Press Release: GOP Governor Candidate, Ed Humphreys, Breaks the $200,000 Fundraising Mark
By Press Release • November 8, 2021The following Press Release was sent out by gubernatorial candidate Ed Humphreys. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
(Eagle, Idaho) Ed Humphreys, GOP candidate for Idaho Governor, blew past the $200,000 fundraising mark after a series of events and meet and greets this week.
“I couldn’t be happier about our fundraising progress. To think we would have raised more money than all the other challengers combined. It’s incredible,” said Humphreys. “It is especially meaningful because the support comes from regular folks instead of what you typically see in a political campaign. We’ve received no money from special interests, lobbyists, or Political Action Committees (PACs).”
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Tags: Ed Humphreys