2023 Legislative Wrap Up – The List of Senate Bills That Are Now Idaho Law
By Sarah Clendenon • April 4, 2023The 2023 Idaho Legislative Session is coming to an end. We have compiled a list of bills that have passed as of April 4 at 8:30pm MT. While several contentious bills sit on Governor Brad Little’s desk awaiting a signature, veto, or no-signature passage, here are the bills that originated in the State Senate that have become law so far.
The short description of each came from the Idaho Legislature’s website.
You can see the complete list for yourself here: 2023 Legislation – Idaho State Legislature. Each bill is clickable where you will find the bill’s sponsor(s), Statement of Purpose, Fiscal Impact Statement, and a viewable/downloadable file of the exact bill text.
Most new laws in Idaho become effective on July 1 of the year they were passed.
Senate Bill 1005: IMMUNIZATIONS – Amends existing law to require that daycare facilities provide citation to the immunization exemption law in communications with parents.
Senate Bill 1010: TRANSPORTATION – Amends existing law to allow a vehicle traveling slower than the normal speed of traffic to turn off at the next available location where it is safe and reasonable for the vehicle to pull over.
Senate Bill 1013: BUNKER HILL – Adds to existing law to establish the Institutional Controls Program.
Senate Bill 1015: EXTENDED LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES – Amends existing law to limit applicability to full-time students.
Senate Bill 1016: GOVERNMENT – Amends existing law to provide that a public works contractor shall not be required to provide access to a multiple-occupancy restroom, multiple-occupancy shower facility, or multiple-occupancy changing room on any basis other than sex.
Senate Bill 1017: BOATING – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding certificates of number and invasive species stickers, to provide for certain fees, and to provide for the assessment of certain penalties.
Senate Bill 1019: UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE – Amends existing law to provide unemployment insurance benefits to victims of domestic violence and spouses of transferred military members.
Senate Bill 1020: STATE GOVERNMENT – Amends existing law to remove a requirement for promulgation of administrative rules regarding eligibility determinations for participation in state employee health insurance plans.
Senate Bill 1021: PRIEST LAKE – Amends existing law to prohibit certain outlet control structures.
Senate Bill 1022: MOTOR VEHICLES – Amends existing law to remove provisions regarding violations and compliance.
Senate Bill 1023: OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the Office of Administrative Hearings and its officers.
Senate Bill 1024: COMMUTATIONS AND PARDONS – Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding commutations and pardons for offenses punishable by death or life imprisonment and to provide for conspiracies to commit certain offenses.
Senate Bill 1027: WITNESSES – Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding serving interpreters with a subpoena.
Senate Bill 1028: HEALTH – Amends, repeals, and adds to existing law to revise provisions regarding reports and investigations of maltreatment of vulnerable adults.
Senate Bill 1029: VENILE PROCEEDINGS – Amends and adds to existing law to prohibit a child protection investigation based on a child’s immunization status and to provide that a court shall not grant an order terminating a parent and child relationship based on a child’s immunization status.
Senate Bill 1031: PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM TAXATION – Amends existing law to provide that certain water rights and property of irrigation and canal companies exempt from taxation do not require certain approval.
Senate Bill 1032: WATER MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding expenditures, to provide for the selection of projects, and to revise provisions regarding loans and grants.
Senate Bill 1033: IRRIGATION – Adds to existing law to provide for the appropriation of ground water for supplemental irrigation use.
Senate Bill 1034: COURT FEES – Amends existing law to revise deadlines for the transmission of certain court fees to the state treasurer.
Senate Bill 1035: COURT FEES – Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding the payment of a fee to change court venue.
Senate Bill 1036: RAW MILK – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding raw milk and raw milk products.
Senate Bill 1039: PROPERTY – Adds to existing law to provide that fees imposed on residential tenants shall be reasonable and to prohibit certain fees, fines, assessments, interests, and other costs.
Senate Bill 1041: COUNTY TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR – Adds to existing law to authorize a county treasurer to make certain investments.
Senate Bill 1042: EDUCATION – Amends existing law to exempt certain public charter schools from having to demonstrate strong academic results to qualify for the Public Charter School Facilities Program and to revise a limitation on issuing bonds under the Public Charter School Facilities Program.
Senate Bill 1043: CHARTER SCHOOLS – Repeals and adds to existing law to remove the Public Charter School Debt Reserve Fund and to provide for a revolving loan fund.
Senate Bill 1044: CODIFIER’S CORRECTIONS – Amends exisitng law to make codifier’s corrections.
Senate Bill 1046: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding issuance of a liquor license to a golf course.
Senate Bill 1049: ENDOWMENT LAND – Adds to existing law to provide for notice of restriction, regulation, and prohibition on endowment land and to provide for punishment and violations.
Senate Bill 1051: OUTFITTERS AND GUIDES – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the liability of outfitters and guides.
Senate Bill 1054: PERSI – Amends existing law to provide for the reemployment of certain retired members under certain circumstances.
Senate Bill 1059: ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY FOR JUDICIAL OFFICERS – Amends and adds to existing law to provide address confidentiality for judicial officers.
Senate Bill 1061: PIPELINES – Amends and adds to existing law to provide that plats shall show certain pipelines, to require filing of certain information with counties, and to require certain notice regarding zoning ordinance changes and development proposals.
Senate Bill 1064: MOTOR VEHICLE TITLES – Amends existing law to provide for certain temporary permits and to establish a limitation regarding their issuance.
Senate Bill 1069: TEACHER APPRENTICESHIPS – Amends existing law to provide for teacher apprenticeships.
Senate Bill 1072: DISINTERMENT – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the disinterment of a body.
Senate Bill 1083: PURCHASING BY POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding procuring services or personal property.
Senate Bill 1084: WILDLIFE – Adds to existing law to provide an exception to requirements for wildlife held captive in Idaho.
Senate Bill 1085: OUTFITTERS AND GUIDES – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding outfitter and guide licensure.
Senate Bill 1086: TORT CLAIMS AGAINST GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES – Amends existing law to provide for a time for filing claims by a minor in a child abuse case.
Senate Bill 1087: CRIMINAL FORFEITURE – Adds to existing law to provide for criminal forfeiture for certain crimes against children and vulnerable adults.
Senate Bill 1092: CRIMINAL FORFEITURE – Adds to existing law to provide for criminal forfeiture for certain crimes against children and vulnerable adults.
Senate Bill 1094: HEALTH – Amends existing law to provide for temporary registration of experienced international medical graduates who are in the United States as asylees, humanitarian parolees, or refugees and to require that registrants agree to practice in a health professional shortage area.
Senate Bill 1096: ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIAS – Adds to existing law to provide legislative intent and to direct the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to convene the Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias alliance and to annually provide a certain report.
Senate Bill 1097: MEDICAID – Adds to existing law to establish the Medicaid Management Information Systems Dedicated Fund in the state treasury.
Senate Bill 1098: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY – Amends existing law to authorize the director of the Department of Environmental Quality to enter into certain voluntary contracts and agreements.
Senate Bill 1100: EDUCATION – Adds to existing law to establish privacy and safety standards in public schools.
Senate Bill 1105: SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding applicability.
Senate Bill 1109: OCCUPATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL LICENSES – Amends existing law to remove a provision regarding sunrise review and to revise provisions regarding sunset review.
Senate Bill 1112: BEAR LAKE – Adds to existing law to recognize Bear Lake’s benefits and to provide for its enhancement, protection, and preservation.
Senate Bill 1113: APPROPRIATIONS – HEALTH AND WELFARE – PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALIZATION – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for the Division of Psychiatric Hospitalization for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1114: DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding a development impact fee advisory committee and to provide for a development impact fee advisory committee for intergovernmental agreements between governmental entities and certain districts.
Senate Bill 1115: APPROPRIATIONS – STATE APPELLATE PUBLIC DEFENDER – Relates to the appropriation to the State Appellate Public Defender for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1116: APPROPRIATIONS – IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY – Relates to the appropriation to the Idaho State Historical Society for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1117: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF LANDS – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Lands for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1120: ALCOHOL – Amends existing law to provide that retail liquor by the drink licenses issued on or after July 1, 2023, may not be sold, leased, or transferred and to provide that retail liquor by the drink licenses issued before July 1, 2023, may be sold or transferred only once.
Senate Bill 1123: APPROPRIATIONS – FUND CORRECTION – Relates to the appropriation to various agencies to correct the fund source for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1125: EDUCATION – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding the enrollment and transfer of pupils.
Senate Bill 1127: STATE SYMBOLS – Adds to existing law to designate Oryctodromeus as the state dinosaur.
Senate Bill 1129: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1131: APPROPRIATIONS – ATTORNEY GENERAL – Relates to the appropriation to the Attorney General for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1132: APPROPRIATIONS – PERSI – Relates to the appropriation to the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1133: APPROPRIATIONS – OFFICE OF SPECIES CONSERVATION – Relates to the appropriation to the Office of Species Conservation for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1134: APPROPRIATIONS – COMMISSION ON AGING – Relates to the appropriation to the Commission on Aging for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1135: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Insurance for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1136: APPROPRIATIONS – STEM ACTION CENTER – Relates to the appropriation to the STEM Action Center for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1137: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Administration for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1138: APPROPRIATIONS – COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED – Relates to the appropriation to the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1139: APPROPRIATIONS – EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – Relates to the appropriation to the Executive Office of the Governor for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1140: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION- Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Correction for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1143: FISH AND GAME – Adds to existing law to provide for seasonal restrictions regarding antlers and horns to protect wintering big game.
Senate Bill 1147: APPROPRIATIONS – HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAMS – Relates to the appropriation to the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho for Health Education Programs for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1148: STATE JUDICIARY – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding membership of and appointments to the judicial council, to revise a provision regarding a duty of the judicial council, to provide for certain duties of the judicial council, and to provide for nonpartisan ballots for the election of judges of the court of appeals.
Senate Bill 1150: APPROPRIATIONS – DIVISION OF VETERANS SERVICES – Relates to the appropriation to the Division of Veterans Services for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1152: MULTISTATE TAX COMPACT – Amends existing law to revise a provision regarding appointments to the Multistate Tax Compact Advisory Committee.
Senate Bill 1155: APPROPRIATIONS – LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR – Relates to the appropriation to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1159: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Commerce for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1160: APPROPRIATIONS – COMMUNITY COLLEGES – Relates to the appropriation to the State Board of Education for Community Colleges for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1164: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF LABOR – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Labor for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1165: APPROPRIATIONS – OITS – Relates to the appropriation to the Office of Information Technology Services for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1166: APPROPRIATIONS – WOLF DEPREDATION CONTROL BOARD – Relates to the appropriation to the Wolf Depredation Control Board for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1169: APPROPRIATIONS – WOLF DEPREDATION CONTROL BOARD – Relates to the appropriation to the Wolf Depredation Control Board for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1170: APPROPRIATIONS – IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY – Relates to the appropriation to the Idaho State Historical Society for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1171: APPROPRIATIONS – HEALTH AND WELFARE – FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1174: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF LANDS – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Lands for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1176: APPROPRIATIONS – COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITIES – Relates to the appropriation to the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho for College and Universities and the Office of the State Board of Education for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1177: APPROPRIATIONS – SPECIAL PROGRAMS – Relates to the appropriation to the State Board of Education and the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho for Special Programs for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1178: APPROPRIATIONS – COMMISSION ON HISPANIC AFFAIRS – Relates to the appropriation to the Commission on Hispanic Affairs for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1179: APPROPRIATIONS – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL – Relates to the appropriation to the Workforce Development Council for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1180: APPROPRIATIONS – STATE CONTROLLER – Relates to the appropriation to the Office of the State Controller for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1181: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Water Resources for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1182: APPROPRIATIONS – HEALTH AND WELFARE – PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Health and Welfare for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1183: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Environmental Quality for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Senate Bill 1190: APPROPRIATIONS – MILITARY DIVISION – Relates to the appropriation to the Military Division for fiscal year 2023.
Senate Bill 1192: APPROPRIATIONS – OFFICE OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES – Relates to the appropriation to the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1193: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY – Relates to the appropriation to the to the Department of Environmental Quality for fiscal year 2024.
Senate Bill 1196: APPROPRIATIONS – DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION – Relates to the appropriation to the Department of Parks and Recreation for fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Tags: 2023 Idaho Legislature, 2023 Legislative Session, Appropriations, Budget, Education, Government, Idaho Capitol, Idaho Law, Immunizations, Parental Rights, Unemployment
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Hard for me to review this list and come away thinking at least not growing State government was an overarching priority.