Idaho Dispatch

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Op-Ed: An Auditorium District is a Necessary Investment in, and for, Nampa

By • October 9, 2024

The following Op-Ed was submitted by Jeff Agenbroad. Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

On November 5, we have a crucial opportunity to strengthen our community by voting “IN FAVOR” of the Nampa Auditorium District Initiative. This initiative is more than just a ballot measure; it represents a significant step toward reducing the financial burden on Nampa property taxpayers while enhancing the cultural and economic vitality of Nampa.

The proposed Nampa Auditorium District covers a specific area within our city that includes our auditoriums and hotels. Residents in the defined area of town will have the chance to cast their votes on this important initiative on November 5.

As a long-time resident of Nampa, a former State Senator, and the current chair of the Nampa Auditorium District initiative committee, I urge all eligible voters to support this important measure. It is vital that we come together as a community to recognize the benefits this initiative brings, not just to our local economy but also to our shared values as Nampa residents.

In recent years, Nampa has experienced an increasing financial weight placed on its property taxpayers. Our hardworking families should not bear the burden of additional financial obligations, especially when there are better alternatives available. The Nampa Auditorium District ballot initiative is a refreshing departure from the typical tax increase proposals. Instead of imposing additional taxes on our residents, the creation of the Auditorium District seeks to reduce the tax burden on all property owners in Nampa while simultaneously allowing us to expand and improve important community facilities like the Nampa Civic Center and the Ford Idaho Center.

This initiative has been over a year in the making, starting with gathering the necessary signatures to bring it to the ballot. More than 5,000 Nampa citizens recognized the tremendous benefits the Auditorium District will provide and showed their support by signing the petition. This overwhelming response reflects the strong desire within our community to invest in facilities that serve both locals and visitors alike.

Here’s how it works: visitors to Nampa, many of whom come from outside the Treasure Valley, will contribute through a modest 5% fee on local hotel stays. It may come as a surprise, but 86% of those who utilize the Idaho Center are not from the Treasure Valley, and 76% of those visitors come from outside Idaho altogether. This means that the financial responsibility for expanding  and improving our community facilities will be shared by those who come to enjoy what Nampa has to offer, rather than on our own residents.

As a director on the Snake River Stampede Board, I have witnessed firsthand how vital the Idaho Center is to our cultural and economic landscape. It serves as a hub for countless events that bring people together, fostering community spirit and welcoming visitors. However, with inflation and growth, the costs to update these venues are staggering. The Auditorium District initiative ensures that the financial burden for these necessary improvements shifts from Nampa taxpayers to the many visitors who travel to enjoy our facilities. It’s a sensible approach that prioritizes our residents while still allowing us to maintain the high standards expected at our community venues.

Local control is fundamental to this initiative. A Nampa Auditorium District Board of Directors will be elected to oversee the allocation of these funds, guaranteeing that every dollar is spent wisely and appropriately right here in Nampa. This local oversight ensures accountability and keeps decision-making in the hands of those who live in our community. We know best what our city needs, and it’s essential that we maintain control over the resources that are used to enhance our public facilities.

By voting IN FAVOR on November 5, you can help secure the future success of our community venues while ensuring that the responsibility for funding improvements is supported by visitors, not by our hardworking families. This initiative is about championing local control and alleviating the tax burden.

In a time when local communities are often overshadowed by state and federal decisions, this initiative empowers us to take charge of our own destiny. By establishing a Nampa Auditorium District, we’re investing in the heart and soul of our community, ensuring that Nampa remains a vibrant place for generations to come.

Let’s take this significant step forward together, support this initiative, and vote in favor on Election Day.

I encourage all voters to go to for more information or send us your questions by emailing and a member of our committee will get right back to you.

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Tags: Ballot Initiative, Budget, Nampa, Nampa Auditorium District Board of Directors, taxes

8 thoughts on “Op-Ed: An Auditorium District is a Necessary Investment in, and for, Nampa

  1. A RINO who got kicked out of the Idaho Senate for growing government at a ridiculous rate is now pushing for more taxes and government expansion?

    Color me shocked!

    If this guy is behind it, run far away.

  2. It’s time we cut through the polished rhetoric and recognize the Nampa Auditorium District Initiative for what it truly is—a risky financial scheme that could burden our community more than benefit it.

    Jeff Agenbroad, a disgraced politician who embarrassed himself in the 2024 primary and is well-known for supporting increased spending and expanding government reach, is now pushing a plan that might sound appealing on paper but conceals hidden pitfalls.

    Implementing a 5% fee on local hotel stays isn’t a free pass to improved facilities—it’s a new tax in disguise. This fee won’t just impact out-of-town visitors; it will ripple through our entire local economy. Higher hotel costs can drive tourists and event planners to choose other cities, leaving our local businesses—hotels, restaurants, shops—suffering from decreased patronage.
    This means less revenue flowing into Nampa, not more.

    Agenbroad claims this initiative will lighten the load on property taxpayers. But merely shifting a financial burden isn’t the same as eliminating it. If the revenue from this hotel fee doesn’t meet the ambitious goals set for expanding and improving venues like the Nampa Civic Center and the Ford Idaho Center, where will the extra funds come from? There’s a real risk that the shortfall will circle back to us, the residents, in the form of higher taxes or reduced services elsewhere.

    The push for local control via an elected Auditorium District Board might sound promising, but without detailed plans for strict oversight, we’re essentially being asked to sign a blank check. Trusting substantial funds to a new bureaucratic entity without robust accountability measures is gambling with our community’s future.

    We must also scrutinize the track record of the person promoting this initiative. Agenbroad’s history of heavy spending doesn’t inspire confidence in his ability to steward this project responsibly. His passing of the “Needle Exchange Act” shows a lack of discernment, and his financial ties to Big Pharma lobbyists should concern us all.

    It’s crucial to question whether this plan truly serves the best interests of Nampa’s residents or if it’s merely a legacy project for ex-politicians looking to make a mark, regardless of the cost to taxpayers.

    Our community deserves thoughtful solutions that foster genuine growth without exposing us to unnecessary financial risks. Instead of adding new taxes and expanding government control, let’s focus on practical strategies that support our local businesses and keep Nampa thriving.

    On November 5, let’s reject this ill-conceived initiative.

    Protect your wallet, support our economy, and send a clear message that Nampa won’t be swayed by empty promises. Vote NO on the Nampa Auditorium District Initiative.

    1. Brian,

      We appreciate all the support for the Nampa Auditorium District from many public officials and Nampa citizens. But while everyone is allowed their own opinion, it is unfortunate that you have once again chosen to use yours as a chance to attack people and policy with proven lies and fact twisting.

      You’ve misled people into thinking you support tax reduction, while promoting a false narrative that I am a “spendthrift”. Let’s quit the name-calling and look at the actual facts.

      While serving on JFAC as a representative for the good people of Nampa, I voted four times to permanently cut Idaho income taxes – totaling over $1 billion in tax relief – while structuring budgets that paid off Idaho’s debt, increased our rainy-day funds to over $1 billion, and addressed the state’s crumbling infrastructure. I supported each and every one of those bills on behalf of our taxpayers. That’s hardly the definition of a spendthrift. It’s actually called being an advocate for Nampa residents.

      In contrast, you voted AGAINST cutting Idaho income taxes three of the four times bills were brought before the Idaho Legislature. Your “nay” votes tried to burden Idaho taxpayers with over $140 million in taxes. UNBELIEVABLE! Check the facts, they don’t lie. Here’s the receipts for those who want to check the record. (House Bill 288, House Bill 521, Senate Bill 1428).

      I’m proud of my legislative service and am happy to put my record up against yours for all to see. I have been and will always be a proponent for Nampa’s success.

      Now let’s talk about the Nampa Auditorium District.

      Your straw man arguments don’t hold water. You don’t seem to understand Idaho law and are blatantly misrepresenting the facts to fit your own agenda.

      The truth is there are currently three successful Auditorium Districts in operation here in Idaho, dating back to 1959. Idaho history shows none of your “predictions” have happened. In fact, the structure of Idaho’s auditorium district law specifically prevents your scare-tactics from happening. There are NO additional taxes created whatsoever.

      By law, Idaho Auditorium District Boards do not have the authority to levy any taxes or fees beyond a bed tax. They are held accountable to the voters and by the voters. Ownership of Nampa’s auditoriums and levying property taxes is solely within the authority of the City of Nampa. That doesn’t change.

      Likewise, Nampa’s hotels support the Auditorium District recognizing it will enhance their business rather than reduce it. It’s very simple, if a voter is in favor of reducing their Nampa property tax burden, they should vote in favor of forming the Nampa Auditorium District. It’s not that complicated. There are no hidden agendas. This is all for the betterment of our people.

      If you have any more questions about how this auditorium district will benefit the people of Nampa for generations to come, please feel free to reach out.


  3. Have you ever been to San Diego? They tried this same methodology to pay for their stadium, it failed miserably, and they lost their NFL team.

    Not surprised this washed up politician is in here begging for money for a pet project.. likely to benefit one of his donors.

    Am surprised this outlet gave him a platform (something mainstream Idaho media wouldn’t dream of doing for conservatives).

    Will dispatch be hosting pro-proposition one editorials next?

    1. Jeff is begging for more government, more taxes, and more big spending (liek he did when he was a state rep). He’s a spendthrift!

  4. Greg, thank you and the Idaho Dispatch for publishing the Nampa Auditorium District articles. It’s important the voter have all the information they need to make an educated vote.

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