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Press Release: Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson Endorses Debbie Critchfield for State Superintendent

By • May 11, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Debbie Critchfield, a Republican candidate for State Superintendent. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch. 

OAKLEY, ID – U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson of Idaho has endorsed Debbie Critichfield to be Republican State Superintendent. Representative Simpson shares Debbie’s conservative
values and recognizes she’s the right candidate that puts Idaho kids, parents, and teachers first.

“I’m proud to endorse Debbie Critichfield to be Idaho’s next Superintendent of Public Instruction. The leadership of Idaho’s schools is important, and Debbie has the right vision for Idaho
education,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “She will listen to parents and teachers, and use her relationships across Idaho to get things done for Idaho’s kids.”

“We are both on the ballot on May 17 and I am incredibly honored to receive the support of Idaho’s Congressman Mike Simpson,” said Debbie Critchfield. “In these final weeks, I have
appreciated the support our campaign has received from across Idaho and I am ready to lead on day one with effective and engaged leadership on behalf of Idaho students and schools.”
For more information on the Critchfield campaign, head to


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9 thoughts on “Press Release: Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson Endorses Debbie Critchfield for State Superintendent

  1. That clarifies a lot…..We now will all VOTE FOR: Branden Durst!!!
    Thanks Mike for the insight.

  2. Thanks Mikey, you just affirmed my early vote for Durst was the correct choice.

  3. As with others who have commented, Simpson’s “endorsement” cements my vote for Durst. What was this woman thinking that attaching herself to Simpson would be a good thing? Idaho doesn’t need that kind of judgement in the schools.

  4. Good reason to NOT vote for Critchfield. Especially since Simpson voted to send 40 billion dollars of OUR hard earned money to the Ukrainian oligarchs.

  5. I totally agree as I voted for Brandon Durst as did my husband. We need change and we need to keep putting forward candidates who will vote the way we want and not to fill their wallets. Bozo Biden sending baby formula to the boarder, while families in US are struggling find it.

  6. How transparent this is!

    The Swamp is running FAKE challengers to incumbents to spoil votes that the genuine conservatives would clearly take in straight up contests. Mary Souza and Debbie Critchfield are running to spoil votes to protect the Swamp from Dorothy Moon and Branden Durst. Bedke is running to block Giddings from the Lt. Governor’s seat. Any moderate running in a district contest is trying to block real change in the legislature. They are VERY SCARED that the Covid Plandemic and Biden Admin and Dem Congress has motivated more people than ever to cleaning house in state and national elections. This is their blocking tactic, paid for by the Globalists to HOLD THE LINE against you and me who are sick and tired of their BS!!!

    Vote for the REAL change agents. In this race….VOTE FOR DURST!!!!

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