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Speaker Scott Bedke Announces Run for Lt. Governor

By • May 27, 2021

Another legislator has announced a run for Lt. Governor.

Speaker Scott Bedke announced on the capitol steps this morning that he will also run for the spot of Lt. Governor. He makes the third candidate to enter the race after current Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin announced she was running for governor in 2022.

Approximately 150 people attended the event, including some protesters who were also in attendance. Many of the protesters held signs in support of Rep. Priscilla Giddings who is also running for Lt. Governor.

Former Idaho Governor Butch Otter introduced Bedke at the announcement.

Here is Bedke’s announcement (we missed some in the beginning because of technical difficulties):

Bedke becomes the third name to throw his hat into the ring with the aforementioned Giddings as well as former state representative Luke Malek who was the first of the three to enter the race.

Who do you support for Lt. Governor of the names that have announced so far?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Tags: Lt. Governor, Priscilla Giddings, Republican, Scott Bedke

16 thoughts on “Speaker Scott Bedke Announces Run for Lt. Governor

  1. I am supporting Priscilla ALL THE WAY!!! Bedke is a worthless slimy vomit machine.

  2. Freedom Scores:
    1.) Priscilla Giddings = 100%
    2.) Scott Bedke = 66%

    Spending Vote Index:
    1.) Priscilla Giddings = 95.2%
    2.) Scott Bedke = 7.1%

    Priscilla Giddings Wins handily.
    Priscilla Giddings will protect our Freedoms, our Liberties, our Pocketbook.

    1. Thanks ID7 for reminding us all of both their freedom scores!

      This should be part of every candidate’s announcement here on ID Dispatch!!!

  3. Priscilla Giddings is a champion of liberty and a stellar representative! Malek shouldn’t even be in this primary or party and Bedke has a trail of establishment dirt behind him. The only plus is he can’t run for legislature with this.

  4. The only choice if you love Freedom and Liberty is Priscilla Giddings! She’s served in our armed forces and has strong conservative values. She’s been on the right side of all of the legislative agenda items this year whereas Bedke is only on the right side when it benefits him in some way (like S1205 for gun rights, that was basically taken from Christy Zito’s H300). I don’t even know how the other guy was even accepted as a candidate. We need Giddings for Lt. Governor! Did you see Priscilla’s Freedom Score? If not, check it out for yourself: McGeachin’s track record for fighting for the people of Idaho also speaks for itself, she’s in the side of liberty, freedom, and morality.

    It doesn’t get any better than that! Giddings and McGeachin are both under attack by Establishment Rhinos and other groups and individuals who are part of the slimy sewage trying to take over Idaho and make another state that rolls over to the federal agenda!

    I’ll vote Giddings and McGeachin for a conservative, free Idaho! Let’s “Keep Idaho Great!”

  5. The American Conservative Union rates Bedke at 58%! That’s failing in my opinion! Although, it’s right in there with most democrats in the Senate. My vote is definitely for Giddings at 97%! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  6. The SWAMP is scared! They need to capture this seat that they lost. They are going to fight a defensive battle from here on. Patriots are on the move!

  7. Major Patricia Giddings is one of the most conservative champions we have under the dome. She’s a combat vet as an A-10 driver and continues to serve in the Air Force Reserves.. Scott Bedke is nothing but a self serving SWAMP RAT. Unfortunately he has mentored several young republicans, like Rep. Greg Chaney R-Caldwell, to rule over and not serve his constituents to further his legacy.
    Bedke really has stepped on his &*#% this time. He thinks he and Luke Malek can split the vote and steal a win from Major Giddings. His leadership in the house has been a disaster. He has been a partisan lackey for the other side of the isle his entire tenure. He only plays lip service to the conservative right when it suits his personal agenda. He needs to go, along with so many other spineless RINOS in the house. It will take time to turn the tide in the house but this is an excellent start. Bye Bye Scott. Try note do any more damage to Idaho in your retirement. Be sure to take your gavel with you when you pack up. I cant imagine the next leader will want to touch it.
    Join the fight along side Major Priscilla Giddings and keep Idaho RED for generations to come..

  8. Dear Scott Bedke
    You are a failure to the Conservative movement. You vote against FREEDOM! It is my prayer that Idahoans vote you completely out of representing them. You are a rino republican in name only!!!! On the other hand we have a choice to vote for Lt. Governor Priscilla Giddings a TRUE Conservative who has a proven record of FREEDOM!! Scott save yourself the embarrassment of losing call your buddy bill gates and keep snuggling up with him.

  9. Dear Scott Bedke
    You are a failure to the Conservative movement. You vote against FREEDOM! It is my prayer that Idahoans vote you completely out of representing them. You are a rino republican in name only!!!! On the other hand we have a choice to vote for Lt. Governor Priscilla Giddings a TRUE Conservative who has a proven record of FREEDOM!! Scott bedke, mitt romney bill gates etc. ALL THE SAME

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