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Press Release: Lyle Johnstone – Candidate for Idaho State Representative, District 26

By • March 2, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Lyle Johnstone, a Republican candidate for the Idaho House. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

I take great pleasure in announcing my candidacy for the Idaho State House of Representatives, District 26!

Please join me in taking Idaho back to a sovereign state position.

When elected to the State House of Representatives:

  • I will support our protected right to self-defense.
  • I will support grocery tax repeal.
  • I will support to lower or replace property taxes.
  • I will support individual medical freedom.
  • I will support election integrity.
  • I will support expanding education freedom.
  • I will support your protected right to due process.
  • I will NOT support to suppress the speech of citizens or their ability to peacefully assemble.
  • I will NOT support executive government lockdowns of businesses, churches, and nonprofit organizations.
  • I will NOT support any budget or spending bill that expands government.
  • I will NOT support to give any new power to the federal government.

We CAN go to the statehouse victorious! I am willing to go for you!  I want to hear about your greatest concerns!

The primary election is May 17th.  What can you do? Be registered as a Republican and vote in the PRIMARY! Voters must be registered as a Republican by March 11th, to vote in the Primary. We need unregistered and/or unaffiliated voters to jump in make their vote count.  We must win in the primary election to win in the general election in November.

Together, we make a winning team to take back Idaho, all of it!

Lyle Johnstone



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Tags: District 26, Idaho House, Lyle Johnstone, Republican

3 thoughts on “Press Release: Lyle Johnstone – Candidate for Idaho State Representative, District 26

  1. Lyle Johnstone now that is the way to announce a candidacy through a press release.

    Very clear on the issues at hand and how you would represent Idaho.

    Best to you for the win.

  2. I like the things that you’ve saying, and it ALL sounds like what we want and need in Boise. Have you done ANYTHING in your community or region to let us look at what you are doing (or have done) instead of listening to what you’re saying. There are SO MANY RINO’s in the past that stand up and do the talk, but when it comes to doing the walk we get stuck with liberal ideas. Make your platform something we can really strongly support..

  3. Good I will not reelect ant of the incumbents. The criminals need to get out of politics.

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