Idaho Dispatch

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2024 Idaho Primary Election – Compilation of Voter Guides

By • May 12, 2024

Idaho voters are in the midst of early and absentee voting, and those who go to the polls in person will do so on May 21. The primary election determines whom each party nominates to represent them as their candidate in the November general election. Here we have compiled several voter guides including recommendations and endorsements from several different groups and points of view.

Kootenai GOP: Republican Voter Guide for Kootenai County — Kootenai County GOP (

Idaho Education News: Voter Guide Spring 2024 – Idaho Education News (

Conservation Voters for Idaho for the Democratic Party primary:

CVI Democrat Guide

Conservation Voters for Idaho for the Republican Party primary:

CVI Republican Guide


9 thoughts on “2024 Idaho Primary Election – Compilation of Voter Guides

  1. Go to “ “ . There you will find the Institute for Legislative Analysis. Their mission is to assign a mathematical formula to the voting records of politicians to uncover their true political leanings. Dig in and discover that Little is a RINO to his core, voting with democrats 60% of the time !!! WAKE UP IDAHO !! McCann is likewise blue. And Crapo, Risch, and especially Simpson aren’t much better. WAKE UP, IDAHO !!

  2. Just look at the candidate’s contributors. If it includes Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, vote against them – they are whores.

    1. Yep, District#21, Trent Bernt & James Petzke have big donations from the biggest lobby in Idaho, IACI.
      Vote Brenda Bourne instead of Trent Bernt & either one of Petzke’s Republican running mates.

  3. I don’t understand why you’re promoting Clifford for Sherriff when Doug Traubel was featured on your site before and he is a Constitutionalist. Please explain.

    1. Looks like this list is nothing more than WOKE-ers self-identified as “Republicans”, not true conservatives.

  4. Idaho Dispatch does not promote or endorse any candidate. This is a list of voter guides for our readers to use as resources to make up their own minds. Idaho Dispatch is unbiased and does not take a position in any race. Ad space can be purchased by any candidate.

  5. RINOS in Payette County = Syme, Shirts, Boyle and Lee.
    True conservatives are Gallagher and Shippy.

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