Idaho Dispatch

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6 thoughts on “2025 Idaho Camping Reservations Paused, One Company Will Now Manage Both IDPR and IDFG Databases

  1. Again, Idaho Dispatch does a deep dive into the story behind the story. All Idahoans who love the outdoors should be concerned about handing over their data to a company that is controlled by the DEI / ESG mindset of Providence Equity Partners (

    No wonder IDPR is saving money: As with “free” Google products, YOUR DATA is the product so, of course, they can charge the state less.

    I hope Idaho Treasurer Julie Ellsworth will consider reviewing this contract in light of her strong stance against ESG.

    1. Truth. I was impressed with this change until I read the last several paragraphs. Our information along with DEI/ESG. I already use their system via Fish and Game so I guess it doesn’t change much for me. Still sucks.

    2. The World Economic Fund dreamed up ESG to empower themselves over mostly Western Society, naturally the UN adopted it. Sadly, liberal governments the world over are following suit. Worse yet, Black Rocks forced its controlled companies to comply. The S ind ESG is DEI and we are all learning where that is going.

      The World Economic Forum, the UN, your Goverments, our Fund managers aren’t benevolent leaders, they are devious control freeks like 98% of all in power.

  2. This just has a bad odor right out of the starting gate. DEI/ESG have other hidden motives which have nothing to do with preserving and enjoying our beautiful GEM state but ushering in undisclosed agendas and failed social change models. It turns my stomach to see our IDPR department heading down this path.

    I echo Eo’s comment above;
    “I hope Idaho Treasurer Julie Ellsworth will consider reviewing this contract in light of her strong stance against ESG.”

  3. On a practical note, why shake up the reservation system in the middle camping/recreation season and tempt the fate of something crashing? Wouldn’t it beg smarter to do it a little later in the Fall?

  4. Just keep on voting in good ole boys like Little and Bedke folks.
    Their weakness in protecting the Citizenry shows again in this stunt.
    Want more, vote them in again…..

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