State Freedom Caucus Network Denounces 3 Idaho Lawmakers in Dispute Over Group Membership
By Greg Pruett • July 23, 2024The State Freedom Caucus Network has denounced three Idaho lawmakers, Rep. Heather Scott (R-Blanchard), Sen. Tammy Nichols (R-Middleton), and Josh Tanner (R-Eagle), as a dispute over membership and ownership of the Idaho Freedom Caucus comes to light.
On July 17, a Substack post announced Sen. Scott Herndon (R-Sandpoint) as the “Idaho State Caucus Director.” However, the SFCN, a 501(c)(4) nationwide organization with affiliate groups in 11 states, including Idaho, tells Idaho Dispatch that Maria Nate remains its only director.
There are lawmakers on both sides of the dispute, with some recognizing Herndon as an additional director and others saying Nate remains the only director. Additionally, there is confusion over who owns the Idaho Freedom Caucus brand, such as the name, logo, website, and social media pages.
On the director dispute, Nate has worked as the IDFC director for the last two legislative sessions. There was no formal announcement of her being fired by the SFCN and no announcement on the IDFC website or Substack about Nate’s removal from the position or her resignation. On July 17, the IFC’s Substack post does mention Herndon as a director. The post says in part,
“We’re excited to announce that Senator Scott Herndon has accepted the position as our Idaho State Caucus Director. Scott is not only a great communicator and an effective strategist, but he is widely recognized for his deep commitment to the principles we’re all fighting for.”
Idaho Dispatch asked Nate if she still believed she was the director of the IDFC. She told Idaho Dispatch,
“Yes, I am the Idaho Director for the State Freedom Caucus Network. I have been since 2022 and remain so today. I’ll be the director for the 2025 Idaho legislative session.”
Andy Roth, President of the SFCN, also confirmed Nate’s position with the network, telling Idaho Dispatch,
“Maria Nate is and has been the Idaho state director for the State Freedom Caucus Network.”
However, Herndon told Idaho Dispatch that Nate had not been replaced. Instead, Herndon said he would work directly for the Idaho Freedom Caucus as the “Idaho State Caucus Director” in conjunction with Nate.
So, why is there a dispute or confusion about the director position? According to Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld (R-Twin Falls), some members of the IDFC wanted Nate to be replaced with a new director.
Zuiderveld wrote a resignation letter to the IDFC in June 2024; Zuiderveld indicated in the letter that some members of the IDFC wanted Nate to be replaced with Herndon or former gubernatorial candidate Ed Humphreys. One paragraph in the letter, posted on Zuiderveld’s Substack, states,
“I was not part of the meeting that voted to have Ed Humphreys join the IFC team to fundraise for us at the price of 10 percent of what he raises. I would have probably voted against this until he could have been interviewed and vetted by the SFCN. I see many members that would be willing to replace Maria with Ed Humphreys or Scott Herndon. Comments have been shared that Maria would be good in a regional capacity, which confirms some of you would like to see her removed as director. Removing Maria has never been discussed and voted on by the members. Some members have asked her to resign; again, one member cannot speak for the entire team.”
Zuiderveld told Idaho Dispatch that there was no vote to remove Nate while she was a member of the IDFC, but she believes a vote to remove Nate took place after she resigned.
Idaho Dispatch checked the IDFC to find contacts for responses to several questions for this article. However, the IDFC website does not list the IDFC’s Chairmen or any other leadership positions.
The SFCN site has listed Scott and Sen. Nichols as co-chairs until today. The SFCN no longer lists any lawmakers on its site for the IDFC. According to Nate, the group is re-launching with a new set of lawmakers to be announced in the future.
Regarding the director dispute, Idaho Dispatch contacted Nichols, Herndon, Scott, and Sen. Brian Lenny (R-Nampa) for our inquiries.
Idaho Dispatch was told that Herndon would give a response to our inquiries. Here are the questions we asked:
1. Was a vote taken by the IFC (IDFC) to remove Nate as director?
2. Do the bylaws allow for members to remove a director?
3. Who pays the director’s salary and how will Herndon be paid as director?
4. Was Andy Roth made aware of the IFC’s (IDFC’s) vote on Maria, if there was one?
5. SFCN is disputing that Nate has been removed, but the Substack indicates Herndon will coordinate with national. Do you have an email, text, or something where Mr. Roth indicates Herndon is the new director and intends to work with him?
6. What would be the basis for ownership of the IFC (IDFC) name for those currently listed on the IFC (IDFC) website?
7. The logo appears to be part of SFCN’s national brand. Each state uses the exact same logo with the name swapped. If Mr. Roth is disputes [disputing] that there has been a change in leadership and that the national organization still owns IFC (IDFC), how is the IFC (IDFC) using that logo and brand still?
8. How will the IFC (IDFC), under your leadership, work with other lawmakers who also claim to be under the same name, but are recognized by the national network?
9. What do you say to voters who align with your values that they are upset/sad about this divide and that both sides should be working together?
Herndon gave Idaho Dispatch this statement and said it would serve as the totality of their answers to our inquiry:
“The Idaho Freedom Caucus has always been organized with the ability to add resources to better deliver conservative legislative victories for all Idahoans.
The results of my primary election provided the caucus the opportunity to add a respected, experienced resource to help the caucus in the next legislative session.
My position of executive director working directly for the Idaho Freedom Caucus legislators is not in conflict with Maria Nate’s continuing position as Idaho Director for the State Freedom Caucus Network based in Washington, D.C.
The expectation of the Idaho Freedom Caucus members is that they will be able to accomplish more as I work for them directly and cooperatively with Maria Nate and the State Freedom Caucus Network to advance conservative principles like election integrity, protection of our constitutional freedoms and budget reforms and sound fiscal policy for the state of Idaho.
The Idaho Freedom Caucus is a private association of Idaho’s most conservative legislators. Membership is by invitation only and consists solely of active and former members of Idaho’s House of Representatives and Senate. The caucus facilitates strategy and communication amongst its members to deliver more effective representation for Idaho. Members of the caucus have achieved the most conservative voting records of all fifty state legislatures as rated by the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).”
The Substack post does not mention Nate but does say that Scott would coordinate with the SFCN. The sentence reads,
“Scott will also coordinate with the national State Freedom Caucus Network to help advance Idaho’s growing Conservative movement.”
Idaho Dispatch asked Roth if he could clarify why the post mentions Herndon as the director if he says Nate is still the director. Roth stated,
“The distinction that needs to be made here is that Maria is not the executive director of the Idaho Freedom Caucus and she never was. Maria works for the Network and in that capacity, she worked with lawmakers to help advance conservative policy goals. The State Freeom Caucus Network is no longer associating with a number of lawmakers who are attempting to continue to call themselves the Idaho Freedom Caucus.
These members did not meet our standards to associate with the national brand and we will be working with a different group of lawmakers instead. As such, we will no longer associate or work with with Heather Scott, Josh Tanner, and Tammy Nichols.
At some point in the future, we still hope to constructively work with Ben Toews, Brian Lenney, Phil Hart, Dale hawkins, Joe Alfieri, Tony Wisniewski, or Elaine Price”
Idaho Dispatch asked Scott, Nichols, and Tanner if they wanted to respond to Roth, saying the SFCN would no longer work with or associate with them. No response was received when this article was published.
Idaho Dispatch also asked Nate who the IDFC members are from the SFCN perspective. Nate told Idaho Dispatch they would announce their members soon.
The IDFC website currently lists the following lawmakers as members: Herndon, Lenney, Nichols, Rep. Dale Hawkins (R-Fernwood), Rep. Elaine Price (R-Coeur d’Alene), Scott, Rep. Tony Wisniewski (R-Post Falls), Rep. Joe Alfieri (R-Coeur d’Alene), and Rep. Mike Kingsley (R-Lewiston).
In addition to the director dispute, Idaho Dispatch also asked questions of both sides in the dispute over ownership of the IDFC logo and name.
The Substack announcement that listed Herndon as the new director still uses the current logo used for the last two years. The post also links to the IDFC’s X and Facebook accounts, both of which still use the same logo that has been in place for several years.
Roth told Idaho Dispatch that the logo for each state in the SFCN uses a similar logo to that of the national organization. You can see Idaho’s compared to the national group here:
Idaho Dispatch asked Roth about ownership of the logos, social media sites, websites, and other items associated with their network in the states they work in. Roth replied,
“The name and logo are well-established in the public sphere, created by the House Freedom Caucus and used with their permission across all our states except Idaho. Our attorneys will handle this going forward.”
Regarding the name “Idaho Freedom Caucus,” there is a dispute over the ownership and use of the name.
Idaho Dispatch compiled a timeline of its name and use on social media sites.
According to several former lawmakers Idaho Dispatch spoke with, Kingsley and former Rep. Bryan Zollinger launched the “Idaho Freedom Caucus” toward the end of the 2017 Idaho legislative session. The Facebook page of the same name began in October 2017. However, two former lawmakers, including former Sen. Christy Zito (R-Hammet), confirmed the launch in 2017. She said the group met several times in 2018, but by the 2019 session, the group was no longer in existence.
Idaho Dispatch contacted Kingsley and Zollinger to confirm if they launched their group during the 2017 session, but we have not heard back from either individual.
There were no posts on the IDFC Facebook page between August 2018 and June 2019 and from July 2019 until January 2021. On January 11, 2021, a post was made about the “Idaho Conservative Agenda,” launched by former Rep. Ron Nate, an informal group of lawmakers who pledged to fight for specific items at the capitol.
In December of 2021, several lawmakers went to Georgia, which was being launched as the first state in the SFCN. Zito, former Rep. Ron Nate, former Rep. Greg Ferch, former Rep. Karey Hanks, and Nichols went to Georgia for that launch.
Idaho lawmakers began working on the bylaws for the Idaho Freedom Caucus under the SFCN in early January 2022. Ron Nate was elected Chair sometime between February and March 2022. Theo Wold was hired as the director around May 2022 but left shortly after to work on Attorney General Raul Labrador’s campaign. The Idaho Conservative Agenda was also part of the 2022 legislative session since the official organization for the IDFC as part of the SFCN had not been completed by the time the legislative session started.
Here are the members of the IDFC, organized under the SFCN brand, when the Idaho affiliate launched (with their titles at the time): Rep. Christy Zito, Rep. Ron Nate, Rep. Greg Ferch, Rep. Chad Christensen, Rep. Karey Hanks, Rep. Dorothy Moon, Rep. Priscilla Giddings, Rep. Tony Wisniewski (R-Post Falls), Rep. Tammy Nichols, and Rep. Heather Scott.
The Facebook page had a post in February 2021 but did not have another post until January 2023, using the IDFC logo, as seen above.
From January 2023 through today, frequent posts have been on the Facebook page with the IDFC logo under the SFCN brand.
The X account (formerly Twitter) was started in July 2022, and the Substack’s first post was in April 2023. Both sites use the SFCN logo design. No other social media sites are linked from the IDFC website or Substack.
It is unclear at this time who is in charge of the various accounts. It is also unclear which group of lawmakers will be recognized by the SFCN and how that will coincide with a different group of lawmakers currently listed on the IDFC website, as both sides are going to have different lawmakers listed, with both groups claiming the same name.
With the 2025 Idaho legislative session approximately six months away, Idaho Dispatch asked Nate how she would work with lawmakers who were no longer recognized by the national network as members of the IDFC. Nate responded by saying,
“The IDFC will be focused on our “Idaho First” legislative agenda, and we welcome collaboration and cooperation with anyone working in the same direction.”
We also asked Nate how she would respond to voters who align with her on legislative issues, are upset or sad about this divide, and believe they should work together.
Nate told Idaho Dispatch,
“We agree and are equally disappointed. Nonetheless, we welcome partnership with other liberty-minded legislators. They are welcome to apply to become an Idaho Freedom Caucus Member.”
If you have more tips about this dispute, please send them to in**@id***********.com. All tips are anonymous.
Let us know what you think of this dispute in the comments below.
Tags: Andy Roth, Brian Lenney, Bryan Zollinger, Christy Zito, Facebook, Glenneda Zuiderveld, Heather Scott, Idaho, Idaho Conservative Agenda, Idaho Freedom Caucus, Idaho Legilsature, Josh Tanner, Logo, Maria Nate, Mike Kingsley, Scott Herndon, State Freedom Caucus Network, Substack, Tammy Nichols, X
86 thoughts on “State Freedom Caucus Network Denounces 3 Idaho Lawmakers in Dispute Over Group Membership”
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So… outside D.C. Swampers are trying to control Idaho legislators? Got it.
I agree, Raul. You’re really smart. I know that Heather Scott and Tammy Nichols are the smartest lawmakers we have. They gave gotten a lot done and we are so grateful for that. I am surprised those two haven’t run for higher office. I know Heather Scott should be governor. I hope you runs against Brad Little in 2024. She would be SOOOO good. And Tammy deserves to be our next U.S. Senator.
They are the best and brightest and we should follow them to the ends of the earth. I know I am!!!!!
Is this satire?
No. I think Raul is 100% right. Tammy and Heather Scott have brilliant minds and they should absolutely lead the state. I hope Heather announces her run for governor very soon. I know I will be the first to donate. And Tammy…..she is perhaps the wisest mind in the Senate. She knows exactly how to get things done.
Raul is right. Dc Swampers have no right to tell our elected folks what to do
Definition of Caucus- a conference of members of a legislative body who belong to a particular party or faction.
So… the body elected a director and the tendrils in DC take issue with it? Sounds like a DC problem.
DC astroturfing Idaho for donor dollars.
Sounds like those three are trying to steal a nationally recognized brand. Seems a little unethical to me.
Alright, “Shelley,” let me spell it out a bit clearer. The article highlighted how the group had its roots well before those folks from Washington DC decided to step in and try to claim it. It’s like they’ve been quietly doing their thing, sticking to their principles, and then, boom, along come these DC guys shaking things up. But you know, it’s a reminder of how important it is to stick to civility and respect the original intentions of groups without letting outsiders from DC dictate how things should be. Just because something’s old doesn’t mean it’s outdated—sometimes, those old methods have a lot to teach us about staying true and respectful in the way we handle things, especially in new situations.
Yes actually you’re correct. I was wrong!
So, the Moyle caucus is angry that they are being called out for their dirty deeds? This is wild.
Scott, Nichols, Tanner, and now Lenney are drinking Moyle’s kool-aid and trying to pass it off as freedom. Do they think people are dumb?
What are you talking about? Those are some of our best lawmakers and they deserve our full support. This has nothing to do with Mike Moyle. This has to do with outsiders coming in and telling our perfect lawmakers what to do. Nothing good ever comes out of the swamp, and this confirms that. Good for those who put Idaho first!!!!!!!
The dc group knows what is best for us in Idaho
You’re crazy, lady! We need to follow Mike Moyle, Tammy, and Heather. They are the true freedom warriors. Mike Moyle is the most conservative guy ever and I am sure he won’t stab us in the back like he has done dozens of times before.
Things Brian Lenney would never say for 100 please Alex
They sure do! *deposits paycheck*
I wasn’t aware that Moyle was in IFC. If he is please correct me. If he isn’t explain his attachment to the Caucus.
Hi Samantha! Thanks for the question. I saw something earlier this year about Heather Scott and Tammy Nichols supporting Mike Moyle’s re-election. It was really surprising to see. Moyle, if I remember correctly, is more of a moderate. Maybe there’s something I am missing here. He’s not attached to the Caucus (which is telling in and of itself), but this new, fake caucus sure is attached to him.
Hmm not sure I’d call the caucus that 1) has always existed 2) has all the highest scores legislators in it fake.
Thanks for confirming Moyle has nothing to do with it. You should probably edit your comment.
Hey, Samantha! What scores are you talking about? There are lots of scorecards out there, so I’m not sure what you’re referencing.
And you’re right. Moyle has nothing to do with a freedom caucus. Why is that? I hear he is the best conservative Idaho has. So, why hasn’t he joined a caucus?
Hi Elmer, it won’t let me reply on your last comment, so I just came in to say on the IFF leaderboard the top 6 are all still in your “fake” caucus (as you refer to it). That’s just one example of scoring. I would think fighting the best rated legislators in the state is futile, but you might be a RINO like that Tyler fella and disagree.
Oh well. Good luck with your endeavors!
Thank you! Seems like you are correct.
“Scott, Nichols, Tanner, and now Lenney are drinking Moyle’s kool-aid”
How so?
I am interested to read the answer to this question myself…show me receipts please…
District 10 voter here with a quick question. The discussion here leaves me wondering: Why hasn’t Moyle joined a freedom caucus? If there’s a local freedom caucus, surely he will join that, right? He’s a very, very, very conservative guy, so it seems like a natural fit.
We’re not sure either. According to DC (who has a FC chair in another state with the same score as him) he should be provided equal opportunity right?
Kudos to the Idaho legislators refusing to be controlled by the DC suits. Funny to see Idaho now has a new fringe “freedom” caucus because some wanted to stay under the DC thumb.
I’ve seen people like Brian Lenney tweeting their admiration for the DC suits you speak of. What changed?
What tweets?
They are out there, Brian. I mean….Scott. Do a quick search of your feed and you will find them.
Wait…. Brian is Brian and Scott is also Brian? What is going on here?
The only tweet Brian Lenney did on Moyle that I can find:
Let the DC clown show continue!
Last I checked Brian, Brian, and Scott Brian aren’t paid by DC. They did however have a director who is.
The rationale now is that posting on X about DC is the equivalent of being bought by them (even if a different director was elected- who isn’t paid by them- anyway)?
I’m so confused.
Why did Brian, Heather, Tammy, and other gleefully embrace the DC swampers they now claim to hate?
Whoa, where’d they say they hate them?!
Josh, let’s really get into it and throw some major props to Brian, Heather, Tammy, and the whole squad. They didn’t just sidestep the swamp—they totally outplayed it. Here’s the scoop: these folks were like spies in their own game. They were deep undercover, picking up on all the dirty tricks and weak spots, and they mapped out their exit like pros. And guess what? They set the gold standard for integrity and transparency back in Boise.
This team wasn’t just rolling with the punches; they were two steps ahead the whole time, ditching the old-school cronyism for something that actually makes sense. By the time D.C. even sniffed something was up, our gang had their plan locked down and were ready to roll out some real changes.
Now, stepping back from all that mess, they’ve positioned themselves as the real deal in reform. They’re not just on the sidelines throwing shade; they’re laying down the foundations for a new kind of politics—one where public servants actually serve the public. Seriously, these are the MVPs, the strategic masterminds who not only got out of the swamp but are now busy draining it. They prove every day that they’re the sage ones, the clear-eyed reformers steering us through the storm.
So, hats off to them! In a town full of pretenders, they’re the true game-changers, the grown-ups cleaning up the mess left by decades of political games. They’re not just all talk; they’re walking the walk, and man, that’s as real as it gets. Let’s not just stand by but actually cheer them on as they shake things up and redefine what it means to lead with real guts and vision. They’re not just survivors; they’re outright revolutionaries, tearing up the old playbook and charting a course for a better future. Cheers to that, right?
So you’re saying that freedom loving Idaho legislators (Heather Scott, Tammy Nichols, Josh Tanner, Brian Lenney….) didn’t want to be controlled by DC so they chose a new director not paid by DC (Scott Herndon) but now DC, the director that is still paid by DC (Maria Nate) and one sitting Senator (Glenneda Zuiderveld) are denouncing the legislators for having no principles and starting their own controlled by DC caucus? Because they want Idaho’s freedom choices to be controlled by men in DC?
This is how it seems. Why would Idaho congress side with a swampy lobbyist group over their own peers? Do they have no principles?
Right? People like Tammy, Heather, and Brian loved the DC swamp money and lavish trips.
Until they decided to sell out their principles to follow Moderate Mike Moyle.
DC swamp money and traps? Do tell!
So Glenneda stayed for “DC swamp money and lavish trips”, Maria stuck around for more DC paychecks….. but Tammy, Heather and Brian said see ya later to DC involvement in Idaho politics so Dustin is mad and says they are sellouts with no principles?
Correct me if I’m wrong- but the only one getting factually paid by DC is their (executive decision) director?
Correct! DC Swamp pays her to push THEIR aganeda. Big facts!
Truth is, Heather Scott and Tammt Nichols are just like Moyle.
They have delivered exactly zero conservative wins.
Birds of a feather.
Jake you must be joking me.
HEATHER SCOTT: Freedom Index 94.5%
TAMMY NICHOLS: Freedom Index 89.2%
MIKE MOYLE: Freedom Index 58.9%
Wow. Moyle’s score is pretty low. Why do Tammy and Heather love him so much?
And let’s look beyond scores.
What legislation has each member passed? Surely they have big conservative wins, right? I mean, Heather is a career politician at this point, so she must have something.
Oh you know what.. I just found out Tammy Heather and Moyle had a heavy hand in separating out the budget bills last session. My bad.
I just learned that lawmakers spent gobs and gobs and gobs of money.
When will these lying politicians ever learn?
Look beyond scores? Why? High IFF scores matter because they show how much a lawmaker supports conservative values like personal freedom and limited government. These scores help everyone see which lawmakers make us more free and which ones don’t. They keep politicians honest, making sure they stick to their promises about protecting our rights and keeping government power in check. It’s a clear, no-nonsense way to see who’s really fighting for our freedoms and who isn’t. Get bent, “Jake!”
Hey Jake, you must be forgetting my anti-cannibalism legislation?
Anyone have an update on the investigation into the recording from Heather Scotts office of Idaho Freedom Caucus director Maria Nate saying horrible things about freedom caucus legislators? Why would DC still want her as their director when it’s obvious the caucus members couldn’t trust her and she didn’t like them anyways. Why does Maria still want to be director of a group of legislators that don’t want her direction because she cannot be trusted?
When do we get to have the conversation about how every single time something happens- SPLC/HREI surrogate Daniel Walters (smut journalist extraordinaire) seems to have the inside track? Who is piping this dude inside conservative info? Not very conservative
Wow. I just learned that Lenney, Nichols and others took money from the DC Swamp Men this primary election cycle.
I hope they will return the cash. Otherwise, they are massive hypocrites.
If they did then, smart!
It takes money to win campaigns.
But, please show your work?
Show me the money!
This isn’t what I heard on my recording at all. Fake news.
Has anyone asked the question why Idaho is the only state the State Freedom Caucus Network is having problems with? Other states are having great success and huge legislative wins. But heather and company are more interested in cozying up to Moyle than advancing conservative principles. What deals did they cut with Moyle? What leadership positions are they getting? Time will tell.
So you’re saying that men in Washington DC are more interested in advancing conservative Idaho principles that benefit Idahoans than “Heather and company” (who happen to be the legislators with the highest freedom scores) are?
Yea DC.. why are you cool with every other FC network created after Idaho/owned by you/has the same ACU scores as Moyle.. but not Idaho? Moyle is only bad when your darlings say it is. Pretty sure there’s a FC chair out there that has the exact score as him.
Maybe the problems have nothing to do with the legislators that DC has “denounced” and EVERYTHING to do with DC’s pick for Idaho director. Why is it the legislators are willing to put Idaho first and walk away from DC control but the DC Idaho director that is cashing the DC paycheck isn’t? (I guess I just answered my own question)
Let me see if I have all of this straight.
Maria get paid by DC is bad, but lenney and co taking swamp money is good.
Moyle, who isn’t all that conservative, should be in the new fake freedom caucus.
Has the fake freedom caucus extended an invitation to Moyle? Has he responded?
Swamp money? Explain.
Lenney and co took money from the DC suits for re-election. Seems like some of these idiots are talking out of both sides of their mouths.
Show me the receipts? Dates amounts, etc.?
Chuck, what are you talking about? I don’t see that on the Idaho campaign financial site.
Heather Scott, Tammy Nichols are two of the best Idaho Legislators ever. I’ll continue to support them.
66 comments and I’ll bet 50 of them are from
Brian Lenney . Hi Brian!
Lenney here. I’m actually EVERY commenter. Testing out a new AI program to see how successfully it argues with itself.
This is probably true. Narcissist gotta narcissist.
Excellent reporting Idaho Dispatch! The one question I still have is what are the specific standards not met in SFCN’s statement, “These members did not meet our standards to associate with the national brand and we will be working with a different group of lawmakers instead.” All these legislators have been my heroes and I’m upset and confused. Maybe if I know what standards weren’t met I’ll be able to sort out this mess.
The standard they failed to meet: not doing what the suits in DC (and Maria, paid by the suits in DC) told them to do….
That’s a generalization. I need specific facts. Standard x, then action y that was in violation of x.
I don’t really know what they did wrong because I don’t really know what I’m doing. I just did what Scott told me to do. Ii was worried when he lost, but I’m so glad he’s the ED so I don’t have to think for myself. Being a legislator is hard!
Goes to show you that conservative organizations learn their governance from liberals. They all must think martial law is great. Still no outcry to the Governor’s power grab through the Idaho Office of Emergency Management: https://savebenewahcounty.com
I’ve got to say, we really need to watch who’s trying to pull the strings around here. These D.C. guys trying to influence the Idaho Freedom Caucus? It’s just more of the same problem we’ve always talked about—dark money and outside groups sticking their noses where they don’t belong. Several congressmen took a stand against Young Americans for Liberty meddling in our elections this year for the same reason, and it’s high time we treat all these other out-of-state groups the same way. We manage just fine on our own and don’t need folks from thousands of miles away dictating our choices. We’ve got to keep our Idaho politics local and make sure our voices, not theirs, are the ones making the decisions.
They are all Brian Lenney.
First of all, they are legislators, not congressmen. So if you don’t even know the titles of those who represent you it’s hard to take you seriously on any of this. Maybe take a civics class or something.
The bad thing about comments is that I don’t know who the commentators are. Are they really who they say they are? Are they frauds pretending to be someone else? Or are they trained Alinsky disciples hellbent on helping Idaho constitutional conservatives destroy themselves?
They are all Brian Lenney.
Please do your own homework.
Lots of confusion abounds here. I personally know legislators like Tony Wisniewski for more than 20 years. I have met and spoken with Heather Scott on several occasions. I know these two are genuine patriots and conservative legislators. If any group is distancing themselves from Tony or Heather, I know who is suspect. I’ll stick to supporting Tony and Heather. The group distancing themselves can include me in who they distance from.
All I know is anyone against Scott is against Idaho conservatives. The only reason my wife and I donate is because of Heather and Dan Foreman and lately Dan is getting a bit wonky.
Become informed instead of being a dumbed down TV watcher. It is notm that hard . Our politicians, government employed and the military are destroying and bankrupting us and this nation .
Become informed instead of being a dumbed down TV watcher. It is not that hard . Our politicians, government employed and the military are destroying and bankrupting us and this nation .