Idaho Dispatch

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Editorial: Idaho Dispatch Responds to Being Labeled “Extreme” in a Recent Ada County Trial

By • August 2, 2023

During the recent defamation trial in Ada County involving St. Luke’s, Ammon Bundy, and Diego Rodriguez, the jury was told that the Idaho Dispatch is “extreme.”

Lead counsel for the plaintiffs, Holland & Hart attorney Erik Stidham, along with two “expert” witnesses, characterized the Idaho Dispatch as “extremist media.” Stew Peters and Epoch Times were also mentioned and labeled as “extremists.”

St. Luke’s hired an “expert on extremism,” Devin Burghart. They also hired Jessica Flynn, CEO of a company named Red Sky. She gave expert witness testimony on public relations and marketing. On the stand, she is quoted as saying,

“Idaho Dispatch is a small extremist outlet based in Idaho.”

These comments were made during a discussion of media whom Bundy and Rodriguez have spoken to and interviewed with regarding the case. Stidham was attempting to smear and discredit media that are willing to cover both sides of the story.

We at the Idaho Dispatch take great care to conduct our reporting and our publication in the way of traditional, honest journalism. We bring both sides of the story to our readers. We interview those involved from every side of the issues we cover. This is how journalism was meant to be. We present the facts to the public and let them come to their own conclusions and opinions. Interviewing the defendants in a case of great importance to Idaho does not make us extreme, it makes us true journalists.

True journalism is meant to be an additional check on government. Eyes and ears capable of and willing to bring the facts to the people is a way to hold our elected officials accountable – be it State Legislators, Federal Legislators, Judges, City Council, County Officials, Health District Boards, and more. Every level of government should be under the watchful eye of journalists who report all sides to the public.

ID Dispatch is the 4th Branch of Government (

Stidham and others have grown quite accustomed to legacy media repeating the prepared talking points given to them. Mainstream media parrots a narrative. Mainstream media does not take enough interest locally to sit through every day of a 10-day trial in Ada County. Here is a message sent to the Idaho Dispatch by KTVB during the trial. Why didn’t KTVB have a reporter present in the courtroom? If the Idaho Dispatch is so “extreme,” why would a legacy media outlet be asking us for updates on the trial? Stidham did multiple interviews with KTVB. I wonder if he knows they were asking the Idaho Dispatch for trial updates.

Mainstream legacy media doesn’t show up, doesn’t ask tough questions, and is not interested in interviewing all parties in local events, meetings, legal proceedings, and at the Capitol.

Image credit to Idaho Joe on Twitter – @IDJoe4Idaho

The definition of extremism is,

the holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism

It is not the holding of extreme political or religious views, and it is not fanaticism to interview people who are in the middle of important events in Idaho.

Beloved journalists throughout the years have interviewed all kinds of people. These interviews were the biggest moments of their career! Barbara Walters, for example, is famous for her very noteworthy conversations with characters such as Fidel Castro, Muammar Gadhafi, Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez, and more. American journalists have also interviewed people such as Timothy McVeigh and Osama Bin Laden. These discussions do not make the journalists “extreme,” they make these journalists good at their jobs!

The people of Idaho deserve a media outlet that brings them both sides of the stories. Idaho Dispatch is that media outlet. We are proud of the interviews and balanced content we bring to the people of Idaho. There is nothing extreme about journalism being conducted the old-fashioned way, the way it was intended.

Idaho Dispatch New Mission Statement (

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Tags: Ada County, Ammon Bundy, Barbara Walters, Devin Berghart, Epoch Times, Erik Stidham, Extremism, Holland and Hart, Idaho Dispatch, Jessica Flynn, Journalism, KTVB, Legacy Media, Mainstream Media, St. Lukes, Stew Peters

31 thoughts on “Editorial: Idaho Dispatch Responds to Being Labeled “Extreme” in a Recent Ada County Trial

  1. The mainstream media are the extremists and have been for a long time.
    Again , all concerned people should demand Attorney General Labrador investigate this baby Cyrus lawsuit. Why can’t the citizens of Idaho know the facts in this case? He claims to be a true conservative but so far he appears to be AWOL in this case,why?

    1. Justice and the citizens of Idaho were not served in this case.

      I wrote to Atty General Labrador about this case several times, with no response. I’m hoping others will join in seeking some action and that Mr. Labrador isn’t letting the gross mistreatment of Atty General Ken Paxton in Texas intimidate him.

  2. ID, you must be over the target to be receiving this much flak. Truth tellers always seem to have a target on them. Keep up the good work and the good fight!

    1. I am sorry that your employees, volunteers, subscribers and readers have to deal with this slander and these efforts to misrepresent the fair and balanced reporting that ID provides Idahoans. I am so tired of our current unreliable, uncaring, lying and unfair ‘Idaho’ news channels, radio ‘updates’ and newspapers. I PRAY that with this attack on Idaho Dispatch more Idahoans will recognize and realize Idaho Dispatch’s reporting is the real deal and that they subscribe. Thank you for your great reporting and for paying attention to the truth and to real Idaho issues.

  3. The following letter to Boise Public Radio newsroom ( received nary a reply, which explains a lot about the one-sided news organization:

    Dear Sofia Blenkensop (bio is here:,

    Thank you for your article: Jury orders Bundy, associates to pay $52.5 million in damages to St. Luke’s:

    I’m curious about how Boise State Public Radio journalists and interns do their research. Two main questions came to mind.

    QUESTION 1: Did you speak directly with Chris Roth (St. Lukes), Diego Rodriguez (Defendant), Ammon Bundy (Defendant), Marissa Anderson (Mother), Levi Anderson (Father), or others on both sides of this case?

    QUESTION 2: Did you consider any of the following during your research:

    Bundy and Rodriquez Defense:

    * Lawsuit Overview (strong words, but facts are laid out clearly):

    * Court Documents:

    Key Evidence for the Defense (#2 below was suppressed)

    1. 4th Amended Complaint from St. Luke’s suit:

    2. Defendant Rodriguez’s response to #1 above:

    3. Judge Norton’s suppression of #2:

    I look forward to your response.

  4. That’s too funny that KTVB was asking for updates. Just another day at the office – regurgitate someone else’s work and slap your label on it. Cliff note journalism at its best! And what a sell out Ms Flynn is. She’s taking money from St Luke’s to be an expert witness while not telling them they are nuking their reputation. They’ve joined the ranks of Target & Bud Light. I guess while the money’s available, she’ll take any last bit of it St Luke’s has. Note to Idaho businesses: don’t hire Ms Flynn as a consultant. Maybe ABC will take her back.

  5. That’s what the enemy does, they go on the offensive and label, yell and scream when they have no real truth behind them. And we better be careful, I heard from a relatively new Christian friend of mine from Oregon, she said the left-coast ‘conservatives’ who are moving here in droves are conservative by left-coast standards, not Idaho standards, therefore many see instances like this one as being led by right wing extremists, when really, we’re just Idaho conservatives by Idaho standards.

    1. As someone deeply involved with local issues, like Reject Boise Upzone, library, stadium, open space iniatives it is refreshing to have an a media outlet like Idaho Dispatch. Fair balanced reporting. Recent experiences with legacy media illustrates a extremely BIAS MEDIA. They present one side and are afraid of asking the tough questions, especially of local government. Thank you Idaho Dispatch for being true to investigative journalism!!

  6. A badge of honor.
    Whether you like Trump or not, and if you’re honest with yourself, you know what they’re doing to him is nothing more than protection for the corrupt regime.
    Idaho government is filled with Deepstate crooks who only want fed $, and don’t give a rat’s ass about the state or its people. Right Mike Simpson?
    Idaho Dispatch is the only publication I know of that isn’t tainted by big $. Right Vandersloot?
    I’m very happy I subscribed a year or two ago- Boise/left/feds want to make Idaho just one more blue shthole state. Right Julie Van Orden, Stephanie Mickleson and a legion of other fake conservative crooks?
    I was born in California. Lived there for 65 years.
    Idahoans hate to hear this but:
    Idaho will become a shthole unless YOU take a stand.

  7. I guess I’m not keeping up, all I saw was the transcript from the trial that was posted from Id Dispatch….how could that be considered extreme when it’s exact word for word of who said what at a trial….?

  8. I would be glad to contribute toward the lawsuit to sue them for defamation of character

  9. The extremists and the deceivers call out their own crimes as those of others. St. Luke’s would appear to be the extremist in this circumstance as an accomplice to CPS kidnapping and attacking a labeling people as “extremist’ who are fighting against injustice under the protection of the First Amendment. The only injured party are the victims of this vindictive lawsuit that can not be satified by any assets of the defendants, so again just a show of brute force by a hospital. That serpent on their cross really means something.

  10. The extremists and the deceivers call out their own crimes as those of others. St. Luke’s would appear to be the extremist in this circumstance as an accomplice to CPS kidnapping and attacking a labeling people as “extremist’ who are fighting against injustice under the protection of the First Amendment. The only injured party are the victims of this vindictive lawsuit that can not be satisfied by any assets of the defendants, so again just a show of brute force by a hospital. That serpent on their cross really means something.

  11. I have been reading Idaho Dispatch articles since they started in business. I agree with them and fellow readers that they report both sides of the issue Fairly and honestly. They are not liberal and biased as Main Street media is.

  12. I have been reading Idaho Dispatch articles since they started in business. I agree with them and fellow readers that they report both sides of the issue Fairly and honestly. They are not liberal and biased as Main Street media is. They also request Readership Comments Which Main Street media does not want or care about.

  13. This attack on the Idaho Dispatch clearly shows how afraid the corporate elitists and corrupt politicians are of today’s conservative free press. When you have and attorney of one of the most prestigious law firms go after a small conservative media organization like the Dispatch is says a lot about the nature of their presentation to paint both defendants as extremists in order to influence the jury. This should tell every Idahoan how they will be treated should they cross the line and go after any of the elitists corporate or political entities who are part and parcel of those who run our state. Just in case you haven’t figured it out by now we don’t live in a Red State anymore as the corporate elitists along with their political hacks have taken over our state and run it like it is theirs. Until Idahoans wake up we will continue to see purges like this one that St. Luke’s has put upon two citizens who wanted only to see justice done and exercise their 1st amendment freedom of speech. We know that if you challenge this elite group in any manor you can expect retribution from those who believe they are in charge. Ammon Bundy along with Diego became targets of the corrupt politics in our state when they dared to challenge our governor for his second term and therefore incurred the wrath of Idaho’s benevolent elitists hierarchy. They dared to Poke the Bear and found out that the Bear has many allies who would do whatever was necessary to stop their political push to unseat one of their own. The old saying is that when you get over the target expect to get a lot of flack. Their is little free press left in our state especially in the Treasure Valley which is now riddled with more liberals than I would care to count. As a publisher of a conservative news letter and a past recipient of legacy media and political criticizism it is nice to see others who are willing to print the factual truth. I applaud the Idaho Press for taking the time to cover this story as they are the only conservative media except for the Gem State that are willing to tell a story without slanting it to get favorable reactions from the corporate elitists.
    I for one thank you Idaho Press for you honest reporting and ask you to keep up the good work as you are definitely over the target.

  14. Thank you for providing real journalism. I understand defending against the label, but honestly, you are over the target and these commies are squirming. I appreciate your work.

  15. Anything to the right of complete Statism is considered ‘extreme’ by those who want to inflict tyranny (or are a ‘useful idiot’ to the tyrants).

  16. Projectionism at its finest. In a news world doused with BS, being “extreme” is an honour.

  17. Both of these “experts” have no real credibility other than in a liberal court. Jessica is local and subject to some scruitiny as to her agenda and compare it to yours when you are hiring a public relations firm. What’s his face, from Seattle, has 3 full time “seat warming” jobs where he sells his soul to the highest bidder, offering whatever opinions they will pay him for. Nothing we here in Idaho can do about him. Red Sky, however, is another matter. I’d check with my employer folks, and figure out if they are using her firm and maybe make a change.

  18. I agree with them, you are collected, focused and normalizing the toxic extreme rightwing nonsense that Idaho produces as if it is balanced? Just look at your comments, who supports you? CONSERVATIVE RIGHT WING NUTS who think liberal is a bad word…….you have answer the accusations in just this article. They were right about your publication!

  19. Keep up the good work, Idaho Dispatch. You’re not extreme. That’s just the sound of the Idaho Gool Ol’ Boys Network defending their virtual monopoly on power.

  20. I think a slander or defamation law suit is in order. It would teach these morons a lesson. I would look at the pro’s and con’s. I’ve never thought this news outlet was EXTREME.

  21. Idaho Dispatch is worthy of our financial support. We like that we don’t get the usual b.s. or propaganda from ID that we get from the other local or national news outlets. Idaho Dispatch, you are like a cold drink of water on a hot day and so refreshing in a day of dirty journalism. Thank you!

  22. Idaho Dispatch is worthy of our financial support. We like that we don’t get the usual b.s. or propaganda from ID that we get from the other local or national news outlets. Idaho Dispatch, you are like a cold drink of water on a hot day and so refreshing in a day of dirty journalism. Thank you!

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