Press Release: McGeachin Responds to Bundy’s Withdrawal From Primary Race, urges Conservatives to Unite
By Press Release • February 17, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by the Janice McGeachin campaign, a Republican candidate for Governor. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
BOISE, Idaho — Today’s announcement by Ammon Bundy that he is withdrawing from the Republican Gubernatorial Primary makes it all the more clear that there is only one viable conservative candidate in this race.
I am, as I have been throughout my campaign, entirely focused on defeating Brad Little and restoring the principles of State Sovereignty, Individual Liberty, and Traditional Conservative Values in Idaho.
I strongly support the Idaho Republican Platform, which so many politicians routinely ignore, and I look forward to conservatives from across the state uniting behind our campaign to Make Idaho Free Again.
Tags: Ammon Bundy, Governor, Janice McGeachin, Republican
27 thoughts on “Press Release: McGeachin Responds to Bundy’s Withdrawal From Primary Race, urges Conservatives to Unite”
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Could be a half truth.
Ammon could now be running as an Independent Candidate.
We still need McGeachin, Humphries and Bundy to debate.
I found a few articles online stating that Bundy is running as an Independent. I don’t know about the articles credibility, but it did seem to be a general statement put out there.
Idaho lieutenant governor McGeachin is a horse with a broken leg and it’s unrepairable no matter what she’s going to pasture. Bundy needs to finish his community service as promised to his judge and that’s what he needs to focus on. And Humphries, Patriot boy, just keep in there taking money from McGeachin and you’ll do us all proud and the other 10 candidates for Governor continue to split the vote. Conservative Republicans in Idaho are going to re-elect Governor Brad Little. I’m voting for Gov Brad.
Okay Troll, the bus for Portland is now boarding.
Any one but Brad.
Tamarack trolls here all the time, just ignore his/her/its comments.
Brad Little doesn’t even know what he stands for. For the last 2+ years he has acted last me a RINO. We need strong Constitutional Conservatives elected throughout Idaho. Vet your candidates. If they don’t openly and loudly proclaim the US Constitution they do not deserve your vote. I hope Idaho Dispatch will be the source we need to find complete candidate information in order to put into office those that will keep Idaho Red!
The ONLY candidate that lets the school board force masks on children 2 years later, BRAD LITTLE. Yeah, you are a loony liberal that is switching your registration to Republican to vote for Little, that’s who Little impresses, interesting hu ?
Janice McGeachin for the win !
I would never vote for Chicken Little. He a Rino of the worst sort.
Yes indeed the Brightest voters will as usual with out discernment reelect the criminal incumbents.
Are you out of you f###in mind
I want to see McGeachin as Governor of Idaho!
Janice McGeachin is the only real conservative running, and I have heard it posited that Ed Humphries is just another recruited vote splitter much like Tommy Ahlquist from the last Governor’s race. Little’s campaign team even bragged about that strategy for winning the seat for Little the first time he became Governor. The Establishment knows they can’t win in an honest fashion!
Anyone but Brad or a Democrat (but perhaps I repeat myself?)
Is Dr. Ryan Cole planning to run for governor this election cycle or the next?
The sheep says “B-R-A-A-A-A-D”
Janice says, “…restoring the principles of State Sovereignty, Individual Liberty, and Traditional Conservative Values. I strongly support the Idaho Republican Platform…” Thank you, Janice! One way or another, true conservatives must accomplish these goals this year!
Well I WILL NOT be voting for RINO LITTLE! And TY for the tip on the troll
Janice McGeachin, Make Idaho Free Again !
I like the others also, BUT, we need to beat Little so no splitting votes here.
We’re voting for Janice McGeachin!
All RINOs need to be out to pasture, Chicken Little needs to be defeated SOUNDLY, not just marginally. Send a message to present and future politicians that Idaho is conservative and plans to stay that way.
I love how the Gropy Old Party is slowly realizing the seeds they planted turned out to be an invasive species and is slowly going to suffocate it – jaja. I’ll just sit back and watch the cannibalism. It is going to be SO MUCH worse than the Tea Party collapse (which lead to Obama’s victory).
The Looney-Right is going to eat itself and the Libs are going to take over the country. The Rep establishment (all over 80) knows their party is done for, and once they lose the majority the next time around, the demographics of this country will have changed enough that they with NEVER again hold a majority (insert sinister laugh here).
Voting Integrity: Voter ID!
Historically “affiliated” Republicans!
Lower Property Taxes!
Freedom, Families, and Faith!
Get involved in local GOP.