Idaho Dispatch

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Boise Pride Festival Facing Criticism Over Planned ‘Drag Kids’ Event as a Major Sponsor Pulls Out

By • September 7, 2022

Update as of 5:45 p.m. MT on September 7.

The Boise Pride Fest has responded to Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon’s statement regarding the Drag Kids event. Here is their statement (story continues below):

Original story below.

The Boise Pride Fest is facing criticism over a planned “Drag Kids” performance this Sunday.

Criticism over the Drag Kids event has been covered by some national media outlets. Both Breitbart and Daily Caller have written about the event this weekend.

This is the 33rd year of the Boise Pride Festival. The event takes place from September 9th through the 11th.

According to the group’s website, the event is described as follows,

Boise Pride brings together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBTQ+ community.

The Drag Kids performance will follow the “Fred Meyer Pride Parade” that begins at 10:00 A.M.

Other sponsors of The Boise Pride Festival 2022 include Albertsons, Simplot, Micron, Idaho Power, Boise Cascade, Chobani, St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Alphonsus Hospital, Blue Cross of Idaho, Central District Health, and the City of Boise.

Zion’s Bank was a sponsor of the event and has since pulled its sponsorship, citing concerns over “activities involving children..” Zion’s full statement states,

Over the years, Zions Bank has supported a variety of Pride events because they are an important part of our support for our LGBTQ employees and allies and are representative of our efforts to foster an inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace and community. This support for all our employees and communities remains unchanged. However, when we committed to our sponsorship of this year’s Boise Pride event, we were unaware of the event’s activities involving children/minors. Since learning of these specific activities, we have made the decision to withdraw our participation in this year’s Boise Pride event and have communicated this to the event organizers.

However, not everyone opposes kids being a part of these activities this weekend. For instance, Boise Mayor Lauren McLean had this to say about children being involved in the events;

I applaud the organizers who have planned a weekend full of positive, inclusive events for all ages. We must show our kids and teens that they have a home here, that we welcome them, accept, and support them for who they are, as they are.

While Meridian Mayor Robert E. Simison didn’t mention the Drag Kids activity specifically, he did sign a Proclamation declaring September 9, 10, and 11, 2022, as “Boise Pride Festival in Meridian.”

In addition to those speaking out online against the event, at least one protest is planned ahead of the Boise Pride Festival.  Another two protests are planned for Friday and Sunday.

The following images are circulating on social media regarding the protests.











Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon also released a statement regarding the event, and in particular, the participation of kids in the event. Here is her full statement:

Boise Mayor McLean campaigned as a moderate, but she has governed like her radical colleagues in Seattle and Portland. It’s no wonder that she’s now put Boise in the middle of a national firestorm over the sexualization of children. To be clear, this is no sleight-of-hand or political wordsmithing: Idaho’s Democrat party believes it is not only okay but laudable to encourage children to engage in public displays of sexuality. For those who have been following the radicalization of the Democrat party, this should come as no surprise.

What is surprising is to see who is financing this attack on Idaho’s children. Out-of-state companies promise to bring investment and jobs to Idaho. Instead, they are financing the sexualization of our children and the perverse idea that children should engage in sexual performances with adult entertainers. I call on all concerned Idahoans-and the lobbying groups that represent many of these out-of-state businesses who seek tax benefits and subsidies from our legislators, including IACI-to disavow this attack on Idaho’s children and to invest their sponsorship dollars in the Boise Rescue Mission that serves families, women fleeing abuse, and disadvantaged children. Children should be given the chance to live out a childhood free from violence, hunger, and the sexual appetites of adults.

The Boise Police Department and Idaho State Police will have officers throughout the events for security. Additionally, The Boise Pride Festival will also provide its own security for the events.

Idaho Dispatch reached out to The Boise Pride Festival to ask for a comment on the criticism of the Drag Kids event. We have not received a response at the time of this writing.

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Tags: Boise, Boise Pride, Dorothy Moon, Drag, Fred Meyer, Idaho GOP, Lauren McLean, Pride, Robert Simison, Zions Bank

51 thoughts on “Boise Pride Festival Facing Criticism Over Planned ‘Drag Kids’ Event as a Major Sponsor Pulls Out

  1. Drag Kids in Boise, Idaho? Sick, twisted, and very sad. Thanks, Mayor McLean and the City Council, for helping to destroy our once beautiful city.

    1. I can’t vote in Boise. But I will submit that Mayoress McLean could not exercise any of her edicts if she did not have the votes to win her position.

  2. The NRA sponsors a Youth Wildlife Art Contest which offers young artists interested in hunting and wildlife an outlet to use their creative talent, practice artistic techniques, and refine wildlife identification skills through the creation of original works.

    Hmmm… Do you think Comrade McLean would allow them to have their event in Boise? Or any other youth gun safety/training events? The progressives always scream about “inclusiveness,” but their definition does not include tolerance for any group other than their own.

  3. It basically pornographic. It’s against the law to provide material that is harmful to minors. This will promote psychological damage to kids for years to come. Affecting future marriages and children as well. These people need to be arrested on site!

  4. This is absolutely incredulous that a kids drag show is celebrated. This is sexual abuse of children and should be prosecuted, not celebrated. Their mayor needs to be voted out ASAP.

  5. Civil rights should never be afforded to anyone on the basis alone, of who they’re boinkin’!

  6. “Boise City’s recent park cancellation of the Ammon Bundy for Governor Keep Idaho IDAHO Rally once again highlights the attitude of discrimination of Mayor McLean and Boise City officials.”

    So Ammon’s rally was for our Freedom.

    McLean’s rally is to further promote Communism and Boise’s destruction.

  7. Incredible development in our society when people are actually defending adults exploiting children by having them “perform” in drag in front of other adults and children.

  8. Pride event celebrates hatred of natural beings and is beyond offensive to the majority of Idahoans who love nature and God who created the universe.

  9. Michael

    The Once Beautiful and the State of family values is fading faster and faster into a cesspool of Sick and Twisted morals and political decay… The list of Sponsors and those who support the parading of “children” in the celebration of sexual deviation is astounding to say the least and very Sad when what once was thought strong Idaho based Companies with Moral Courage NOW support the Sexual Exploitation of CHILDREN…

  10. Always shop at Albertsons, will never set foot inside their stores again! Never again. There should be picket signs outside of these stores 24/7 non stop. What is wrong with these people?!! Get mad people!!! These are your children they are sexually abusing!!! What the hell is wrong with you? Boycott Albertsons and Fred Myers!!! Never again!!!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. I expected to see the Boise Co-op on the list if supporters, not the two primary grocers and healthcare providers! I’m disgusted this is 109% exploitation!

    2. Agreed! Called Albertsons yesterday to tell them I’ll never spend another dime in their store. The rep at corporate responded in memorized comments and I had to repeat WHY I was pulling my support for them at least three times. Not sure he ever understood my complaint. But, here’s corporate’s number – I say flood their phone lines and then boycott! 877-723-3929 Fred Meyer is next!

      1. Agree! I will boycott busunesses supporting this eveny and call/ send strong messages to others i am not able to boycott! I grew up here. This us not tge Boise I knew. Make sure you ask the businesses/ Corporations you call to record your comments!

    3. Agree! I will boycott busunesses supporting this eveny and call/ send strong messages to others i am not able to boycott! I grew up here. This us not tge Boise I knew

  11. Why do companies feel that they must support these type of activities, or any social issues? Why do Idaho Power, Albertsons, Fred Meyer, etc.need to support controversial activities and causes?

  12. This Gay Pride is another sign of the times and should not be supported by ANY companies! And should NEVER support the inclusion of children in these events! May God have mercy on their souls for being so deceived by Evil himself!

  13. All sponsors need to drop out… and our lose our business. Our kids need Idahoans to protect them and stand up for them and Idaho’s future. Everyone needs to get to the polls when it is time to vote… only just under 20,000 in Boise showed up for this last Tuesday’s election… that is unacceptable.
    Call all of your reps, contact the Mayor, Police, Governor and stand up against this attack against our children, stand up against the attacks on our Constitution and rise up against the massive voter fraud/corruption.

  14. I cannot express how disgusting it is to see this come to Boise. I know I shouldn’t be surprised. I also know, as a native Idahoan, that this does not reflect the values and beliefs of Idahoans, but only if a small minority of morally-depraved individuals living in Boise. Idaho, don’t let this happen here. We are better than this. Let’s stand up and let our state be a good example to the rest of this country by shutting this nonsense down. Dressing children up in drag and encouraging them to perform in front of adults is sexual exploitation. It’s wrong. It doesn’t matter if they have permission from their parents; that doesn’t make it right. Even some drag queens themselves have come out publicly to decry these kind of events.

  15. Government and corporate sponsored perversion. we still will reelect the evil and spent out money are the business that sponsor the perversion. I do not see straight pride parades. There is nothing to be proud of being gay or straight.

    1. I didn’t mind Pride when it was gays and lesbians, honestly.

      But when the trans took over that is when things got out of hand. And even though I don’t care if people are LGB, I do care about the sexualization of children (which has come with the trans). Trans activists have actually now kicked lesbians out of Pride because they won’t get with ‘transwomen’ (e.g. men). So there is trouble within the LGBTQWERTYUIOP ‘community’ already. The problems all come from the trans ideology sector.

  16. The citizens of Idaho need to pay attention to events and elections in Boise. These sick individuals will change the conservative values of Idaho. I welcome conservative families migrating from liberal democratic republics. However, if you live in Idaho and have perverted values move to one of the cow crap states…California, Oregon or Washington!

  17. The Law.
    18-4104. PARTICIPATION IN, OR PRODUCTION OR PRESENTATION OF, OBSCENE LIVE CONDUCT IN PUBLIC PLACE — PENALTY. (A) Every person who knowingly engages or participates in, manages, produces, sponsors, presents, or exhibits obscene live conduct to or before an assembly or audience consisting of at least one (1) person or spectator in any public place, or in any place exposed to public view, or in any place open to the public or to a segment thereof, whether or not an admission fee is charged, or whether or not attendance is conditioned upon the presentation of a membership card or other token, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
    (B) Every person who procures, counsels, or assists any person to engage in such conduct, or who knowingly exhibits, or procures, counsels, or assists in the exhibition of a motion picture, television production, or other mechanical reproduction containing such conduct, is guilty of a misdemeanor.”
    Here is a link to the code for obscenity…

    1. You can absolutely bet this one will be violated:
      “(i) intimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated; or”

  18. This is the Communist plan. devalue all morels and ethics and family values. Do what they want but leave the kids alone. Would these children really turn into drag queens without the influance of being groomed? Grooming leads to this behavior. Many children are having their genitals mutilated under the age of 18 and many are now feeling suicidal from this horrible decision made by a young brain that should not be making such decisions. It’s very sad.

  19. Why has this abomination been here for 33 years?
    This is sick, sick, sick, sick.
    This disease called progressivism needs to be irradicated now.
    These sick mental cases should be handled like BLM was handled when the radical leftist mayor McClain brought that group of racists into town.
    Boise must have a direction correction, or it will look like Portland, Seattle, San Fran, and LA. These cities are filled with hatred, racism, and gay perversion.

  20. Here’s the list of the Sponsors: May want to call them and let them know your thoughts.

    IACI – (208) 343-1849
    Albertsons – (208) 395-6200
    Fred Meyer – (800) 858-9202
    Clearwater – (208) 433-1200
    Columbia Bank – (253) 305-1900
    ICCU – (208) 478-3300
    Blue Cross of Idaho – (208) 345-4550
    Micron – (208) 368-4000
    Chobani – (208) 732-1700
    St. Alphonsus – (208) 367-3627
    St. Luke’s – (208) 381-2123
    HP – (208) 323-2551
    University of Idaho College of Law – (208) 885-2255
    College of Western Idaho – (208) 562-3200
    Idaho Community Foundation – (208) 342-3535
    Veolia – (208) 362-7304
    Simplot – (208) 336-2110
    Holland & Hart – (208) 342-5000
    Howley Troxell – (208) 344-6000
    Perkins Coie – (208) 343-3434
    Greystar – (208) 363-6700
    Ruths Chris – (208) 333-7440

        1. Thanks Black Irish Rose, Eric’s “Sponsor” link is indeed a good view of the Companies involved.

          It would be nice to see these companies come out publicly to justify to The People why they did this.

  21. Not only is Drag an adult fetishistic art, meant for nightclubs where booze is served, it’s also a grotesque contortion of womanhood and an insult to women everywhere. “Blackface” is no longer approved of by society, but “womanface” is celebrated. This is sicker than sick. Why do kids need to be groomed into strutting around scantily clad?

    The stupidity behind parents subjecting their kids to this is unbelievable. And I’m neither a conservative or religious. This is just wrong, and disgusting that so many local corporations and companies are supporting it. What the hell has happened to decent society??

  22. Eric said most of what needs to be said. If it’s against the law then arrest them, lock them up, give them jail sentences and Heavy fines. And carefully identify those institutions who sponsor OR support the activity, and stop using them.

  23. Drag is sexualized cross-dressing and dancing. Everyone in that community knows it. They want Drag Kids because they support Pedophilia.

  24. Pedophilia is the next acronym for the LGBTQ community.

    Not all LGBTQ members are in support of the children being included for the purpose of Pedophilia. The LGBTQ members that are supporting the readical left and Chinese Communists Propaganda are the one wanting to include children into this sexual orientation program.

    It’s just another major emotional division like BLM or Antifa.

    Mayor McLean and the City Council are promoting this filth and radical division.

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