Press Release: Gov. Little launches Cybersecurity Task Force with special focus on elections security
By Press Release • August 7, 2021The following Press Release was sent out by Governor Brad Little:
Governor Brad Little announced today the formation of a new task force to advance cybersecurity initiatives in Idaho.
The Governor’s Cybersecurity Task Force will provide recommendations to improve business, government, and personal cybersecurity defenses and enhance the educational pipeline for cybersecurity workforce needs. It will identify cybersecurity assets, resources, and public-private partnerships across Idaho.
AdvertisementIn addition, Governor Little directed the task force to examine and propose new ways to ensure Idaho’s election infrastructure remains secure, transparent, and resilient from new and evolving threats.
Governor Little is honored to have former Secretary of State Ben Ysursa as a member of the task force to address this important issue.
“Through the Idaho National Laboratory, the State of Idaho is home to unique and world-leading capabilities in countering cyber-attacks and engineering solutions to the cybersecurity challenges facing our state and nation. We’ll need increased resources, partnerships and active collaboration between a broad range of organizations to successfully protect from ever-growing cybersecurity threats, and I’m confident my Cybersecurity Task Force is up to the task.,” Governor Little said. “I’m also asking the task force to find new ways to protect Idaho’s election infrastructure because fair and free elections are a hallmark of Idaho’s proud representative democracy and the expectation of every Idahoan. I appreciate longtime Secretary of State Ben Ysursa for his participation on my task force.”
AdvertisementThe task force will also explore opportunities to raise awareness, inform and educate potential victims of cybersecurity threats, including citizens, businesses, critical infrastructure operators, and state and local government.
Idaho Department of Commerce Director Tom Kealey and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Associate Laboratory Director Zach Tudor will co-chair the task force.
“Cyber-attacks are now ubiquitous in modern society. Without the proper procedures and infrastructure in place, all Idaho citizens, businesses, and organizations are potentially at risk,” Director Kealey said. “Through collaboration and partnership between the more than 200 Idaho businesses that offer cybersecurity products and services, and public sector organizations like Idaho National Laboratory and Idaho higher education institutions, Idaho has the opportunity to advance cybersecurity initiatives and innovations to defend against these critical global threats.”
“It’s a privilege and honor to co-chair this task force with Director Kealey and I thank Gov. Little for his foresight in establishing it,” INL Associate Laboratory Director Tudor said. “Cybersecurity is one of the most important national security issues of our time and Idaho now has an opportunity to set itself apart from other states in how we plan, prepare and respond to these challenges.”
The task force is comprised of private sector cybersecurity experts, including representatives from financial technology, network security, and public utilities, as well as government officials, including representatives from INL, Office of Emergency Management and Office of Information Technology Services, and Idaho research universities. In addition, the task force includes three legislators.
The task force plans to meet four times between August and November of 2021 and provide a set of recommendations to the Governor in early 2022.
The task force’s first meeting will be Aug. 19. Meeting details and other information about the task force are available at commerce.idaho.gov/cybersecurity.
Tom Kealey, Idaho Department of Commerce Director, CO-CHAIR
Zach Tudor, Associate Laboratory Director, National & Homeland Security, Idaho National Laboratory, CO-CHAIR
Ben Ysursa, former Secretary of State
Brad Wiskirchen, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Equifax
Frank Harrill, Vice President of Security for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Brad Richy, Idaho Office of Emergency Management Director
Jeff Weak, State of Idaho Information Technology Services Administrator
Ryan White, U.S. Senator Jim Risch’s Chief of Staff
George Mulhern, Cradlepoint CEO
Jeff Newgard, Bank of Idaho CEO and President
Lisa Grow, Idaho Power CEO and President
Anand Bahl, Chief Information Officer, CVP for Micron Technology
Domini Clark, Blackmere Consulting CEO
Ed Vasko, Director of the Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity at Boise State University
Dr. Scott Snyder, Idaho State University Dean of Science and Engineering
Toni Broyles, Special Assistant to the President at the University of Idaho
Senator Jim Woodward, District 1
Representative Brooke Green, District 18
Representative Dustin Manwaring, District 29# # #
Tags: Brad Little, Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Task Force, Elections
16 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little launches Cybersecurity Task Force with special focus on elections security”
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If Little is in charge, it’s probably yet another waste of our tax dollars. Similar to when he relied on Central District Health’s political agenda to make decisions.
It does look like an nice dinner and wine group though.
Sounds like the World Economic Forum Agenda. Little just got done dancing away his role on the Covid plannedemic. Next cyber security issues….their cure will probably be the virus. We need to get our election audited by some team not connected to Little.
Exactly! We demand a forensic audit of the 2020 election to ensure future election integrity. Why won’t they do this! It’s very suspicious because why would they not want to unless they are hiding something or are afraid of what they might find?
I have no trust in Little at all.
And if he’s so concerned about our elections, Why does the AG refuse to pay for county audits of 2020 or a statewide full forensic audit? Hmm, I wonder if Little, AG know something they don’t want us to find out…?
Why didn’t he tell the AG to sign on with other State AG’s to challenge 2020 election fraud? I don’t buy the sovereignty story. It’s the fraud of 4 States that threatens Idaho.
I wrote the AG when I heard about his refusal to join the election challenge. Never heard from him. The “sovereignty” excuse was just a smoke screen.
My understanding is they pay attention to hand written letters.
Sounds like little brad is setting things up for a successful re-election. That dude is so swampy it’s unbelievable. Crapo and Riech proved that they’re part of the swamp too. I can’t believe this is allowed to happen in this state.
Those two senators have stated they will vote for the fiscally irresponsible
infrastructure bill. They are career politicians.
Crapo and Risch voted along with Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Rob Portman, dimWitt Romney and a few others in order to destroy our nation and waste our tax dollars on the 1 Trillion dollar Infrastructure bill.
We don’t appreciate it boys, resign so that Idaho can have Conservatives representing her.
Crapo and Risch the ultimate RINOS = “R”otten “I”nside “n” “O”ut !!!
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Why isn’t the SOS on this board?
Let’s go back to paper and pencil ballots. We end up counting them by hand anyway. Then there’s no Cyber Security needed.
I called SOS. The PAPER ballots are counted by the machines. They need to be verified by a forensic audit. A hand count to make sure the signatures match those registered to vote in the proper precinct. Mike Lindells symposium said we must demand a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
How on earth can you trust anyone anymore?
For election integrity just eliminate machine counting and processing. Everything should be done by hand with in-person and cctv oversight/monitoring.
I’ll VOTE for that.
We end up hand counting anyways.
Spend the money securing our election with ICE. Keep the illegals from ☑
Good Job Little. I happen to think this is a great idea. Nice to see there are serious thinkers in that group such as the CEO of Cradlepoint. Idaho did have some
Election fraud in 2020 so this is good.
I am always suspicious when so many IACI bigwigs and corporate partners are involved, and Brad Little does not inspire much confidence. Too many RINOs here.