Press Release: Idaho elections safe, secure as voters head to polls Tuesday
By Press Release • May 17, 2022The following press release was sent out by Gov. Brad Little. Note: Press releases sent out by elected officials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Boise, Idaho – As voters head to the polls Tuesday in counties big and small across Idaho, Governor Brad Little is assuring Idahoans of our state’s history of safe and secure elections and highlighted new investments to continue our track record of election integrity.
“Fair and free elections are a hallmark of Idaho’s proud representative democracy and the expectation of every Idahoan. Idaho has consistently demonstrated the utmost care and preparedness in administering safe and secure elections, giving Idahoans the confidence their vote counts. We championed new investments this year for proactive integrity audits and to boost cybersecurity defense and response so Idahoans can be assured election integrity remains our priority moving forward,” Governor Little said.
Secretary of State Lawerence Denney, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, and Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks President Sharee Sprague (the Power County Clerk) also offered assurances.
“We look forward, following this election, to executing Idaho’s first statutorily mandated post-election random audit,” Secretary of State Lawerence Denney said. “We are confident the results of these audits will reinforce the already stellar work being performed across Idaho in our 44 counties. Our elections processes and procedures provide an example for the nation and are something Idahoans should be proud of.”
“Because of the dedicated folks who oversee Idaho’s elections, I have confidence in the safety and integrity of our system going into Tuesday’s vote,” Attorney General Lawrence Wasden said. “Thanks to ongoing efforts from leaders like Governor Little, Secretary Denney and the hard-working clerks all over the state, Idahoans should cast their ballots with the utmost confidence, knowing that the results will accurately reflect the will of the people.”
“Elected clerks across the state are working tirelessly along with the Secretary of State’s Office to ensure another smooth election,” Sharee Sprague, President of the Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks, said. “We take election security and integrity very seriously in Idaho. The investments made by the Governor and Legislature ensure all 44 counties have the tools needed to stop anyone trying to interfere with our elections. Idaho does elections very well, I am proud of that system and the people that administer the same in our great state. We look forward to everyone coming out and exercising their right to vote tomorrow.”
Anyone with questions or concerns about the election is encouraged to contact their county clerk directly. Contact information for all county clerks in the state can be found at https://voteidaho.gov/county-clerks.
To further enhance the security of Idaho’s elections and give Idahoans confidence their vote counts, as part of his “Leading Idaho” plan Governor Little this year sought and the Legislature approved $12 million for a new Cyber Response and Defense Fund to ensure the state is prepared to respond to any cybersecurity events that may occur with elections throughout the state. The Legislature also appropriated $50,000 in ongoing General Fund in FY22 and $200,000 in one-time General Fund for FY23 for proactive integrity audits to enhance transparency and confidence in the results of all Idaho elections.
Governor Little also recently announced the recommendations from his Cybersecurity Task Force to better protect Idaho citizens, businesses, and elections from cyber-attacks.
More information about Idaho election security can be found at https://voteidaho.gov/elections-security-faq/.
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Tags: Brad Little, Elections, Governor, Lawrence Wasdent, Sharee Sprague
8 thoughts on “Press Release: Idaho elections safe, secure as voters head to polls Tuesday”
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It would be nice to wake tomorrow to see Crapo, Little and Simpson on the “L” list of this primary.
Yeah, would have definitely been nice, but we’re zero out of three…
When a globalist governor says the elections are “fair and safe,” it leads me to believe the exact opposite.
Correct. The moment I heard this I knew it was rigged and it was over.
What a sad day for Idaho to re-elect Little! He is a total sell out. The voters got it so wrong.
I don’t believe anything Little says.
There IS fraud in Idaho elections.
-Crossover voters from Dems
-Electronic vote splicing (Zucker Boxes)
-Mail In ballots used
-Fake primary challenger candidates vs Freedom candidates to spoil races FOR incumbents
Yep. Crossover Dems. They wanted Little.