Press Release: Election Security, Other Recommendations Outlined in New Cybersecurity Task Force Report
By Press Release • May 6, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by Gov. Brad Little. Note: Press Releases sent out by elected officials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Idaho Falls, Idaho – Governor Brad Little joined members of his Cybersecurity Task Force today in rolling out 18 recommendations from the task force to protect Idaho citizens, businesses, and elections from cyber-attacks.
The Cybersecurity Task Force’s final report to Governor Little is available here: https://gov.idaho.gov/wp-
“Through the Idaho National Laboratory, the State of Idaho is home to unique and world-leading capabilities in countering cyber-attacks and engineering solutions to the cybersecurity challenges facing our state and nation. We need increased resources, partnerships and active collaboration between a broad range of organizations to successfully protect Idahoans from ever-growing cybersecurity threats,” Governor Little said. “My Cybersecurity Task Force spent the past eight months identifying new ways to improve our state’s defenses against cyber-attacks, including recommendations to better protect Idaho’s election infrastructure. Fair and free elections are a hallmark of Idaho’s proud representative democracy and the expectation of every Idahoan. I appreciate my very capable team for stepping up to the task.”
The recommendations are aimed at ensuring election integrity; safeguarding Idaho’s critical infrastructure; improving Idaho’s pipeline of cybersecurity professionals; and improving the public’s cybersecurity awareness and education.
Governor Little established the Cybersecurity Task Force in August, noting that cybersecurity intrusions, corruption, and fraud are global threats that challenge the security of all citizens, businesses, and governments at every level.
“Across our state and throughout the nation, there are few more pressing threats to our safety, security, and freedom than cyber-attacks. This susceptibility makes the work of the task force so important,” Governor Little said.
Additional information on the Governor’s Cybersecurity Task Force is available at https://commerce.idaho.gov/
To further enhance the security of Idaho’s elections and give Idahoans confidence their vote counts, as part of his “Leading Idaho” plan Governor Little this year sought and the Legislature approved $12 million for a new Cyber Response and Defense Fund to ensure the state is prepared to respond to any cybersecurity events that may occur with elections throughout the state as well as $500,000 for proactive integrity audits to enhance transparency and confidence in the results of all Idaho elections.
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Tags: Brad Little, Cybersecurity Task Force, Election Security, Press Release
6 thoughts on “Press Release: Election Security, Other Recommendations Outlined in New Cybersecurity Task Force Report”
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Another Day…Another Committee.
“No Debates Little” – The main “Security” issue this politician is concerned about is his own reelection.
DO NOT VOTE LITTLE – Do your research and Vote Conservative!
Just another scam by Little trying to make people believe he is concerned for the interests of the people. Lord willing, people will awaken prior to May 17th. It would really be nice to have a true Republican Governor not a Republicrat like Little. (Republican when needing votes; Democrat normally)
How to identify a leftist in disguise. (Or I’m the case of someone like Liddle, not in disguise at all.)
They always have some sudden new “cause” or “agenda” that isn’t important at all to real people, but that you should be suddenly very concerned about, and that involves them collecting a lot of money from you, to save you from the new threat.
Instead of cyber security nonsense, ban all voting machines immediately.
Problem solved.
Until they happens we will continue to have a army of Marxists in Boise calling themselves republicans, mysteriously win despite no public support.
I would have been more impressed if Governor Little had agreed to debate his opponents. Sadly, he understands that his actions during the pandemic are “indefensible” and there is no way he would benefit by debating. His opponents would wipe the floor with him because of all of the dictatorial actions during his first term. This cybersecurity press release is a ploy to get votes. DO NOT VOTE FOR LITTLE!
Yo, Brad: YOU (and Bedke and Wasden and Winder and….) are the “corruption and fraud” Idahoans need to guard against the most. YOU are the enemy within our own state borders and should be treated accordingly at the polls on 17 May…..
This is pure theater by the Governor and his Admin.
I don’t trust ANY county clerk who buys into this fake attempt to “secure” our elections. I firmly believe that the Establishment powers of this state are aligned with Globalists to protect their special club of minions that have been slowly but progressively carrying out the agenda of WEF/NWO forces, internationally.
This club in Idaho is made up of both Dem and GOP members that are trusted to covertly alter the political landscape via election fraud methods. They don’t primarily use the typical external old school techniques like the ballot trafficking (MULES) or adjudication tricks we saw in the rest of the country in 2020.
I believe that most of the election fraud in Idaho is electronic vote splicing in the ES&S and HART tabulators or each vote ballot imaging machine, for selected precincts, for particular races. The ratios are not dramatic to avoid obvious detection. They are offensive or defensive buffers that creep voting outcomes toward evolutionary end results over a time period. So, say within 10 years of voting in a target district, you move the needle from conservative to liberal ahead of what the genuine vote would really show, creating a false perception of actual intentions of the aggregate voter bases in said district.
President Trump should have gotten way more votes than he received here in Idaho, as well as most other states….maybe ALL of them! There is a false margin buffer being generated. That is why Dorothy Moon MUST be elected as Secretary of State. Phil McGrane is a facilitator, in my opinion, of this suspected method of fraud.