Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Mike Hon for Idaho House of Representatives – District 20 House Seat 20B

By • April 4, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Mike Hon, a Republican candidate for Idaho House. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch. 

Meridian, Idaho Meridian resident and Real Estate Broker Mike Hon is running for

the Idaho House of Representatives, District 20 House Seat 20B as a Constitutional Conservative Republican. Mike Hon has been a Treasure Valley resident since 1991 and has lived in Boise, Eagle and Meridian. Mike’s professional background includes various sales and business development roles in Corporate America including Micron Technology and as a local Real Estate Entrepreneur.

Help me keep Idaho RED

Idaho is dangerously close to becoming the next Oregon or Washington. We live in a RED STATE with BLUE MANAGEMENT. Our legislators have stopped listening to the citizens as they are beholden to lobbyists and donors such as Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Healthcare and Big Tobacco. We have legislators in District 20 that have taken money from JUUL INC., a manufacturer of vaping sticks meant to get our teenagers hooked on nicotine. We have legislators in District 20 that voted AGAINST the Grocery Tax Repeal. We even have a legislator in District 20 who thinks it’s OK to have obscene reading material in schools and libraries targeted towards our most vulnerable, OUR CHILDREN.

This is an aggression directed at the Citizens of Idaho by our own legislators. I say this aggression WILL NOT STAND!

Please vote for me to keep Idaho Conservative. I will fight for our freedoms and our constitutional rights. I am beholden to no one except the Citizens of Idaho. Let’s get back to a RED STATE WITH RED MANAGEMENT!


  • Health Freedom—No Mandates
  • Parents are Primary Stakeholders for Their Child’s Education and Health
  • Pro 1st and 2nd Amendments
  • Lower Taxes—Grocery Tax Repeal
  • Election Integrity
  • Citizen Focus


  • Mike has been a Treasure Valley resident for 30+ Years, he fell in love with Idaho in ‘91 and has been here since. He has decades of experience in Corporate America and as a Local Real Estate Entrepreneur and will bring a Business approach to the Idaho Legislature
  • Mike has raised three children in the Treasure Valley and has been a Cub Scout Den Leader with Pack 127, an Assistant Scout Master with Troop 77 based at the Eagle United Methodist Church and an Assistant Baseball Coach with West Valley Little League.
  • Mike has a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration
  • Mike loves to ski, fish, hunt and backpack in God’s Country, and don’t forget bowling on Thursdays!
  • Mike is Pro 2A, because without 2A we have no other A’s
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Tags: Idaho House, Micron, Mike Hon, Republican