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Press Release: Congressman Fulcher Leads Challenge Against President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

By • November 27, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by Congressman Russ Fulcher (R). Press Releases sent out by elected officials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

WASHINGTON, DC— Shortly after the Department of Labor announced their rule mandating vaccines for businesses with over 100 employees, Congressman Fulcher and his Republican colleagues in the Education and Labor Committee led the effort to introduce a Congressional Review Act (CRA) to nullify OSHA’s new emergency temporary standard mandating vaccines for private sector employers.

The CRA includes 155 total Members cosponsoring on the House side and is joined by a companion bill led by Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) in the Senate with all 50 Republican Senators as cosponsors.

Congressman Fulcher commented, “The Congressional Review Act is an important tool to provide legislative oversight regarding rulemaking of executive agency bureaucrats who were not elected and are not held accountable by their constituents. This rule impacts not only the independence of our private businesses, but also the confidential and private nature of our health decisions. I join my Idaho constituents and our lawmakers back home in fighting against this unconstitutional federal intrusion into our lives.”

The Congressional Review Act is a tool used by Congress to exercise oversight, and potentially undo, regulations created by a federal agency. This has the potential to force a vote on the issue, ensuring Members of Congress are officially on the record and held accountable. Once the CRA is introduced, it is referred to the committee of jurisdiction, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee in the Senate, and in the House, the Education and Labor Committee where Congressman Fulcher serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Workforce Investment.

Congressman Fulcher has been very active on this issue, sending letters and leading committee hearings to demonstrate the negative impact of President Biden’s mandate—particularly on our Border Patrol Agents and firefighters who join many other life-saving and law-enforcement careers being affected by this mandate.


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Tags: Covid-19, Joe Biden, Russ Fulcher, Vaccine Mandate

5 thoughts on “Press Release: Congressman Fulcher Leads Challenge Against President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

  1. It would have been better for all of us if Fulcher, Simpson, Crapo and Risch had ALL publicly and loudly taken a stand against all this mandate madness right from the start and pushed back on the Biden Regime (and the Brad “Too Little Too Late” Cabal here in Idaho) back at the start of this lunacy.

  2. Bravo! Russ Fulcher’s actions match his words, unlike those other self-serving RINOs and the vast majority of others in state office. His office is the only one that faithfully sends thoughtful responses to all the emails I send to ID state politicians.

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