Press Release: Senator C. Scott Grow Announces Bid for Idaho Senate Pro Tempore
By Press Release • May 22, 2024The following press release was sent out by Idaho State Senator C. Scott Grow. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
This is a time for strong, effective leadership in the Idaho Senate. Leadership must be accessible, engaged and willing to effect change that would benefit the citizens of the great state of Idaho. In recent years, I have proven my willingness and ability to work collaboratively with all legislators to challenge the status quo and to find the best solutions for the state. I commit to be honest, fair, and transparent and to find ways to bridge the gap in our political climate. My record demonstrates that I get things accomplished, and that I am an effective leader.
As I approach my 5th term as Senator, I have garnered experience serving on the Judiciary Rules Committee, the Senate Local Government and Taxation Committee, the Senate Finance Committee and the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee. Needless to say, my knowledge of the Idaho budget and budgeting process is thorough.
My 30 years as a CPA and small business owner have proven invaluable as I tackle issues regarding fiduciary responsibility and the challenges that face small businesses.
Finally, I have worked to bridge differences in our political parties that have allowed us to make the budgeting process more transparent, to pass an Idaho Transportation Budget that conserves resources, and that allowed me the opportunity to spearhead HB292 as the chief sponsor on the Senate side, giving homeowners much needed property tax relief in these turbulent times.
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9 thoughts on “Press Release: Senator C. Scott Grow Announces Bid for Idaho Senate Pro Tempore”
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While better than Winder, CS Grow would probably be a middle of the road compromiser that Idaho would regret.
Let’s hope a Strong, Motivated Conservative Senator steps up for this position.
Scott Grow ranks a solid F on IFF Freedom and Spending indexes and a solid F on the Idaho GOP Platform/Institute for Legislative Analysis based on his votes. He’s not the right man for the job!
Instead consider top Republican candidates from the following lists (unfortunately, the consistently top-rated Scott Herndon will not be returning):
* Idaho GOP Platform Rating / Institute of Legislative Analysis: https://scorecard.limitedgov.org/lawmakers?state=ID&year=
* Idaho Freedom Foundation: https://index.idahofreedom.org/ (search Senate and either Senate or Freedom indexes for 2024)
These names would include:
While not making a comment about who ought to be the next Pro-Tem, this sounds kind of like when the neighbor lady next door dies after a long illness and her husband immediately runs across the street to hustle the gal over there, just a bit premature.
Grow’s 2024 spending score: 11.3. Anything below 60 is a failure. The average democrat is a 15. C Scott Spend is an 11.3!!!
Let’s call him what he is: a democrat. His abysmal voting record shows he’s a democrat masquerading as a republican. How come our side is so awful. The other side is never like this. If an elected democrat had an 11 rating on liberal issues he’d be voted out so quick he wouldn’t know what hit him.
With a liberal spending record like this it’s not only not time to see him as Pro-Tem it’s time to C Scott Go!!! Run as a democrat Scott. You sure spend like one. Or better yet run for US congress you’d fit right in down there, where nothing makes sense, where 1+2=10. You are another over ambitious, reckless politician. We have too many of them already.
Putting grow in as Pro-Tem would be the biggest mistake that could happen to our legislature. He and Winder are like twins. You want a liberal leader in the Senate Grow is the perfect guy for the job. Conservatives made some progress in this primary I only hope they don’t allow it to be screwed up by putting the wrong people in positions of power. Wake up Idaho look at the voting record of Grow with a 58.33 record. Do you really want to give this guy the reins of our Senate?? Even the Institute for legislative analysis gave him a grade of 44% on his voting record.
I like that take….twins! Agreed.
Perfect comment. When speaking with my spouse about this, I said Grow would be Winder 2.0. Let’s hope Grow won’t grow into 2.0.
Personally, I would like to nominate Dan Foreman for this position, not that I’m in any position to nominate. Just sayin…
Idaho Freedom Foundation: 96
American Conservative Union: 96
Institute for Legislative Analysis: 95.88
Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry: 43
Caucus Membership: neither
Citizen’s Alliance of Idaho Pledge: Yes.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Dan-Foreman-for-Idaho-Senate/100063756525686/
GOP: https://idgop.org/candidate/dan-foreman/
Legislature Bio:
Born in Lake Forest, IL; graduated Bradley University in Peoria, IL, with a BS in business management and administration (1975); commercial pilot, amateur radio operator, and 30-year USAF Master Navigator and combat veteran on KC-135 jet tankers and C-130 cargo aircraft; retired as full colonel and vice commander of the 168th Air Refueling Wing in Fairbanks, AK (2000); 11-year veteran and retired Moscow, ID, police officer; Christian conservative; life member of the NRA, Military Officers Association of America, VFW Post in Potlatch, and the Farm Bureau of Benewah County; spouse: Maria for 49 years; seven children; 22 grandchildren.
Mr. C Scott Grow would be an absolutely horrible replacement. He is a RINO already making his move. Steer clear.
C Scott Gooooo…
The Senate can do MUCH bettter for Pro tem…
Not a change agent, but a Winder acolyte…