all need to be gotten rid of permanently.
Senator Risch continues to send mass emails that are primarily performative. Why can’t lawmakers address the real issue: Idaho leaders irresponsibly allowed the federal government to be superior our state sovereignty. Why does the federal government own over 60% of Idaho?
Here’s my letter to Risch:
Why are you choosing to not ask the pertinent question RE: lava ridge wind farm: why does the federal government operate the majority of our lands? This is similar to a renter being upset with the landlord that they’ve decided to install a fence around the perimeter of the property. It’s not our land and Idaho has unwisely allowed the federal government to put their priorities over Idahoans. Get to the root of the problem! These interviews and emails you are doing are theatrical. Idaho should own those lands and then we would get to decide what goes on it.
Well said! Thanks for pointing out the foolishness of giving up our state’s sovereignty to the federal government. Idaho’s federal representatives should make restoring our lands be a priority. Essentially, we take back our lands, put up “no trespassing” signs, and take other steps as needed to ensure that what is Idaho’s property stays Idaho’s property.
When he ran for Idaho Governor, candidate Ammon Bundy had a plan for taking back our lands (along with many other good ideas).
His plan for taking back Idaho’s land is here: https://www.votebundy.com/about/keep-idaho-idaho-plan/?2_5 Relevant FAQs are here: https://www.votebundy.com/about/faq/
California just cant seem to leave us alone. Why would we destroy our environment to power homes in California? These are the complete opposite of green energy. Better start making nuclear power plants.
No! No! Absolutely not. I hope the next Congress refuses funding for BLM until they have regained some common sense.
I wonder what all the Republicans are going to say when the incoming Trump administration doesn’t do crap about stopping the wind farm.
“Oh thank you President Trump for providing us with clean energy and jobs in Idaho !!!!”
Looks like someone’s triggered with TDS! Poor baby…
Building these monsters and then trying to take out our dams is another stupid straw on the camels back.
SO many great comments! It is disgusting to see these towering monstrosities marring the beautiful hills and valleys of Idaho. I’ve seen the photos of the graveyards for their non-compostable fiberglass blades, taking up acres of land. The birds and bats killed by the blades doesn’t seem to slow down the “green” agenda. The crashing blades sending fiberglass particulate into the air and ground, the cement foundations that never decompose. What a blight and waste of money.