Three Democrat Lawmakers Ask Governor Little to do More
By Greg Pruett • December 18, 2020At Governor Little’s press conference on December 10th, he announced that Idaho would remain in a modified Stage 2.
Little was under pressure at the conference by reporters on why he was not implementing a statewide mask mandate. To date, Little has left mask and social distancing requirements up to local governing bodies such as district health boards, counties, and cities.
However, soon after Little’s conference, three Democrat lawmakers sent him a letter urging him to take more action to fight COVID-19.
Senator Melissa Wintrow (D-Boise), Representative Lauren Necochea (D-Boise), and Representative Chris Mathias (D-Boise) all signed the letter which was on Wintrow’s letterhead for her senate office.
In the letter, the lawmakers say that they want Little to implement a statewide mask mandate to help save more lives from being lost from COVID-19. Additionally, they say that the governor should implement more restrictions on “indoor gatherings.”
The letter also states that their health district, Central District Health, could not “fulfill the local control” Little supports because of an “unruly and threatening crowd outside of their meeting.”
In closing, the three lawmakers tell Little to do everything he can to prevent more deaths in Idaho.
Here is the wording of the letter in full:
Dear Governor Little,
Idaho is at a crossroads and human lives are at stake. As Nurse Connelly said during your press conference, 3,000 people died in the U.S. from COVID-19 today alone. That is more than the number of lives lost in the 9/11 terrorist attack. The people who have died are not just numbers on a spreadsheet. They had families. They were grandmas, grandpas, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons. They were valuable people who deserved leaders with the courage to make compassionate choices to protect their communities.
We implore you to enact and require the best practices that medical experts have approved to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These practices include wearing a facial covering, physical distancing, encouraging employers to support employees working at home, and restricting indoor gatherings. Your own Idaho Economic Rebound Advisory Committee has recommended a statewide mask order because the only way to build back our economy is to stop the pandemic.
You have made it clear you want citizens to do the right thing. You were practically begging Idahoans during your press conference to make ‘good choices.” Unfortunately, many people are making dangerous choices that endanger the entire state. You also acknowledge the crisis that we face: hospitals are turning people away and making unprecedented plans to ration care. Our own health district couldn’t fulfill the local control that you support due to the unruly and threatening crowd outside of their meeting. Your current approach is not working.
You cannot continue to rely on hope that everyone will make “good choices.” You must hold people accountable with the use of the law and order strategies that we rely on to protect us from other dangers. Idahoans recognize the difficulty of your political situation, but there is no more patience or space for the decisions that willfully contribute to increasing the coronavirus death rate.
Critical moments require critical action. You are the only person with the authority to immediately require safety measures statewide that will prevent the spread of this deadly, contagious virus.
We appreciate you acknowledging the serious time we are in, but you need to take the next steps to address the problem. We have heard from an overwhelming majority of constituents who want to see you be the leader they chose and you aspire to be.
We have known you to be a compassionate and knowledgeable leader who genuinely cares for Idaho families. Idahoans are here to support you when you make the difficult decision that is necessary to keep people alive and healthy. We have been following your guidance since the beginning of the pandemic, and we’re willing to help you keep Idahoans safe with required safety measures.
Too many Idahoans have already lost their lives. We implore you to do everything in your power to prevent more tragedies.
Senator Melissa Wintrow
Representative Lauren Necochea
Representative Chris Mathias
Idaho Dispatch has reached out to Little’s office to see if he has released, or wanted to release, a response to the letter. We have not yet received communication from the governor’s office but will update the article if a response is received.
Do you think Little should implement a statewide mask mandate as requested by these three Democrat lawmakers?
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Tags: Brad Little, Chris Mathias, Covid-19, Lauren Mecochea, Melissa Wintrow
15 thoughts on “Three Democrat Lawmakers Ask Governor Little to do More”
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No Little should not mandate any order. Idaho doesn’t need to be ruled like Communist cities like NY, Seattle, and Portland.
They can move to a place like New York, Oregon or any liberal state that would welcome them with open arms. The governor should listen to his constituents instead of these socialists liberal democrat.
With a significant portion of the severe cases of Covid contracted by the the mask wearers, are they really asking him to put even more of us at risk? The masks keep you re-breathing the virus and bacteria…stop the fear mongering.
Little should leave us alone.
Perhaps they should read the research that shows just the opposite
There are Government Traitors in positions to bully leaders to do what they want or face their wrath whatever that may be. Many are bought & paid for by Communist China. Follow the money!
Thankful to Governor little for not allowing these people to bully him, however we feel he should follow the direction South Dakota Governor has taken and allow the people of Idaho their Constitutional right to wear a mask or not!
We are responsible adults, not children that need to be controlled or bullied to wear a mask! They can make you sick. Go online to see how masks generate bacteria.
There is an agenda here, Communist China and their paid for traitors of America including the alphabet media owned by China, want to control all Americans like they do in China, and take over of our rights and eventually our Country under a Biden Administration. They fraudulently stole the election and that is treason.
Americans need to take a stand for our Constitution and remove the masks and do business as usual!
You will see the entire truth come out in Jan. President Trump will be confirmed by Congress as President officially, and all this fake virus, fake news, and traitors will be arrested!
We pray Governor Little will continue and stand for the American people and not allow our God given Constitutional rights to be infringed upon!
All Governors swore an oath to uphold our Constitution, and forcing people or businesses to wear masks is UnConstitutional and those individuals who infringe on our rights to make our own choices, will face severe charges after President Trump is declared our President.
You can be sure of that! You will see on January 6, 2021.
Research RobertDavidSteele.com yourself and find out the truth!
God Bless Idaho, our President and God Bless America! All glory to Jesus the reason for this Christmas Season!
A Mask Mandate…ABSOLUTELY NOT! I will not comply. Notice is all Democrats at are demanding more control.
Masks are not the answer. Masks give a false sense of security because they are visible. What makes anyone believe that the mask wearers are wearing a clean mask or have washed their hands before touching grocery carts, atm machines, card readers for payments, products on shelves, gas pumps, etc? No mask mandate!
Thank you governor Little for representing what’s best for Idaho in following constitutional law
Mel, Chrissy & Lauren (luv your old photo w/beam me up earrings) also are so scared of legislature meeting that they want to cancel it for this year. Little Chris attended pre-legislative meetings, freaked out people weren’t wearing masks, went home and quarantined himself. But they have a big spending agenda so head on for attacks. Damn we have to get rid of Mel who is the freak out ringleader. Whine one.
Good Grief! I’m sick of this fear mongering! These ill informed Dems need to do their research…they have an agenda and it has nothing to do with the safety of the citizens of this great state! I am quite sick of them!
We don’t need a mask mandate! I am an adult right wrong or indifferent I am entitled to make choices for myself.. we are a free country! Stop being afraid to live your life.
Democrats want total control of our lives. They must be stopped.
The cities are handling the situation just fine . We do not need to over govern the people of Idaho .
Just leave us alone. Wear a mask if you want. Don’t wear a mask if you want. Stop dictating.