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Press Release: Gov. Little to Answer Policy Questions During Monday Tele-Townhall

By • November 19, 2023

The following press release was sent out by the Office of Idaho Governor Brad Little. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, ID – Governor Little will answer policy questions from Idahoans during an hourlong AARP Telephone Town Hall on Monday, Nov. 20 starting at 12 p.m. Mountain Time.

Participants can join by dialing toll-free 866-767-0637 at the time of the call. The conversation will also stream live on the AARP Facebook page. Questions may be submitted ahead of time via email at

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8 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little to Answer Policy Questions During Monday Tele-Townhall

  1. Submit a question? Sure, I’ll submit one…How long until we get another opportunity to vote this corrupt, double-speaking RINO liar out of office?

  2. Will he take any questions on the Idaho Health Information Exchange Bankruptcy?

    Will he ask AG Labrador to investigate, or will he try to cover up the situation by assigning a “fixer”?

  3. Here’s some questions I’d like to ask him:
    1) What will you do now that Lawrence Wasden isn’t around to rubber stamp your unConstitutional COVID policies?
    2) Now that you’ve successfully railroaded Priscilla Giddings, Janice McGeachin, and Ammon Bundy, who’s next on your list of political targets?
    3) How much money has IACI set aside for you after you quit politics?

  4. Gee do you think AARP will throw some softball questions? Come on folks….not sure either can find their way off the stage…..just like Biden!!!

  5. Yeah, I’ve got a question for him. Does he have any life threatening ailments that we can all look forward to?

    What? Too much??? Seems that’s the only way they are replaced nowadays.

  6. Little is dangerous, yet as Winder himself just proved, Winder is also willing to cut his opponents throats from behind their backs.

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