Press Release: Ninth Circuit Blocks School Bathroom Law
By Press Release • October 29, 2023The following press release was sent out by Blaine Conzatti, President, Idaho Family Policy Center. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has temporarily blocked enforcement of our school bathroom law, endangering the safety and privacy of students throughout the state.
Senate Bill 1100 – which was drafted by Idaho Family Policy Center and bravely sponsored by Sen. Ben Adams (R-Nampa) and Rep. Ted Hill (R-Eagle) – had been scheduled to go into effect next week after U.S. District Court Judge David Nye denied a request for a preliminary injunction, noting that the LGBT group bringing the lawsuit could not demonstrate it was likely to succeed on the merits.
But last night, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit granted a preliminary injunction pending appeal, meaning that the law cannot be enforced—at least for now.
The two appellate judges who issued the ruling did not explain why they believe Judge Nye came to the wrong conclusion when he refused to issue a similar preliminary injunction earlier this month.
We’re deeply disappointed with the outcome today. After all, our girls face elevated risk of voyeurism, sexual assault, and embarrassment when schools allow biological boys to use bathrooms and changing areas designated for girls.
But here’s the good news: Despite this temporary setback, the fight is far from over.
One of the three appellate judges on the panel dissented from the majority, affirming that in his view “appellants have not demonstrated a sufficient likelihood of success on the merits of their appeal.”
We agree. I’m confident that when all is said and done, Senate Bill 1100 will be vindicated in the courts. In fact, other federal courts, including the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, have ruled that similar school bathroom policies are constitutionally sound.
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Tags: 2023 Idaho Legislature, 2023 Legislative Session, Biological Sex, Gender Identity, LGBT, Rep. Ted Hill (R-Eagle), School bathroom bill, Sen. Ben Adams (R-Nampa), Senate Bill 1100, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, U.S. District Court Judge David Nye
8 thoughts on “Press Release: Ninth Circuit Blocks School Bathroom Law”
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We need to start doing what is right and stop those that keep us from doing right
I’m personally sick and tired or activists courts and judges deciding whether states are sovereign or not. We have a constitution. One for Idaho and one for the United States of America. Written and founded on biblical principals.
All these courts do is show us how absolutely demoralized they have become and want to demoralize the rest of us as well.
Here is your representative constitutional republic. If you can keep it. It only works for a religious and virtuous people.
And here we have an example of how it will not work for a-moral people. Too easily shredded.
Social contracts are binding when people bind them selves to it and have integrity.
Well People we may want to pay attention to see if Winder/Bedke/Little speak up to protect the Students of Idaho.
Any bets that these 3 are part of the problem?
Perhaps it is time to tell the ninth circus to pound sand and see if they can enforce this?
Amen. There is a concept called nullification where States can refuse to abide by a District Court decision. Sanctuary cities and States do it all the time…
Unfortunately, the “biological science” and thereby the security of girls’ bathrooms and locker-rooms will have to be decided by SCOTUS. Direct the “gender confused” students to used the either/or/both bathrooms…or, if these are not available, convert staff/teacher bathrooms to “non-binary” bathrooms.
Entertainers, media, educators, judges and other officials seem to be telling Americans they must stand with the lifestyles of feces (total stinky-ness), diseases, death, pornography, men raping boys, called man/boy love in homosexual circles and every vile, sexual lifestyle. It is a fact, school administrators protect homosexual teachers who prey on children. It is all about promoting the lifestyles of feces, diseases and death for all, and the hole-in-the-wall vileness and homosexual bathhouses in America.
Books containing extremely graphic sex scenes and pictures—one between an adult male and a 10-year-old boy are in a Virginia school library, all approved by liberal school board. They have defied the parents. These books are even illegal but they do not care. It is all about destroying the lives of innocent children whom they want to abuse.
They tell all they must stand with gay parades which are beyond wicked and where gays and pedophiles march together for rights and almost completely nude and are lewd in behavior. And now this gang also stands with bestiality—sex with animals. Frank Kameny, a major homosexual activist, stated when alive, “There is no such thing as sexual perversion” and encouraged sex with animals. He believed bestiality is fine, “as long as the animal doesn’t mind.” And now many democrat/progressives have no problem declaring bestiality is good.
Today, too many stand with what is lewd, vile, and debaucherous. To say everyone must stand with 1.6% of the population of America who engage in queer lifestyles and whatever else is beyond any moral reasoning.
The Homosexual Lobby stands 100% with child porn as it promotes “Cuties” a movie full of child sexual exploitation. And the Homosexual Lobby continually promotes child porn in all forms.
The progressive democrats stand with ACLU. They are the party of the ACLU and ACLU lawyers work to obtain rights for pedophiles and gays, which has been made clearly visible on their website for years. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=95942&page=1
Many democrats stand with child rape today and its trafficking. How long will it be before citizens are arrested for not approving of child rape, with the consideration of the fact, 86 percent of pedophiles are gay according to investigations?
Children were once told to report any bad touching and now the libs want children to believe bad touch is good! It is wicked beyond imagination!
Former President Obama did not care about staff having child porn on their computers. Never once did he reprove or take corrective action nor did any democrat. https://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2016/12/10/child-porn-linked-obama/
Democrats claim to be liberal; yet, if people do not fit within their tiny, squeezing, box of political correctness, they hate them with a vengeance.
“Twentynine percent of children of homosexual parents have been specifically subjected to sexual molestation by their homosexual parents.” Do liberals care? Of course not! And governments persecute anyone who sees this as wrong.
7/2020 “A grocery-story chain has apologized for promoting an LGBT education pack that parents said “normalized pedophilia. The packs that were emailed to primary-and secondary-aged schoolchildren by Asda, the British chain, which obtained them from the pro-LGBT organization Diversity Role Models.”
Once upon a time in our nation, actually not that long ago, chastity, modesty, purity, innocence, being undefiled, offering pure speech, etc, were considered quality traits. The name “Prudence” was a common name. You see, I stand on historical correctness, the time when most Americans married as virgins. And AIDS did not exist.
Many fatal homosexual infections are caused by the entry of feces into the bloodstream, including Shigellosis. It is interesting how it is completely similar to Norovirus or Norwalk which originates through fecal matter and was first detected in 1968. A new, harsher strain of Norovirus is the Sydney strain, first detected in 2012.
Matthew 19:4f—“And He (Jesus Christ) answered and said, Have ye not read, that He (God) who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh? So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”
“All churches who condemn us will be closed … We shall sodomize your sons … We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups…” (Quote by homosexual leader Michael Bronski)
And do not forget the wicked ways of homosexuals who are not green and cannot reproduce naturally. They force those who comply with the natural birth of children to hand over their children to them. They have implemented laws whereby adoption agencies cannot ensure natural couples have adoption rights only. This is insanity and they expect everyone to comply to this non-green, child-snatching conspiracy. It is all about lies, deception and destroying all things moral and upright.
Netflix has released for children, pre-pubescent sexual erotica of all kinds, including encouraging pedophilia.
“It has been called “pure evil” and “animated kiddie porn.” The purpose of the show is to normalize pedophilia, groom children abuse for predators and break down any final remaining taboos that still might exist in American society.
This includes homosexual/sodomite rape. Average age of child actors in the show? Eleven.
‘Perhaps the most outrageous scenes highlighted so far involve the animated portrayal of young children’s genitals, over and over again,’ wrote Alex Newman.
The show also dedicated an entire episode to tax-funded abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood was thrilled.” Of course!
And children are watching this and is it no wonder children are now raping children?
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) that whoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
Please name the Judges who gave no opinion on their standing, or provide a link where Judges can be found.
Thank you.