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A New “Library Bill” To Be Heard in House State Affairs Tomorrow

By • March 15, 2023

A new version of a bill to address and restrict certain materials in public libraries and public schools will be heard Thursday morning in the House State Affairs Committee.

A concept that has come to be known as the “Library Bill” first emerged this session as House Bill 139. That bill was killed in early March.

Sponsors of the legislation, Senator Cindy Carlson (R-District 7) and Representative Jaron Crane (R-District 12) reworked the language after what Crane called, “a few friendly negotiations.” Assisting in the drafting was President of the Idaho Family Policy Center, Blaine Conzatti.

The new draft was printed on Tuesday as House Bill 314. The statement of purpose reads,

“The Children’s School and Library Protection Act requires public schools and community libraries to take reasonable steps in restricting children’s access to obscene or harmful material. A parent or guardian of a minor child who accesses such material in violation of this policy would be entitled to bring a civil action against the school or library for damages and injunctive relief.”


There has been much controversy over what are, and what are not, appropriate materials for children to have access to. Proponents of this legislation have argued that restricting access on certain topics is essential to protecting children from harm. Opponents have called it destruction of free speech.

Those wanting to testify for or against this legislation can do so Thursday in the House State Affairs Committee hearing room, EW40, beginning at 8am. There is also an option to testify remotely using this portal:

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Tags: 2023 Idaho Legislature, 2023 Legislative Session, Blaine Conzatti, Cindy Carlson, House Bill 139, House Bill 314, Idaho Family Policy Center, Jaron Crane, Library Bill

12 thoughts on “A New “Library Bill” To Be Heard in House State Affairs Tomorrow

  1. A Library that harms The People is no library at all, it is a propaganda machine promoting One World Order Policy.

    Pass HB139.

    Defund the Library if necessary to protect The People.

  2. Why do we have ratings on movies? Why can’t a child by a “Playboy” magazine? We have some rules in place that addresses this issue. Why is the democrat legislature not clarifying the library issue to match what we already have in place?

  3. Why have government funded libraries? They are not a proper role of gov’t. Can you justify libraries with our constitutions?
    Religious libraries would solve the moral questions. Socialized libraries are just as stupid and corrupt as public schools.

  4. The fact that we are having this discussion concerning what children are exposed to is a sign of how deviant our school administration’s and our governing bodies have become. Society wanted liberal representation, well one reaps what one sows.

  5. Knowlege of the difference between morality and immorality has been manifest for hundreds of generations. By whose authority are we to dismiss what is right to embrace what we inherently know is wrong? Long ago the knowledge of and mention of God has been railed against by unelected powers. Leftists are claiming that classic books are included in book bans without consideration that the Bible and knowledge of God was banned from public schools long ago. By whose authority was that ban enforced?

  6. A. The Library Bill should definitely pass.!!!! As responsible parents, we must protect our children from two sources: 1) access to Crude Pornography. and the 2) books the National Education Association approves in our libraries.

    B. Brad Little does not need to follow Biden’s money spending and political bas of paying for advanced education that the potential attendee needs to pay for themselves!

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